import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { PluginErrorCode, PluginSignatureStatus, PluginType } from '@grafana/data'; import { CatalogPlugin, PluginListDisplayMode } from '../types'; import { PluginListItem } from './PluginListItem'; /** * The whole Icon component needs to be mock * currently is using react-inlinesvg that does not render the icon svg in the test. * * There is solution to mock the library on __mocks__ * * But unfortunately that causes conflict with DashboardSearch.test.tsx */ jest.mock('@grafana/ui', () => { const IconMock = ({ title }: { title: string }) => { return ( {title} ); }; IconMock.displayName = 'Icon'; return Object.assign({}, jest.requireActual('@grafana/ui'), { Icon: IconMock }); }); describe('PluginListItem', () => { afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); const plugin: CatalogPlugin = { description: 'The test plugin', downloads: 5, id: 'test-plugin', info: { logos: { small: '', large: '', }, }, name: 'Testing Plugin', orgName: 'Test', popularity: 0, signature: PluginSignatureStatus.valid, publishedAt: '2020-09-01', updatedAt: '2021-06-28', hasUpdate: false, isInstalled: false, isCore: false, isDev: false, isEnterprise: false, isDisabled: false, isPublished: true, }; /** As Grid */ it('renders a card with link, image, name, orgName and badges', () => { render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', '/plugins/test-plugin'); const logo = screen.getByRole('img'); expect(logo).toHaveAttribute('src',; expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /testing plugin/i })).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByText(`By ${plugin.orgName}`)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByText(/signed/i)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.queryByLabelText(/icon/i)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a datasource plugin with correct icon', () => { const datasourcePlugin = { ...plugin, type: PluginType.datasource }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/datasource plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a panel plugin with correct icon', () => { const panelPlugin = { ...plugin, type: PluginType.panel }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/panel plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders an app plugin with correct icon', () => { const appPlugin = { ...plugin, type: }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/app plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a disabled plugin with a badge to indicate its error', () => { const pluginWithError = { ...plugin, isDisabled: true, error: PluginErrorCode.modifiedSignature }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(/disabled/i)).toBeVisible(); }); /** As List */ it('renders a row with link, image, name, orgName and badges', () => { render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', '/plugins/test-plugin'); const logo = screen.getByRole('img'); expect(logo).toHaveAttribute('src',; expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /testing plugin/i })).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByText(`By ${plugin.orgName}`)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByText(/signed/i)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.queryByLabelText(/icon/i)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a datasource plugin with correct icon', () => { const datasourcePlugin = { ...plugin, type: PluginType.datasource }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/datasource plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a panel plugin with correct icon', () => { const panelPlugin = { ...plugin, type: PluginType.panel }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/panel plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders an app plugin with correct icon', () => { const appPlugin = { ...plugin, type: }; render(); expect(screen.getByTitle(/app plugin/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('renders a disabled plugin with a badge to indicate its error', () => { const pluginWithError = { ...plugin, isDisabled: true, error: PluginErrorCode.modifiedSignature }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(/disabled/i)).toBeVisible(); }); });