// Libraries import classNames from 'classnames'; import { cloneDeep, filter, has, uniqBy, uniqueId } from 'lodash'; import pluralize from 'pluralize'; import React, { PureComponent, ReactNode } from 'react'; // Utils & Services import { CoreApp, DataQuery, DataSourceApi, DataSourceInstanceSettings, EventBusExtended, EventBusSrv, HistoryItem, LoadingState, PanelData, PanelEvents, DataSourcePluginContextProvider, QueryResultMetaNotice, TimeRange, toLegacyResponseData, } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { AngularComponent, getAngularLoader, getDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Badge, ErrorBoundaryAlert, HorizontalGroup } from '@grafana/ui'; import { OperationRowHelp } from 'app/core/components/QueryOperationRow/OperationRowHelp'; import { QueryOperationAction } from 'app/core/components/QueryOperationRow/QueryOperationAction'; import { QueryOperationRow, QueryOperationRowRenderProps, } from 'app/core/components/QueryOperationRow/QueryOperationRow'; import { getTimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/DashboardModel'; import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/PanelModel'; import { RowActionComponents } from './QueryActionComponent'; import { QueryEditorRowHeader } from './QueryEditorRowHeader'; import { QueryErrorAlert } from './QueryErrorAlert'; interface Props { data: PanelData; query: TQuery; queries: TQuery[]; id: string; index: number; dataSource: DataSourceInstanceSettings; onChangeDataSource?: (dsSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings) => void; renderHeaderExtras?: () => ReactNode; onAddQuery: (query: TQuery) => void; onRemoveQuery: (query: TQuery) => void; onChange: (query: TQuery) => void; onRunQuery: () => void; visualization?: ReactNode; hideDisableQuery?: boolean; app?: CoreApp; history?: Array>; eventBus?: EventBusExtended; alerting?: boolean; onQueryCopied?: () => void; onQueryRemoved?: () => void; onQueryToggled?: (queryStatus?: boolean | undefined) => void; } interface State { loadedDataSourceIdentifier?: string | null; datasource: DataSourceApi | null; hasTextEditMode: boolean; data?: PanelData; isOpen?: boolean; showingHelp: boolean; } export class QueryEditorRow extends PureComponent, State> { element: HTMLElement | null = null; angularScope: AngularQueryComponentScope | null = null; angularQueryEditor: AngularComponent | null = null; id = ''; state: State = { datasource: null, hasTextEditMode: false, data: undefined, isOpen: true, showingHelp: false, }; componentDidMount() { const { data, query, id } = this.props; const dataFilteredByRefId = filterPanelDataToQuery(data, query.refId); this.id = uniqueId(id + '_'); this.setState({ data: dataFilteredByRefId }); this.loadDatasource(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.angularQueryEditor) { this.angularQueryEditor.destroy(); } } getAngularQueryComponentScope(): AngularQueryComponentScope { const { query, queries } = this.props; const { datasource } = this.state; const panel = new PanelModel({ targets: queries }); const dashboard = {} as DashboardModel; const me = this; return { datasource: datasource, target: query, panel: panel, dashboard: dashboard, refresh: () => { // Old angular editors modify the query model and just call refresh // Important that this use this.props here so that as this function is only created on mount and it's // important not to capture old prop functions in this closure // the "hide" attribute of the queries can be changed from the "outside", // it will be applied to "this.props.query.hide", but not to "query.hide". // so we have to apply it. if (query.hide !== me.props.query.hide) { query.hide = me.props.query.hide; } this.props.onChange(query); this.props.onRunQuery(); }, render: () => () => console.log('legacy render function called, it does nothing'), events: this.props.eventBus || new EventBusSrv(), range: getTimeSrv().timeRange(), }; } getQueryDataSourceIdentifier(): string | null | undefined { const { query, dataSource: dsSettings } = this.props; return query.datasource?.uid ?? dsSettings.uid; } async loadDatasource() { const dataSourceSrv = getDataSourceSrv(); let datasource: DataSourceApi; const dataSourceIdentifier = this.getQueryDataSourceIdentifier(); try { datasource = await dataSourceSrv.get(dataSourceIdentifier); } catch (error) { datasource = await dataSourceSrv.get(); } this.setState({ datasource: datasource as unknown as DataSourceApi, loadedDataSourceIdentifier: dataSourceIdentifier, hasTextEditMode: has(datasource, 'components.QueryCtrl.prototype.toggleEditorMode'), }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { datasource, loadedDataSourceIdentifier } = this.state; const { data, query } = this.props; if (prevProps.id !