import { hasCustomVariableSupport, hasDatasourceVariableSupport, hasLegacyVariableSupport, hasStandardVariableSupport, isLegacyQueryEditor, isQueryEditor, } from './guard'; import { LegacyVariableQueryEditor } from './editor/LegacyVariableQueryEditor'; import { StandardVariableQueryEditor } from './editor/getVariableQueryEditor'; import { VariableSupportType } from '@grafana/data'; describe('type guards', () => { describe('hasLegacyVariableSupport', () => { describe('when called with a legacy data source', () => { it('should return true', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(hasLegacyVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called with data source without metricFindQuery function', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = {}; expect(hasLegacyVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called with a legacy data source with variable support', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: {} }; expect(hasLegacyVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('hasStandardVariableSupport', () => { describe('when called with a data source with standard variable support', () => { it('should return true', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Standard, toDataQuery: () => undefined }, }; expect(hasStandardVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(true); }); describe('and with a custom query', () => { it('should return true', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Standard, toDataQuery: () => undefined, query: () => undefined, }, }; expect(hasStandardVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('when called with a data source with partial standard variable support', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Standard, query: () => undefined }, }; expect(hasStandardVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called with a data source without standard variable support', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(hasStandardVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('hasCustomVariableSupport', () => { describe('when called with a data source with custom variable support', () => { it('should return true', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Custom, query: () => undefined, editor: {} }, }; expect(hasCustomVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called with a data source with custom variable support but without editor', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Custom, query: () => undefined }, }; expect(hasCustomVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called with a data source with custom variable support but without query', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Custom, editor: {} }, }; expect(hasCustomVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called with a data source without custom variable support', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(hasCustomVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('hasDatasourceVariableSupport', () => { describe('when called with a data source with datasource variable support', () => { it('should return true', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined, variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Datasource }, }; expect(hasDatasourceVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called with a data source without datasource variable support', () => { it('should return false', () => { const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(hasDatasourceVariableSupport(datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); describe('isLegacyQueryEditor', () => { describe('happy cases', () => { describe('when called with a legacy query editor but without a legacy data source', () => { it('then is should return true', () => { const component: any = LegacyVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = {}; expect(isLegacyQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called with a legacy data source but without a legacy query editor', () => { it('then is should return true', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(isLegacyQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('negative cases', () => { describe('when called without component', () => { it('then is should return false', () => { const component: any = null; const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(isLegacyQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called without a legacy query editor and without a legacy data source', () => { it('then is should return false', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = {}; expect(isLegacyQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); describe('isQueryEditor', () => { describe('happy cases', () => { describe('when called without a legacy editor and with a data source with standard variable support', () => { it('then is should return true', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Standard, toDataQuery: () => undefined }, }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called without a legacy editor and with a data source with custom variable support', () => { it('then is should return true', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Custom, query: () => undefined, editor: {} }, }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called without a legacy editor and with a data source with datasource variable support', () => { it('then is should return true', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Datasource } }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('negative cases', () => { describe('when called without component', () => { it('then is should return false', () => { const component: any = null; const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called with a legacy query editor', () => { it('then is should return false', () => { const component: any = LegacyVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { variables: { getType: () => VariableSupportType.Datasource } }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called without a legacy query editor but with a legacy data source', () => { it('then is should return false', () => { const component: any = StandardVariableQueryEditor; const datasource: any = { metricFindQuery: () => undefined }; expect(isQueryEditor(component, datasource)).toBe(false); }); }); }); });