import { FETCH_ITEMS, FETCH_RESULTS, TOGGLE_SECTION, MOVE_SELECTION_DOWN, MOVE_SELECTION_UP } from './actionTypes'; import { searchReducer as reducer, dashboardsSearchState } from './dashboardSearch'; import { searchResults, sections } from '../testData'; const defaultState = { selectedIndex: 0, loading: false, results: sections as any[], initialLoading: false }; describe('Dashboard Search reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(dashboardsSearchState, {} as any)).toEqual(dashboardsSearchState); }); it('should set the results and mark first item as selected', () => { const newState = reducer(dashboardsSearchState, { type: FETCH_RESULTS, payload: searchResults }); expect(newState).toEqual({ loading: false, selectedIndex: 0, results: searchResults, initialLoading: false }); expect(newState.results[0].selected).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should toggle selected section', () => { const newState = reducer(defaultState, { type: TOGGLE_SECTION, payload: sections[5] }); expect(newState.results[5].expanded).toBeFalsy(); const newState2 = reducer(defaultState, { type: TOGGLE_SECTION, payload: sections[1] }); expect(newState2.results[1].expanded).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should handle FETCH_ITEMS', () => { const items = [ { id: 4072, uid: 'OzAIf_rWz', title: 'New dashboard Copy 3', type: 'dash-db', isStarred: false, }, { id: 46, uid: '8DY63kQZk', title: 'Stocks', type: 'dash-db', isStarred: false, }, ]; const newState = reducer(defaultState, { type: FETCH_ITEMS, payload: { section: sections[2], items, }, }); expect(newState.results[2].items).toEqual(items); }); it('should handle MOVE_SELECTION_DOWN', () => { const newState = reducer(defaultState, { type: MOVE_SELECTION_DOWN, }); expect(newState.selectedIndex).toEqual(1); expect(newState.results[0].items[0].selected).toBeTruthy(); const newState2 = reducer(newState, { type: MOVE_SELECTION_DOWN, }); expect(newState2.selectedIndex).toEqual(2); expect(newState2.results[1].selected).toBeTruthy(); // Shouldn't go over the visible results length - 1 (9) const newState3 = reducer( { ...defaultState, selectedIndex: 9 }, { type: MOVE_SELECTION_DOWN, } ); expect(newState3.selectedIndex).toEqual(9); }); it('should handle MOVE_SELECTION_UP', () => { // shouldn't move beyond 0 const newState = reducer(defaultState, { type: MOVE_SELECTION_UP, }); expect(newState.selectedIndex).toEqual(0); const newState2 = reducer( { ...defaultState, selectedIndex: 3 }, { type: MOVE_SELECTION_UP, } ); expect(newState2.selectedIndex).toEqual(2); expect(newState2.results[1].selected).toBeTruthy(); }); });