define([ 'angular', 'underscore', 'moment' ], function (angular, _, moment) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('kibana.controllers'); module.controller('dashLoader', function($scope, $rootScope, $http, alertSrv, $location, playlistSrv, elastic) { $scope.init = function() { $scope.gist_pattern = /(^\d{5,}$)|(^[a-z0-9]{10,}$)|(\/*.*)\/[a-z0-9]{5,}\/*$)/; $scope.gist = $scope.gist || {}; $scope.elasticsearch = $scope.elasticsearch || {}; $rootScope.$on('save-dashboard', function() { $scope.elasticsearch_save('dashboard', false); }); $rootScope.$on('zoom-out', function() { $scope.zoom(2); }); }; $scope.exitFullscreen = function() { $rootScope.$emit('panel-fullscreen-exit'); }; $scope.showDropdown = function(type) { if(_.isUndefined($scope.dashboard)) { return true; } var _l = $scope.dashboard.loader; if(type === 'load') { return (_l.load_elasticsearch || _l.load_gist || _l.load_local); } if(type === 'save') { return (_l.save_elasticsearch || _l.save_gist || _l.save_local || _l.save_default); } if(type === 'share') { return (_l.save_temp); } return false; }; $scope.set_default = function() { if($scope.dashboard.set_default($location.path())) { alertSrv.set('Home Set','This page has been set as your default dashboard','success',5000); } else { alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000); } }; $scope.purge_default = function() { if($scope.dashboard.purge_default()) { alertSrv.set('Local Default Clear','Your default dashboard has been reset to the default', 'success',5000); } else { alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000); } }; $scope.saveForSharing = function() { elastic.saveForSharing($scope.dashboard) .then(function(result) { $scope.share = { url: result.url, title: result.title }; }, function(err) { alertSrv.set('Save for sharing failed', err, 'error',5000); }); }; $scope.saveDashboard = function() { elastic.saveDashboard($scope.dashboard, $scope.dashboard.title) .then(function(result) { alertSrv.set('Dashboard Saved', 'Dashboard has been saved to Elasticsearch as "' + result.title + '"','success', 5000); $location.path(result.url); $rootScope.$emit('dashboard-saved', $scope.dashboard); }, function(err) { alertSrv.set('Save failed', err, 'error',5000); }); }; $scope.elasticsearch_delete = function(id) { if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete dashboard?')) { return; } $scope.dashboard.elasticsearch_delete(id).then( function(result) { if(!_.isUndefined(result)) { if(result.found) { alertSrv.set('Dashboard Deleted',id+' has been deleted','success',5000); // Find the deleted dashboard in the cached list and remove it var toDelete = _.where($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,{_id:id})[0]; $scope.elasticsearch.dashboards = _.without($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,toDelete); } else { alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Found','Could not find '+id+' in Elasticsearch','warning',5000); } } else { alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Deleted','An error occurred deleting the dashboard','error',5000); } } ); }; $scope.save_gist = function() { $scope.dashboard.save_gist($scope.gist.title).then(function(link) { if (!_.isUndefined(link)) { $scope.gist.last = link; alertSrv.set('Gist saved','You will be able to access your exported dashboard file at '+ ''+link+' in a moment','success'); } else { alertSrv.set('Save failed','Gist could not be saved','error',5000); } }); }; $scope.gist_dblist = function(id) { $scope.dashboard.gist_list(id).then(function(files) { if (files && files.length > 0) { $scope.gist.files = files; } else { alertSrv.set('Gist Failed','Could not retrieve dashboard list from gist','error',5000); } }); }; // function $scope.zoom // factor :: Zoom factor, so 0.5 = cuts timespan in half, 2 doubles timespan $scope.zoom = function(factor) { var _range = $scope.filter.timeRange(); var _timespan = ( - _range.from.valueOf()); var _center = - _timespan/2; var _to = (_center + (_timespan*factor)/2); var _from = (_center - (_timespan*factor)/2); // If we're not already looking into the future, don't. if(_to > && < { var _offset = _to -; _from = _from - _offset; _to =; } $scope.filter.setTime({ from:moment.utc(_from).toDate(), to:moment.utc(_to).toDate(), }); }; $scope.openSaveDropdown = function() { $scope.isFavorite = playlistSrv.isCurrentFavorite($scope.dashboard); }; $scope.markAsFavorite = function() { playlistSrv.markAsFavorite($scope.dashboard); $scope.isFavorite = true; }; $scope.removeAsFavorite = function() { playlistSrv.removeAsFavorite($scope.dashboard); $scope.isFavorite = false; }; $scope.stopPlaylist = function() { playlistSrv.stop(1); }; }); });