import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { match } from 'react-router-dom'; import { getGrafanaContextMock } from 'test/mocks/getGrafanaContextMock'; import { Dashboard } from '@grafana/schema'; import { GrafanaContext } from 'app/core/context/GrafanaContext'; import { RouteDescriptor } from 'app/core/navigation/types'; import { DashboardMeta, DashboardRoutes } from 'app/types'; import { getRouteComponentProps } from '../../../core/navigation/__mocks__/routeProps'; import { Props as DashboardPanelProps } from '../dashgrid/DashboardPanel'; import { DashboardModel } from '../state'; import { createDashboardModelFixture } from '../state/__fixtures__/dashboardFixtures'; import { Props, SoloPanelPage } from './SoloPanelPage'; jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/components/DashboardSettings/GeneralSettings', () => ({})); jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/dashgrid/DashboardPanel', () => { class DashboardPanel extends React.Component { render() { // In this test we only check whether a new panel has arrived in the props return <>{this.props.panel?.title}; } } return { DashboardPanel }; }); interface ScenarioContext { dashboard?: DashboardModel | null; secondaryDashboard?: DashboardModel | null; setDashboard: (overrides?: Partial, metaOverrides?: Partial) => void; setSecondaryDashboard: (overrides?: Partial, metaOverrides?: Partial) => void; mount: (propOverrides?: Partial) => void; rerender: (propOverrides?: Partial) => void; setup: (fn: () => void) => void; } function getTestDashboard(overrides?: Partial, metaOverrides?: Partial): DashboardModel { const data = Object.assign( { title: 'My dashboard', panels: [ { id: 1, type: 'graph', title: 'My graph', gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1 }, }, ], }, overrides ); return createDashboardModelFixture(data, metaOverrides); } function soloPanelPageScenario(description: string, scenarioFn: (ctx: ScenarioContext) => void) { describe(description, () => { let setupFn: () => void; const ctx: ScenarioContext = { setup: (fn) => { setupFn = fn; }, setDashboard: (overrides, metaOverrides) => { ctx.dashboard = getTestDashboard(overrides, metaOverrides); }, setSecondaryDashboard: (overrides, metaOverrides) => { ctx.secondaryDashboard = getTestDashboard(overrides, metaOverrides); }, mount: (propOverrides?: Partial) => { const props: Props = { ...getRouteComponentProps({ match: { params: { slug: 'my-dash', uid: '11' }, } as unknown as match, queryParams: { panelId: '1', }, route: { routeName: DashboardRoutes.Normal } as RouteDescriptor, }), initDashboard: jest.fn(), dashboard: null, }; Object.assign(props, propOverrides); ctx.dashboard = props.dashboard; const context = getGrafanaContextMock(); const renderPage = (props: Props) => ( ); let { rerender } = render(renderPage(props)); // prop updates will be submitted by rerendering the same component with different props ctx.rerender = (newProps?: Partial) => { rerender(renderPage(Object.assign(props, newProps))); }; }, rerender: () => { // will be replaced while mount() is called }, }; beforeEach(() => { setupFn(); }); scenarioFn(ctx); }); } describe('SoloPanelPage', () => { soloPanelPageScenario('Given initial state', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.mount(); }); it('Should render nothing', () => { expect(screen.queryByText(/Loading/)).not.toBeNull(); }); }); soloPanelPageScenario('Dashboard init completed ', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { // Needed for AutoSizer to work in test Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetHeight', { configurable: true, value: 500 }); Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetWidth', { configurable: true, value: 500 }); ctx.mount(); ctx.setDashboard(); expect(ctx.dashboard).not.toBeNull(); // the componentDidMount will change the dashboard prop to the new dashboard // emulate this by rerendering with new props ctx.rerender({ dashboard: ctx.dashboard }); }); it('Should render dashboard grid', async () => { // check if the panel title has arrived in the DashboardPanel mock expect(screen.queryByText(/My graph/)).not.toBeNull(); }); }); soloPanelPageScenario('When user navigates to other SoloPanelPage', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.mount(); ctx.setDashboard({ uid: '1', panels: [{ id: 1, type: 'graph', title: 'Panel 1' }] }); ctx.setSecondaryDashboard({ uid: '2', panels: [{ id: 1, type: 'graph', title: 'Panel 2' }] }); }); it('Should show other graph', () => { // check that the title in the DashboardPanel has changed ctx.rerender({ dashboard: ctx.dashboard }); expect(screen.queryByText(/Panel 1/)).not.toBeNull(); ctx.rerender({ dashboard: ctx.secondaryDashboard }); expect(screen.queryByText(/Panel 1/)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(/Panel 2/)).not.toBeNull(); }); }); });