import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { catchError, lastValueFrom, of, switchMap } from 'rxjs'; import { CoreApp, DataFrame, DataQueryError, DataQueryResponse, FieldCache, FieldType, LogRowModel, TimeRange, toUtc, LogRowContextQueryDirection, LogRowContextOptions, } from '@grafana/data'; import { LabelParser, LabelFilter, LineFilters, PipelineStage } from '@grafana/lezer-logql'; import { Labels } from '@grafana/schema'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { createSuccessNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification'; import store from 'app/core/store'; import { dispatch } from 'app/store/store'; import { LokiContextUi } from './components/LokiContextUi'; import { LokiDatasource, makeRequest, REF_ID_STARTER_LOG_ROW_CONTEXT } from './datasource'; import { escapeLabelValueInExactSelector } from './languageUtils'; import { addLabelToQuery, addParserToQuery } from './modifyQuery'; import { getNodePositionsFromQuery, getParserFromQuery, getStreamSelectorsFromQuery, isQueryWithParser, } from './queryUtils'; import { sortDataFrameByTime, SortDirection } from './sortDataFrame'; import { ContextFilter, LokiQuery, LokiQueryDirection, LokiQueryType } from './types'; export const LOKI_LOG_CONTEXT_PRESERVED_LABELS = 'lokiLogContextPreservedLabels'; export const SHOULD_INCLUDE_PIPELINE_OPERATIONS = 'lokiLogContextShouldIncludePipelineOperations'; export type PreservedLabels = { removedLabels: string[]; selectedExtractedLabels: string[]; }; export class LogContextProvider { datasource: LokiDatasource; appliedContextFilters: ContextFilter[]; onContextClose: (() => void) | undefined; constructor(datasource: LokiDatasource) { this.datasource = datasource; this.appliedContextFilters = []; } private async getQueryAndRange(row: LogRowModel, options?: LogRowContextOptions, origQuery?: LokiQuery) { const direction = (options && options.direction) || LogRowContextQueryDirection.Backward; const limit = (options && options.limit) || this.datasource.maxLines; // This happens only on initial load, when user haven't applied any filters yet // We need to get the initial filters from the row labels if (this.appliedContextFilters.length === 0) { const filters = (await this.getInitContextFilters(row.labels, origQuery)).filter((filter) => filter.enabled); this.appliedContextFilters = filters; } return await this.prepareLogRowContextQueryTarget(row, limit, direction, origQuery); } getLogRowContextQuery = async ( row: LogRowModel, options?: LogRowContextOptions, origQuery?: LokiQuery ): Promise => { const { query } = await this.getQueryAndRange(row, options, origQuery); return query; }; getLogRowContext = async ( row: LogRowModel, options?: LogRowContextOptions, origQuery?: LokiQuery ): Promise<{ data: DataFrame[] }> => { const direction = (options && options.direction) || LogRowContextQueryDirection.Backward; const { query, range } = await this.getQueryAndRange(row, options, origQuery); const processResults = (result: DataQueryResponse): DataQueryResponse => { const frames: DataFrame[] =; const processedFrames = => sortDataFrameByTime(frame, SortDirection.Descending)); return { ...result, data: processedFrames, }; }; // this can only be called from explore currently const app = CoreApp.Explore; return lastValueFrom( this.datasource.query(makeRequest(query, range, app, `${REF_ID_STARTER_LOG_ROW_CONTEXT}${direction}`)).pipe( catchError((err) => { const error: DataQueryError = { message: 'Error during context query. Please check JS console logs.', status: err.status, statusText: err.statusText, }; throw error; }), switchMap((res) => of(processResults(res))) ) ); }; async prepareLogRowContextQueryTarget( row: LogRowModel, limit: number, direction: LogRowContextQueryDirection, origQuery?: LokiQuery ): Promise<{ query: LokiQuery; range: TimeRange }> { const expr = this.prepareExpression(this.appliedContextFilters, origQuery); const contextTimeBuffer = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 2h buffer const queryDirection = direction === LogRowContextQueryDirection.Forward ? LokiQueryDirection.Forward : LokiQueryDirection.Backward; const query: LokiQuery = { expr, queryType: LokiQueryType.Range, // refId has to be: // - always different (temporarily, will be fixed later) // - not increase in size // because it may be called many times from logs-context refId: `${REF_ID_STARTER_LOG_ROW_CONTEXT}_${Math.random().toString()}`, maxLines: limit, direction: queryDirection, datasource: { uid: this.datasource.uid, type: this.datasource.type }, }; const fieldCache = new FieldCache(row.dataFrame); const tsField = fieldCache.getFirstFieldOfType(FieldType.time); if (tsField === undefined) { throw new Error('loki: data frame missing time-field, should never happen'); } const tsValue = tsField.values[row.rowIndex]; const timestamp = toUtc(tsValue); const range = queryDirection === LokiQueryDirection.Forward ? { // start param in Loki API is inclusive so we'll have to filter out the row that this request is based from // and any other that were logged in the same ns but before the row. Right now these rows will be lost // because the are before but came it he response that should return only rows after. from: timestamp, // convert to ns, we lose some precision here but it is not that important at the far points of the context to: toUtc(row.timeEpochMs + contextTimeBuffer), } : { // convert to ns, we lose some precision here but it is not that important at the far points of the context from: toUtc(row.timeEpochMs - contextTimeBuffer), to: timestamp, }; return { query, range: { from: range.from, to:, raw: range, }, }; } getLogRowContextUi(row: LogRowModel, runContextQuery?: () => void, origQuery?: LokiQuery): React.ReactNode { const updateFilter = (contextFilters: ContextFilter[]) => { this.appliedContextFilters = contextFilters; if (runContextQuery) { runContextQuery(); } }; // we need to cache this function so that it doesn't get recreated on every render this.onContextClose = this.onContextClose ?? (() => { this.appliedContextFilters = []; }); return LokiContextUi({ row, origQuery, updateFilter, onClose: this.onContextClose, logContextProvider: this, runContextQuery, }); } prepareExpression(contextFilters: ContextFilter[], query: LokiQuery | undefined): string { let preparedExpression = this.processContextFiltersToExpr(contextFilters, query); if (store.getBool(SHOULD_INCLUDE_PIPELINE_OPERATIONS, false)) { preparedExpression = this.processPipelineStagesToExpr(preparedExpression, query); } return preparedExpression; } processContextFiltersToExpr = (contextFilters: ContextFilter[], query: LokiQuery | undefined): string => { const labelFilters = contextFilters .map((filter) => { if (!filter.fromParser && filter.enabled) { // escape backslashes in label as users can't escape them by themselves return `${filter.label}="${escapeLabelValueInExactSelector(filter.value)}"`; } return ''; }) // Filter empty strings .filter((label) => !!label) .join(','); let expr = `{${labelFilters}}`; // We need to have original query to get parser and include parsed labels // We only add parser and parsed labels if there is only one parser in query if (query && isQueryWithParser(query.expr).parserCount === 1) { const parser = getParserFromQuery(query.expr); if (parser) { expr = addParserToQuery(expr, parser); const parsedLabels = contextFilters.filter((filter) => filter.fromParser && filter.enabled); for (const parsedLabel of parsedLabels) { if (parsedLabel.enabled) { expr = addLabelToQuery(expr, parsedLabel.label, '=', parsedLabel.value); } } } } return expr; }; processPipelineStagesToExpr = (currentExpr: string, query: LokiQuery | undefined): string => { let newExpr = currentExpr; const origExpr = query?.expr ?? ''; if (isQueryWithParser(origExpr).parserCount > 1) { return newExpr; } const allNodePositions = getNodePositionsFromQuery(origExpr, [ PipelineStage, LabelParser, LineFilters, LabelFilter, ]); const pipelineStagePositions = allNodePositions.filter((position) => position.type?.id === PipelineStage); const otherNodePositions = allNodePositions.filter((position) => position.type?.id !== PipelineStage); for (const pipelineStagePosition of pipelineStagePositions) { // we don't process pipeline stages that contain label parsers, line filters or label filters if (otherNodePositions.some((position) => pipelineStagePosition.contains(position))) { continue; } newExpr += ` ${pipelineStagePosition.getExpression(origExpr)}`; } return newExpr; }; queryContainsValidPipelineStages = (query: LokiQuery | undefined): boolean => { const origExpr = query?.expr ?? ''; const allNodePositions = getNodePositionsFromQuery(origExpr, [ PipelineStage, LabelParser, LineFilters, LabelFilter, ]); const pipelineStagePositions = allNodePositions.filter((position) => position.type?.id === PipelineStage); const otherNodePositions = allNodePositions.filter((position) => position.type?.id !== PipelineStage); return pipelineStagePositions.some((pipelineStagePosition) => otherNodePositions.every((position) => pipelineStagePosition.contains(position) === false) ); }; getInitContextFilters = async (labels: Labels, query?: LokiQuery) => { if (!query || isEmpty(labels)) { return []; } // 1. First we need to get all labels from the log row's label // and correctly set parsed and not parsed labels let allLabels: string[] = []; if (!isQueryWithParser(query.expr).queryWithParser) { // If there is no parser, we use getLabelKeys because it has better caching // and all labels should already be fetched await this.datasource.languageProvider.start(); allLabels = this.datasource.languageProvider.getLabelKeys(); } else { // If we have parser, we use fetchSeriesLabels to fetch actual labels for selected stream const stream = getStreamSelectorsFromQuery(query.expr); // We are using stream[0] as log query can always have just 1 stream selector const series = await this.datasource.languageProvider.fetchSeriesLabels(stream[0]); allLabels = Object.keys(series); } const contextFilters: ContextFilter[] = []; Object.entries(labels).forEach(([label, value]) => { const filter: ContextFilter = { label, value: value, enabled: allLabels.includes(label), fromParser: !allLabels.includes(label), }; contextFilters.push(filter); }); // Secondly we check for preserved labels and update enabled state of filters based on that let preservedLabels: undefined | PreservedLabels = undefined; try { preservedLabels = JSON.parse(store.get(LOKI_LOG_CONTEXT_PRESERVED_LABELS)); // Do nothing when error occurs } catch (e) {} if (!preservedLabels) { // If we don't have preservedLabels, we return contextFilters as they are return contextFilters; } else { // Otherwise, we need to update filters based on preserved labels let arePreservedLabelsUsed = false; const newContextFilters = => { // We checked for undefined above if (preservedLabels!.removedLabels.includes(contextFilter.label)) { arePreservedLabelsUsed = true; return { ...contextFilter, enabled: false }; } // We checked for undefined above if (preservedLabels!.selectedExtractedLabels.includes(contextFilter.label)) { arePreservedLabelsUsed = true; return { ...contextFilter, enabled: true }; } return { ...contextFilter }; }); const isAtLeastOneRealLabelEnabled = newContextFilters.some(({ enabled, fromParser }) => enabled && !fromParser); if (!isAtLeastOneRealLabelEnabled) { // If we end up with no real labels enabled, we need to reset the init filters return contextFilters; } else { // Otherwise use new filters if (arePreservedLabelsUsed) { dispatch(notifyApp(createSuccessNotification('Previously used log context filters have been applied.'))); } return newContextFilters; } } }; }