import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { LoadingState, VariableType } from '@grafana/data'; import { reducerTester } from '../../../../test/core/redux/reducerTester'; import { addVariable, changeVariableOrder, changeVariableProp, changeVariableType, duplicateVariable, removeVariable, setCurrentVariableValue, sharedReducer, variableStateCompleted, variableStateFailed, variableStateFetching, variableStateNotStarted, } from './sharedReducer'; import { ConstantVariableModel, QueryVariableModel, VariableHide, VariableOption } from '../types'; import { ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, toVariablePayload, VariableIdentifier, initialVariablesState, VariablesState, } from './types'; import { variableAdapters } from '../adapters'; import { createQueryVariableAdapter } from '../query/adapter'; import { initialQueryVariableModelState } from '../query/reducer'; import { getVariableState, getVariableTestContext } from './helpers'; import { changeVariableNameSucceeded } from '../editor/reducer'; import { createConstantVariableAdapter } from '../constant/adapter'; import { initialConstantVariableModelState } from '../constant/reducer'; variableAdapters.setInit(() => [createQueryVariableAdapter(), createConstantVariableAdapter()]); describe('sharedReducer', () => { describe('when addVariable is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const model: any = { name: 'name from model', type: 'type from model', current: undefined, }; const expected: QueryVariableModel = { ...initialQueryVariableModelState, id: 'name from model', global: true, index: 0, name: 'name from model', type: ('type from model' as unknown) as VariableType, current: ({} as unknown) as VariableOption, }; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: 'name from model', type: 'query' }, { global: true, index: 0, model }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, { ...initialVariablesState }) .whenActionIsDispatched(addVariable(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ['name from model']: expected, }); }); }); describe('when addVariable is dispatched for a constant model', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const model: any = { name: 'constant', type: 'constant', query: 'a constant', current: { selected: true, text: 'A', value: 'A' }, options: [{ selected: true, text: 'A', value: 'A' }], }; const expected: ConstantVariableModel = { ...initialConstantVariableModelState, id: 'constant', global: true, index: 0, name: 'constant', type: 'constant', query: 'a constant', current: { selected: true, text: 'a constant', value: 'a constant' }, options: [{ selected: true, text: 'a constant', value: 'a constant' }], }; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: 'constant', type: 'constant' }, { global: true, index: 0, model }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, { ...initialVariablesState }) .whenActionIsDispatched(addVariable(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ['constant']: expected, }); }); }); describe('when removeVariable is dispatched and reIndex is true', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const initialState: VariablesState = getVariableState(3); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '1', type: 'query' }, { reIndex: true }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(removeVariable(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ '0': { id: '0', type: 'query', name: 'Name-0', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 0, label: 'Label-0', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '2': { id: '2', type: 'query', name: 'Name-2', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 1, label: 'Label-2', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, }); }); }); describe('when removeVariable is dispatched and reIndex is false', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const initialState: VariablesState = getVariableState(3); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '1', type: 'query' }, { reIndex: false }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(removeVariable(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ '0': { id: '0', type: 'query', name: 'Name-0', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 0, label: 'Label-0', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '2': { id: '2', type: 'query', name: 'Name-2', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 2, label: 'Label-2', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, }); }); }); describe('when duplicateVariable is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const initialState: VariablesState = getVariableState(3); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '1', type: 'query' }, { newId: '11' }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(duplicateVariable(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ '0': { id: '0', type: 'query', name: 'Name-0', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 0, label: 'Label-0', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '1': { id: '1', type: 'query', name: 'Name-1', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 1, label: 'Label-1', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '2': { id: '2', type: 'query', name: 'Name-2', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 2, label: 'Label-2', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '11': { ...initialQueryVariableModelState, id: '11', name: 'copy_of_Name-1', index: 3, label: 'Label-1', }, }); }); }); describe('when changeVariableOrder is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const initialState: VariablesState = getVariableState(3); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '1', type: 'query' }, { fromIndex: 1, toIndex: 0 }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableOrder(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ '0': { id: '0', type: 'query', name: 'Name-0', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 1, label: 'Label-0', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '1': { id: '1', type: 'query', name: 'Name-1', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 0, label: 'Label-1', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, '2': { id: '2', type: 'query', name: 'Name-2', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, index: 2, label: 'Label-2', skipUrlSync: false, global: false, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, }, }); }); }); describe('when