#!/usr/bin/env bash # abort if we get any error set -e _current="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" _branch="${_current}-docs" if [ "${_current}" == "master" ]; then echo -e "\033[91myou cannot generate api docs from the master branch\033[0m" echo "please checkout the release branch" echo "ex 'git checkout v5.1.x'" exit 1 fi # always make sure we have a clean workspace if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then echo -e "\033[91mgit workspace is dirty and contains changes\033[0" echo -e "\033[91mmake sure you have a clean workspace before running this script\033[0m" exit 1 fi # always make sure to pull latest changes from origin echo "pulling latest changes from ${_current}" git pull origin "${_current}" # creating new branch for docs update echo "creating new branch ${_branch}" git checkout -b "${_branch}" # building grafana packages echo "bulding grafana packages..." yarn packages:build # extract packages api documentation json echo "extracting packages documentation data..." yarn packages:docsExtract # generating api documentation markdown echo "generating markdown from documentation data..." yarn packages:docsToMarkdown echo "updated files:" git status --porcelain | sed s/^...// echo "press [y] to commit documentation update" read -n 1 confirm if [ "${confirm}" == "y" ]; then git add --all docs/sources/packages_api git commit -m "docs: updated packages api documentation" git push origin "${_branch}" git checkout "${_current}" echo -e "\033[92mPackages docs successfully updated. Please open a PR from ${_branch} to master.\033[0m" else git checkout -- . git clean -f docs/sources/packages_api git checkout "${_current}" git branch -d "${_branch}" echo -e "\033[91mAbort!\033[0m" fi