package notifiers import ( "context" "testing" "" "" "" "" . "" ) func presenceComparer(a, b string) bool { if a == "<>" { return b != "" } if b == "<>" { return a != "" } return a == b } func TestPagerdutyNotifier(t *testing.T) { Convey("Pagerduty notifier tests", t, func() { Convey("Parsing alert notification from settings", func() { Convey("empty settings should return error", func() { json := `{ }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pageduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } _, err = NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("severity should override default", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "severity": "info", "tags": ["foo"]}` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(pagerdutyNotifier.Name, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty_testing") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Type, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Key, ShouldEqual, "abcdefgh0123456789") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Severity, ShouldEqual, "info") So(pagerdutyNotifier.AutoResolve, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("auto resolve and severity should have expected defaults", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789" }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(pagerdutyNotifier.Name, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty_testing") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Type, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Key, ShouldEqual, "abcdefgh0123456789") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Severity, ShouldEqual, "critical") So(pagerdutyNotifier.AutoResolve, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("settings should trigger incident", func() { json := ` { "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "autoResolve": false }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(pagerdutyNotifier.Name, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty_testing") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Type, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty") So(pagerdutyNotifier.Key, ShouldEqual, "abcdefgh0123456789") So(pagerdutyNotifier.AutoResolve, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("should return properly formatted default v2 event payload", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "autoResolve": false }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) So(err, ShouldBeNil) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(context.Background(), &alerting.Rule{ ID: 0, Name: "someRule", Message: "someMessage", State: models.AlertStateAlerting, }) evalContext.IsTestRun = true payloadJSON, err := pagerdutyNotifier.buildEventPayload(evalContext) So(err, ShouldBeNil) payload, err := simplejson.NewJson(payloadJSON) So(err, ShouldBeNil) diff := cmp.Diff(map[string]interface{}{ "client": "Grafana", "client_url": "", "dedup_key": "alertId-0", "event_action": "trigger", "links": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "href": "", }, }, "payload": map[string]interface{}{ "component": "Grafana", "source": "<>", "custom_details": map[string]interface{}{}, "severity": "critical", "summary": "someRule - someMessage", "timestamp": "<>", }, "routing_key": "abcdefgh0123456789", }, payload.Interface(), cmp.Comparer(presenceComparer)) So(diff, ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("should return properly formatted v2 event payload when using override tags", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "autoResolve": false }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) So(err, ShouldBeNil) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(context.Background(), &alerting.Rule{ ID: 0, Name: "someRule", Message: "someMessage", State: models.AlertStateAlerting, AlertRuleTags: []*models.Tag{ {Key: "keyOnly"}, {Key: "group", Value: "aGroup"}, {Key: "class", Value: "aClass"}, {Key: "component", Value: "aComponent"}, {Key: "severity", Value: "warning"}, }, }) evalContext.ImagePublicURL = "" evalContext.IsTestRun = true payloadJSON, err := pagerdutyNotifier.buildEventPayload(evalContext) So(err, ShouldBeNil) payload, err := simplejson.NewJson(payloadJSON) So(err, ShouldBeNil) diff := cmp.Diff(map[string]interface{}{ "client": "Grafana", "client_url": "", "dedup_key": "alertId-0", "event_action": "trigger", "links": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "href": "", }, }, "payload": map[string]interface{}{ "source": "<>", "component": "aComponent", "custom_details": map[string]interface{}{ "group": "aGroup", "class": "aClass", "component": "aComponent", "severity": "warning", "keyOnly": "", }, "severity": "warning", "summary": "someRule - someMessage", "timestamp": "<>", "class": "aClass", "group": "aGroup", }, "images": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "src": "", }, }, "routing_key": "abcdefgh0123456789", }, payload.Interface(), cmp.Comparer(presenceComparer)) So(diff, ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("should support multiple levels of severity", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "autoResolve": false }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) So(err, ShouldBeNil) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(context.Background(), &alerting.Rule{ ID: 0, Name: "someRule", Message: "someMessage", State: models.AlertStateAlerting, AlertRuleTags: []*models.Tag{ {Key: "keyOnly"}, {Key: "group", Value: "aGroup"}, {Key: "class", Value: "aClass"}, {Key: "component", Value: "aComponent"}, {Key: "severity", Value: "info"}, }, }) evalContext.ImagePublicURL = "" evalContext.IsTestRun = true payloadJSON, err := pagerdutyNotifier.buildEventPayload(evalContext) So(err, ShouldBeNil) payload, err := simplejson.NewJson(payloadJSON) So(err, ShouldBeNil) diff := cmp.Diff(map[string]interface{}{ "client": "Grafana", "client_url": "", "dedup_key": "alertId-0", "event_action": "trigger", "links": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "href": "", }, }, "payload": map[string]interface{}{ "source": "<>", "component": "aComponent", "custom_details": map[string]interface{}{ "group": "aGroup", "class": "aClass", "component": "aComponent", "severity": "info", "keyOnly": "", }, "severity": "info", "summary": "someRule - someMessage", "timestamp": "<>", "class": "aClass", "group": "aGroup", }, "images": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "src": "", }, }, "routing_key": "abcdefgh0123456789", }, payload.Interface(), cmp.Comparer(presenceComparer)) So(diff, ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("should ignore invalid severity for PD but keep the tag", func() { json := `{ "integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789", "autoResolve": false, "severity": "critical" }` settingsJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) model := &models.AlertNotification{ Name: "pagerduty_testing", Type: "pagerduty", Settings: settingsJSON, } not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model) So(err, ShouldBeNil) pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier) evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(context.Background(), &alerting.Rule{ ID: 0, Name: "someRule", Message: "someMessage", State: models.AlertStateAlerting, AlertRuleTags: []*models.Tag{ {Key: "keyOnly"}, {Key: "group", Value: "aGroup"}, {Key: "class", Value: "aClass"}, {Key: "component", Value: "aComponent"}, {Key: "severity", Value: "llama"}, }, }) evalContext.ImagePublicURL = "" evalContext.IsTestRun = true payloadJSON, err := pagerdutyNotifier.buildEventPayload(evalContext) So(err, ShouldBeNil) payload, err := simplejson.NewJson(payloadJSON) So(err, ShouldBeNil) diff := cmp.Diff(map[string]interface{}{ "client": "Grafana", "client_url": "", "dedup_key": "alertId-0", "event_action": "trigger", "links": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "href": "", }, }, "payload": map[string]interface{}{ "source": "<>", "component": "aComponent", "custom_details": map[string]interface{}{ "group": "aGroup", "class": "aClass", "component": "aComponent", "severity": "llama", "keyOnly": "", }, "severity": "critical", "summary": "someRule - someMessage", "timestamp": "<>", "class": "aClass", "group": "aGroup", }, "images": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "src": "", }, }, "routing_key": "abcdefgh0123456789", }, payload.Interface(), cmp.Comparer(presenceComparer)) So(diff, ShouldBeEmpty) }) }) }) }