// Libraries import React, { SFC, PureComponent } from 'react'; import Remarkable from 'remarkable'; import _ from 'lodash'; // Components import './../../panel/metrics_tab'; import { EditorTabBody } from './EditorTabBody'; import { DataSourcePicker } from './DataSourcePicker'; import { QueryInspector } from './QueryInspector'; import { QueryOptions } from './QueryOptions'; import { AngularQueryComponentScope } from 'app/features/panel/metrics_tab'; import { PanelOptionSection } from './PanelOptionSection'; // Services import { getDatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'; import { getBackendSrv, BackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; import { getAngularLoader, AngularComponent } from 'app/core/services/AngularLoader'; import config from 'app/core/config'; // Types import { PanelModel } from '../panel_model'; import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard_model'; import { DataSourceSelectItem, DataQuery } from 'app/types'; interface Props { panel: PanelModel; dashboard: DashboardModel; } interface State { currentDS: DataSourceSelectItem; helpContent: JSX.Element; isLoadingHelp: boolean; isPickerOpen: boolean; isAddingMixed: boolean; } interface LoadingPlaceholderProps { text: string; } const LoadingPlaceholder: SFC = ({ text }) =>


; export class QueriesTab extends PureComponent { element: HTMLElement; component: AngularComponent; datasources: DataSourceSelectItem[] = getDatasourceSrv().getMetricSources(); backendSrv: BackendSrv = getBackendSrv(); constructor(props) { super(props); const { panel } = props; this.state = { currentDS: this.datasources.find(datasource => datasource.value === panel.datasource), isLoadingHelp: false, helpContent: null, isPickerOpen: false, isAddingMixed: false, }; } getAngularQueryComponentScope(): AngularQueryComponentScope { const { panel, dashboard } = this.props; return { panel: panel, dashboard: dashboard, refresh: () => panel.refresh(), render: () => panel.render, addQuery: this.onAddQuery, moveQuery: this.onMoveQuery, removeQuery: this.onRemoveQuery, events: panel.events, }; } componentDidMount() { if (!this.element) { return; } const loader = getAngularLoader(); const template = ''; const scopeProps = { ctrl: this.getAngularQueryComponentScope(), }; this.component = loader.load(this.element, scopeProps, template); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.component) { this.component.destroy(); } } onChangeDataSource = datasource => { const { panel } = this.props; const { currentDS } = this.state; // switching to mixed if (datasource.meta.mixed) { panel.targets.forEach(target => { target.datasource = panel.datasource; if (!target.datasource) { target.datasource = config.defaultDatasource; } }); } else if (currentDS) { // if switching from mixed if (currentDS.meta.mixed) { for (const target of panel.targets) { delete target.datasource; } } else if (currentDS.meta.id !== datasource.meta.id) { // we are changing data source type, clear queries panel.targets = [{ refId: 'A' }]; } } panel.datasource = datasource.value; panel.refresh(); this.setState({ currentDS: datasource, }); }; loadHelp = () => { const { currentDS } = this.state; const hasHelp = currentDS.meta.hasQueryHelp; if (hasHelp) { this.setState({ helpContent:

Loading help...

, isLoadingHelp: true, }); this.backendSrv .get(`/api/plugins/${currentDS.meta.id}/markdown/query_help`) .then(res => { const md = new Remarkable(); const helpHtml = md.render(res); this.setState({ helpContent:
, isLoadingHelp: false, }); }) .catch(() => { this.setState({ helpContent:

'Error occured when loading help'

, isLoadingHelp: false, }); }); } }; renderQueryInspector = () => { const { panel } = this.props; return ; }; renderHelp = () => { const { helpContent, isLoadingHelp } = this.state; return isLoadingHelp ? : helpContent; }; onAddQuery = (query?: Partial) => { this.props.panel.addQuery(query); this.forceUpdate(); }; onAddQueryClick = () => { if (this.state.currentDS.meta.mixed) { this.setState({ isAddingMixed: true }); return; } this.props.panel.addQuery(); this.component.digest(); this.forceUpdate(); }; onRemoveQuery = (query: DataQuery) => { const { panel } = this.props; const index = _.indexOf(panel.targets, query); panel.targets.splice(index, 1); panel.refresh(); this.forceUpdate(); }; onMoveQuery = (query: DataQuery, direction: number) => { const { panel } = this.props; const index = _.indexOf(panel.targets, query); _.move(panel.targets, index, index + direction); this.forceUpdate(); }; renderToolbar = () => { const { currentDS } = this.state; return ( ); }; renderMixedPicker = () => { return ( ); }; onAddMixedQuery = datasource => { this.onAddQuery({ datasource: datasource.name }); this.component.digest(); this.setState({ isAddingMixed: false }); }; onMixedPickerBlur = () => { this.setState({ isAddingMixed: false }); }; render() { const { panel } = this.props; const { currentDS, isAddingMixed } = this.state; const { hasQueryHelp } = currentDS.meta; const queryInspector = { title: 'Query Inspector', render: this.renderQueryInspector, }; const dsHelp = { heading: 'Help', icon: 'fa fa-question', disabled: !hasQueryHelp, onClick: this.loadHelp, render: this.renderHelp, }; return ( <>
(this.element = element)} />
{!isAddingMixed && ( )} {isAddingMixed && this.renderMixedPicker()}
); } }