== this.props.id) { this.id = uniqueId(this.props.id + '_'); } if (data !== prevProps.data) { const dataFilteredByRefId = filterPanelDataToQuery(data, query.refId); this.setState({ data: dataFilteredByRefId }); if (this.angularScope) { this.angularScope.range = getTimeSrv().timeRange(); } if (this.angularQueryEditor && dataFilteredByRefId) { notifyAngularQueryEditorsOfData(this.angularScope!, dataFilteredByRefId, this.angularQueryEditor); } } // check if we need to load another datasource if (datasource && loadedDataSourceIdentifier !== this.getQueryDataSourceIdentifier()) { if (this.angularQueryEditor) { this.angularQueryEditor.destroy(); this.angularQueryEditor = null; } this.loadDatasource(); return; } if (!this.element || this.angularQueryEditor) { return; } this.renderAngularQueryEditor(); } renderAngularQueryEditor = () => { if (!this.element) { return; } if (this.angularQueryEditor) { this.angularQueryEditor.destroy(); this.angularQueryEditor = null; } const loader = getAngularLoader(); const template = ''; const scopeProps = { ctrl: this.getAngularQueryComponentScope() }; this.angularQueryEditor = loader.load(this.element, scopeProps, template); this.angularScope = scopeProps.ctrl; }; onOpen = () => { this.renderAngularQueryEditor(); }; getReactQueryEditor(ds: DataSourceApi) { if (!ds) { return; } switch (this.props.app) { case CoreApp.Explore: return ( ds.components?.ExploreMetricsQueryField || ds.components?.ExploreLogsQueryField || ds.components?.ExploreQueryField || ds.components?.QueryEditor ); case CoreApp.PanelEditor: case CoreApp.Dashboard: default: return ds.components?.QueryEditor; } } waitingForDatasourceToLoad = (): boolean => { // if we not yet have loaded the datasource in state the // ds in props and the ds in state will have different values. return this.props.dataSource.uid !== this.state.datasource?.uid; }; renderPluginEditor = () => { const { query, onChange, queries, onRunQuery, onAddQuery, app = CoreApp.PanelEditor, history } = this.props; const { datasource, data } = this.state; if (this.waitingForDatasourceToLoad()) { return null; } if (datasource?.components?.QueryCtrl) { return
(this.element = element)} />; } if (datasource) { let QueryEditor = this.getReactQueryEditor(datasource); if (QueryEditor) { return ( ); } } return
Data source plugin does not export any Query Editor component
; }; onToggleEditMode = (e: React.MouseEvent, props: QueryOperationRowRenderProps) => { e.stopPropagation(); if (this.angularScope && this.angularScope.toggleEditorMode) { this.angularScope.toggleEditorMode(); this.angularQueryEditor?.digest(); if (!props.isOpen) { props.onOpen(); } } }; onRemoveQuery = () => { const { onRemoveQuery, query, onQueryRemoved } = this.props; onRemoveQuery(query); if (onQueryRemoved) { onQueryRemoved(); } }; onCopyQuery = () => { const { query, onAddQuery, onQueryCopied } = this.props; const copy = cloneDeep(query); onAddQuery(copy); if (onQueryCopied) { onQueryCopied(); } }; onDisableQuery = () => { const { query, onChange, onRunQuery, onQueryToggled } = this.props; onChange({ ...query, hide: !query.hide }); onRunQuery(); if (onQueryToggled) { onQueryToggled(query.hide); } }; onToggleHelp = () => { this.setState((state) => ({ showingHelp: !state.showingHelp, })); }; onClickExample = (query: TQuery) => { if (query.datasource === undefined) { query.datasource = { type: this.props.dataSource.type, uid: this.props.dataSource.uid }; } this.props.onChange({ ...query, refId: this.props.query.refId, }); this.onToggleHelp(); }; renderCollapsedText(): string | null { const { datasource } = this.state; if (datasource?.getQueryDisplayText) { return datasource.getQueryDisplayText(this.props.query); } if (this.angularScope && this.angularScope.getCollapsedText) { return this.angularScope.getCollapsedText(); } return null; } renderWarnings = (): JSX.Element | null => { const { data, query } = this.props; const dataFilteredByRefId = filterPanelDataToQuery(data, query.refId)?.series ?? []; const allWarnings = dataFilteredByRefId.reduce((acc: QueryResultMetaNotice[], serie) => { if (!serie.meta?.notices) { return acc; } const warnings = filter(serie.meta.notices, { severity: 'warning' }) ?? []; return acc.concat(warnings); }, []); const uniqueWarnings = uniqBy(allWarnings, 'text'); const hasWarnings = uniqueWarnings.length > 0; if (!hasWarnings) { return null; } const serializedWarnings = uniqueWarnings.map((warning) => warning.text).join('\n'); return ( {uniqueWarnings.length} {pluralize('warning', uniqueWarnings.length)} } tooltip={serializedWarnings} /> ); }; renderExtraActions = () => { const { query, queries, data, onAddQuery, dataSource } = this.props; const extraActions = RowActionComponents.getAllExtraRenderAction() .map((action, index) => action({ query, queries, timeRange: data.timeRange, onAddQuery: onAddQuery as (query: DataQuery) => void, dataSource, key: index, }) ) .filter(Boolean); extraActions.push(this.renderWarnings()); return extraActions; }; renderActions = (props: QueryOperationRowRenderProps) => { const { query, hideDisableQuery = false } = this.props; const { hasTextEditMode, datasource, showingHelp } = this.state; const isDisabled = query.hide; const hasEditorHelp = datasource?.components?.QueryEditorHelp; return ( {hasEditorHelp && ( )} {hasTextEditMode && ( { this.onToggleEditMode(e, props); }} /> )} {this.renderExtraActions()} {!hideDisableQuery ? ( ) : null} ); }; renderHeader = (props: QueryOperationRowRenderProps) => { const { alerting, query, dataSource, onChangeDataSource, onChange, queries, renderHeaderExtras } = this.props; return ( this.onToggleEditMode(e, props)} onChange={onChange} collapsedText={!props.isOpen ? this.renderCollapsedText() : null} renderExtras={renderHeaderExtras} alerting={alerting} /> ); }; render() { const { query, index, visualization } = this.props; const { datasource, showingHelp, data } = this.state; const isDisabled = query.hide; const rowClasses = classNames('query-editor-row', { 'query-editor-row--disabled': isDisabled, 'gf-form-disabled': isDisabled, }); if (!datasource) { return null; } const editor = this.renderPluginEditor(); const DatasourceCheatsheet = datasource.components?.QueryEditorHelp; return (
{showingHelp && DatasourceCheatsheet && ( this.onClickExample(query)} query={this.props.query} datasource={datasource} /> )} {editor} {data?.error && data.error.refId === query.refId && } {visualization}
); } } function notifyAngularQueryEditorsOfData( scope: AngularQueryComponentScope, data: PanelData, editor: AngularComponent ) { if (data.state === LoadingState.Done) { const legacy = data.series.map((v) => toLegacyResponseData(v)); scope.events.emit(PanelEvents.dataReceived, legacy); } else if (data.state === LoadingState.Error) { scope.events.emit(PanelEvents.dataError, data.error); } // Some query controllers listen to data error events and need a digest // for some reason this needs to be done in next tick setTimeout(editor.digest); } export interface AngularQueryComponentScope { target: TQuery; panel: PanelModel; dashboard: DashboardModel; events: EventBusExtended; refresh: () => void; render: () => void; datasource: DataSourceApi | null; toggleEditorMode?: () => void; getCollapsedText?: () => string; range: TimeRange; } /** * Get a version of the PanelData limited to the query we are looking at */ export function filterPanelDataToQuery(data: PanelData, refId: string): PanelData | undefined { const series = data.series.filter((series) => series.refId === refId); // If there was an error with no data and the panel is not in a loading state, pass it to the QueryEditors if (data.state !== LoadingState.Loading && data.error && !data.series.length) { return { ...data, state: LoadingState.Error, }; } // Only say this is an error if the error links to the query let state = data.state; const error = data.error && data.error.refId === refId ? data.error : undefined; if (error) { state = LoadingState.Error; } else if (!error && data.state === LoadingState.Error) { state = LoadingState.Done; } const timeRange = data.timeRange; return { ...data, state, series, error, timeRange, }; }