define([ 'angular', 'lodash', '../core_module', 'app/core/store', 'app/core/config', ], function (angular, _, coreModule, store, config) { 'use strict'; coreModule.service('contextSrv', function($rootScope, $timeout) { var self = this; function User() { if (window.grafanaBootData.user) { _.extend(this, window.grafanaBootData.user); } } // events $rootScope.$on('toggle-sidemenu', function() { self.toggleSideMenu(); }); this.hasRole = function(role) { return this.user.orgRole === role; }; this.setSideMenuState = function(state) { this.sidemenu = state; store.set('grafana.sidemenu', state); }; this.toggleSideMenu = function() { this.setSideMenuState(!this.sidemenu); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$broadcast("render"); }, 50); }; this.getSidemenuDefault = function() { return this.hasRole('Admin'); }; this.version = config.buildInfo.version; this.lightTheme = false; this.user = new User(); this.isSignedIn = this.user.isSignedIn; this.isGrafanaAdmin = this.user.isGrafanaAdmin; this.sidemenu = store.getBool('grafana.sidemenu', this.getSidemenuDefault()); if (this.isSignedIn && !store.exists('grafana.sidemenu')) { // If the sidemenu has never been set before, set it to false. // This will result in this.sidemenu and the localStorage grafana.sidemenu // to be out of sync if the user has an admin role. But this is // intentional and results in the user seeing the sidemenu only on // their first login. store.set('grafana.sidemenu', false); } this.isEditor = this.hasRole('Editor') || this.hasRole('Admin'); }); });