import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { DataQueryResponse, FieldType, LiveChannelScope, StreamingDataFrame } from '@grafana/data'; import { BackendSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { CentrifugeSrv, StreamingDataQueryResponse } from './centrifuge/service'; import { StreamingResponseDataType } from './data/utils'; import { GrafanaLiveService } from './live'; describe('GrafanaLiveService', () => { const mockGetDataStream = jest.fn(); const deps = { backendSrv: {} as BackendSrv, centrifugeSrv: { getDataStream: mockGetDataStream, } as unknown as CentrifugeSrv, }; const liveService = new GrafanaLiveService(deps); const liveDataStreamOptions = { addr: { scope: LiveChannelScope.Grafana, namespace: ' abc', path: 'abc', }, }; afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('should map response from Centrifuge Service to a streaming data frame', async () => { const dummySubject = new Subject(); mockGetDataStream.mockReturnValueOnce(dummySubject); let response: DataQueryResponse | undefined; liveService.getDataStream(liveDataStreamOptions).subscribe((next) => { response = next; });{ data: [ { type: StreamingResponseDataType.FullFrame, frame: StreamingDataFrame.empty().serialize(), }, ], }); expect(response).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(response?.data[0]).toBeInstanceOf(StreamingDataFrame); }); it('should add partial streaming data to the buffer', async () => { const dummySubject = new Subject(); mockGetDataStream.mockReturnValueOnce(dummySubject); let response: DataQueryResponse | undefined; liveService.getDataStream(liveDataStreamOptions).subscribe((next) => { response = next; });{ data: [ { type: StreamingResponseDataType.FullFrame, frame: StreamingDataFrame.fromDataFrameJSON({ schema: { fields: [ { name: 'time', type: FieldType.time }, { name: 'a', type: FieldType.string }, { name: 'b', type: FieldType.number }, ], }, }).serialize(), }, ], });{ data: [ { type: StreamingResponseDataType.NewValuesSameSchema, values: [ [100, 101], ['a', 'b'], [1, 2], ], }, ], }); expect(response).not.toBeUndefined(); const frame: StreamingDataFrame = response?.data[0]; expect(frame).toBeInstanceOf(StreamingDataFrame); expect(frame.fields).toEqual([ { config: {}, name: 'time', type: FieldType.time, values: [100, 101], }, { config: {}, name: 'a', type: FieldType.string, values: ['a', 'b'], }, { config: {}, name: 'b', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 2], }, ]); }); it('should return an empty frame if first message was not a full frame', async () => { jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(jest.fn); const dummySubject = new Subject(); mockGetDataStream.mockReturnValueOnce(dummySubject); let response: DataQueryResponse | undefined; liveService.getDataStream(liveDataStreamOptions).subscribe((next) => { response = next; });{ data: [ { type: StreamingResponseDataType.NewValuesSameSchema, values: [ [100, 101], ['a', 'b'], [1, 2], ], }, ], }); expect(response).not.toBeUndefined(); const frame: StreamingDataFrame = response?.data[0]; expect(frame).toBeInstanceOf(StreamingDataFrame); expect(frame.fields).toEqual([]); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });