import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import { store } from 'app/store/store'; import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util'; import { updateLocation } from 'app/core/actions'; // Services that handles angular -> redux store sync & other react <-> angular sync export class BridgeSrv { private fullPageReloadRoutes; /** @ngInject */ constructor(private $location, private $timeout, private $window, private $rootScope, private $route) { this.fullPageReloadRoutes = ['/logout']; } init() { this.$rootScope.$on('$routeUpdate', (evt, data) => { const angularUrl = this.$location.url(); const state = store.getState(); if (state.location.url !== angularUrl) { store.dispatch( updateLocation({ path: this.$location.path(), query: this.$, routeParams: this.$route.current.params, }) ); } }); this.$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', (evt, data) => { store.dispatch( updateLocation({ path: this.$location.path(), query: this.$, routeParams: this.$route.current.params, }) ); }); // Listen for changes in redux location -> update angular location store.subscribe(() => { const state = store.getState(); const angularUrl = this.$location.url(); const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(state.location.url); if (angularUrl !== url) { this.$timeout(() => { this.$location.url(url); }); console.log('store updating angular $location.url', url); } }); appEvents.on('location-change', payload => { const urlWithoutBase = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(payload.href); if (this.fullPageReloadRoutes.indexOf(urlWithoutBase) > -1) { this.$window.location.href = payload.href; return; } this.$timeout(() => { // A hack to use timeout when we're changing things (in this case the url) from outside of Angular. this.$location.url(urlWithoutBase); }); }); } } coreModule.service('bridgeSrv', BridgeSrv);