/// import _ from 'lodash'; import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import {DashboardModel} from './model'; export class DashboardSrv { dash: any; /** @ngInject */ constructor(private backendSrv, private $rootScope, private $location) { } create(dashboard, meta) { return new DashboardModel(dashboard, meta); } setCurrent(dashboard) { this.dash = dashboard; } getCurrent() { return this.dash; } saveDashboard(options) { if (!this.dash.meta.canSave && options.makeEditable !== true) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (this.dash.title === 'New dashboard') { return this.saveDashboardAs(); } var clone = this.dash.getSaveModelClone(); return this.backendSrv.saveDashboard(clone, options).then(data => { this.dash.version = data.version; this.$rootScope.appEvent('dashboard-saved', this.dash); var dashboardUrl = '/dashboard/db/' + data.slug; if (dashboardUrl !== this.$location.path()) { this.$location.url(dashboardUrl); } this.$rootScope.appEvent('alert-success', ['Dashboard saved', 'Saved as ' + clone.title]); }).catch(this.handleSaveDashboardError.bind(this)); } handleSaveDashboardError(err) { if (err.data && err.data.status === "version-mismatch") { err.isHandled = true; this.$rootScope.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Conflict', text: 'Someone else has updated this dashboard.', text2: 'Would you still like to save this dashboard?', yesText: "Save & Overwrite", icon: "fa-warning", onConfirm: () => { this.saveDashboard({overwrite: true}); } }); } if (err.data && err.data.status === "name-exists") { err.isHandled = true; this.$rootScope.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Conflict', text: 'Dashboard with the same name exists.', text2: 'Would you still like to save this dashboard?', yesText: "Save & Overwrite", icon: "fa-warning", onConfirm: () => { this.saveDashboard({overwrite: true}); } }); } if (err.data && err.data.status === "plugin-dashboard") { err.isHandled = true; this.$rootScope.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Plugin Dashboard', text: err.data.message, text2: 'Your changes will be lost when you update the plugin. Use Save As to create custom version.', yesText: "Overwrite", icon: "fa-warning", altActionText: "Save As", onAltAction: () => { this.saveDashboardAs(); }, onConfirm: () => { this.saveDashboard({overwrite: true}); } }); } } saveDashboardAs() { var newScope = this.$rootScope.$new(); newScope.clone = this.dash.getSaveModelClone(); newScope.clone.editable = true; newScope.clone.hideControls = false; this.$rootScope.appEvent('show-modal', { src: 'public/app/features/dashboard/partials/saveDashboardAs.html', scope: newScope, modalClass: 'modal--narrow' }); } } coreModule.service('dashboardSrv', DashboardSrv);