setCurrentVariableValue is dispatched and current.text is an Array with values', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { options: [ { text: 'All', value: '$__all', selected: false }, { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: false }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: false }, ], }); const current = { text: ['A', 'B'], selected: true, value: ['A', 'B'] }; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { option: current }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(setCurrentVariableValue(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], options: [ { selected: false, text: 'All', value: '$__all' }, { selected: true, text: 'A', value: 'A' }, { selected: true, text: 'B', value: 'B' }, ], current: { selected: true, text: ['A', 'B'], value: ['A', 'B'] }, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when setCurrentVariableValue is dispatched and current.value is an Array with values except All value', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { options: [ { text: 'All', value: '$__all', selected: false }, { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: false }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: false }, ], }); const current = { text: 'A + B', selected: true, value: ['A', 'B'] }; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { option: current }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(setCurrentVariableValue(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], options: [ { selected: false, text: 'All', value: '$__all' }, { selected: true, text: 'A', value: 'A' }, { selected: true, text: 'B', value: 'B' }, ], current: { selected: true, text: 'A + B', value: ['A', 'B'] }, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when setCurrentVariableValue is dispatched and current.value is an Array with values containing All value', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { options: [ { text: 'All', value: '$__all', selected: false }, { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: false }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: false }, ], }); const current = { text: ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, selected: true, value: [ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE] }; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { option: current }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(setCurrentVariableValue(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], options: [ { selected: true, text: 'All', value: '$__all' }, { selected: false, text: 'A', value: 'A' }, { selected: false, text: 'B', value: 'B' }, ], current: { selected: true, text: 'All', value: ['$__all'] }, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when variableStateNotStarted is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { state: LoadingState.Done, error: 'Some error', }); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(variableStateNotStarted(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when variableStateFetching is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { state: LoadingState.Done, error: 'Some error', }); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(variableStateFetching(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], state: LoadingState.Loading, error: null, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when variableStateCompleted is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { state: LoadingState.Loading, error: 'Some error', }); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(variableStateCompleted(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], state: LoadingState.Done, error: null, } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when variableStateFailed is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter, { state: LoadingState.Loading }); const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { error: 'Some error' }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(variableStateFailed(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': ({ ...initialState[0], state: LoadingState.Error, error: 'Some error', } as unknown) as QueryVariableModel, }); }); }); describe('when changeVariableProp is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter); const propName = 'label'; const propValue = 'Updated label'; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { propName, propValue }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableProp(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': { ...initialState[0], label: 'Updated label', }, }); }); }); describe('when changeVariableNameSucceeded is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const adapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState } = getVariableTestContext(adapter); const newName = 'A new name'; const payload = toVariablePayload({ id: '0', type: 'query' }, { newName }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(initialState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableNameSucceeded(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...initialState, '0': { ...initialState[0], name: 'A new name', }, }); }); }); describe('when changeVariableType is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const queryAdapter = createQueryVariableAdapter(); const { initialState: queryAdapterState } = getVariableTestContext(queryAdapter); const constantAdapter = createConstantVariableAdapter(); const { initialState: constantAdapterState } = getVariableTestContext(constantAdapter); const newType = 'constant' as VariableType; const identifier: VariableIdentifier = { id: '0', type: 'query' }; const payload = toVariablePayload(identifier, { newType }); reducerTester() .givenReducer(sharedReducer, cloneDeep(queryAdapterState)) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableNameSucceeded(toVariablePayload(identifier, { newName: 'test' }))) .whenActionIsDispatched( changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(identifier, { propName: 'description', propValue: 'new description' })) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(identifier, { propName: 'label', propValue: 'new label' })) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableType(payload)) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...constantAdapterState, '0': { ...constantAdapterState[0], name: 'test', description: 'new description', label: 'new label', type: 'constant', }, }); }); }); });