import { find } from 'lodash'; import { colors } from '@grafana/ui'; import { DataFrame, dateTime, Field, FieldType, getColorForTheme, getFieldDisplayName, getTimeField, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import TimeSeries from 'app/core/time_series2'; import config from 'app/core/config'; type Options = { dataList: DataFrame[]; range?: TimeRange; }; export class DataProcessor { constructor(private panel: any) {} getSeriesList(options: Options): TimeSeries[] { const list: TimeSeries[] = []; const { dataList, range } = options; if (!dataList || !dataList.length) { return list; } for (let i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { const series = dataList[i]; const { timeField } = getTimeField(series); if (!timeField) { continue; } for (let j = 0; j < series.fields.length; j++) { const field = series.fields[j]; if (field.type !== FieldType.number) { continue; } const name = getFieldDisplayName(field, series, dataList); const datapoints = []; for (let r = 0; r < series.length; r++) { datapoints.push([field.values.get(r), dateTime(timeField.values.get(r)).valueOf()]); } list.push(this.toTimeSeries(field, name, i, j, datapoints, list.length, range)); } } // Merge all the rows if we want to show a histogram if (this.panel.xaxis.mode === 'histogram' && !this.panel.stack && list.length > 1) { const first = list[0]; first.alias = first.aliasEscaped = 'Count'; for (let i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { first.datapoints = first.datapoints.concat(list[i].datapoints); } return [first]; } return list; } private toTimeSeries( field: Field, alias: string, dataFrameIndex: number, fieldIndex: number, datapoints: any[][], index: number, range?: TimeRange ) { const colorIndex = index % colors.length; const color = this.panel.aliasColors[alias] || colors[colorIndex]; const series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: datapoints || [], alias: alias, color: getColorForTheme(color, config.theme), unit: field.config ? field.config.unit : undefined, dataFrameIndex, fieldIndex, }); if (datapoints && datapoints.length > 0 && range) { const last = datapoints[datapoints.length - 1][1]; const from = range.from; if (last - from.valueOf() < -10000) { // If the data is in reverse order const first = datapoints[0][1]; if (first - from.valueOf() < -10000) { series.isOutsideRange = true; } } } return series; } setPanelDefaultsForNewXAxisMode() { switch (this.panel.xaxis.mode) { case 'time': { this.panel.bars = false; this.panel.lines = true; this.panel.points = false; = true; this.panel.tooltip.shared = true; this.panel.xaxis.values = []; break; } case 'series': { this.panel.bars = true; this.panel.lines = false; this.panel.points = false; this.panel.stack = false; = false; this.panel.tooltip.shared = false; this.panel.xaxis.values = ['total']; break; } case 'histogram': { this.panel.bars = true; this.panel.lines = false; this.panel.points = false; this.panel.stack = false; = false; this.panel.tooltip.shared = false; break; } } } validateXAxisSeriesValue() { switch (this.panel.xaxis.mode) { case 'series': { if (this.panel.xaxis.values.length === 0) { this.panel.xaxis.values = ['total']; return; } const validOptions = this.getXAxisValueOptions({}); const found: any = find(validOptions, { value: this.panel.xaxis.values[0] }); if (!found) { this.panel.xaxis.values = ['total']; } return; } } } getXAxisValueOptions(options: any) { switch (this.panel.xaxis.mode) { case 'series': { return [ { text: 'Avg', value: 'avg' }, { text: 'Min', value: 'min' }, { text: 'Max', value: 'max' }, { text: 'Total', value: 'total' }, { text: 'Count', value: 'count' }, ]; } } return []; } pluckDeep(obj: any, property: string) { const propertyParts = property.split('.'); let value = obj; for (let i = 0; i < propertyParts.length; ++i) { if (value[propertyParts[i]]) { value = value[propertyParts[i]]; } else { return undefined; } } return value; } }