import _ from 'lodash'; import { dateTime, getValueFormat, getColorFromHexRgbOrName, GrafanaThemeType, stringToJsRegex, ScopedVars, formattedValueToString, } from '@grafana/data'; import { ColumnStyle } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/Table/TableCellBuilder'; import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { TableRenderModel, ColumnRender } from './types'; export class TableRenderer { formatters: any[]; colorState: any; constructor( private panel: { styles: ColumnStyle[]; pageSize: number }, private table: TableRenderModel, private isUtc: boolean, private sanitize: (v: any) => any, private templateSrv: TemplateSrv, private theme?: GrafanaThemeType ) { this.initColumns(); } setTable(table: TableRenderModel) { this.table = table; this.initColumns(); } initColumns() { this.formatters = []; this.colorState = {}; for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < this.table.columns.length; colIndex++) { const column = this.table.columns[colIndex]; column.title = column.text; for (let i = 0; i < this.panel.styles.length; i++) { const style = this.panel.styles[i]; const regex = stringToJsRegex(style.pattern); if (column.text.match(regex)) { = style; if (style.alias) { column.title = column.text.replace(regex, style.alias); } break; } } this.formatters[colIndex] = this.createColumnFormatter(column); } } getColorForValue(value: number, style: ColumnStyle) { if (!style.thresholds || !style.colors) { return null; } for (let i = style.thresholds.length; i > 0; i--) { if (value >= style.thresholds[i - 1]) { return getColorFromHexRgbOrName(style.colors[i], this.theme); } } return getColorFromHexRgbOrName(_.first(style.colors), this.theme); } defaultCellFormatter(v: any, style: ColumnStyle) { if (v === null || v === void 0 || v === undefined) { return ''; } if (_.isArray(v)) { v = v.join(', '); } if (style && style.sanitize) { return this.sanitize(v); } else { return _.escape(v); } } createColumnFormatter(column: ColumnRender) { if (! { return this.defaultCellFormatter; } if ( === 'hidden') { return (v: any): undefined => undefined; } if ( === 'date') { return (v: any) => { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return '-'; } if (_.isArray(v)) { v = v[0]; } // if is an epoch (numeric string and len > 12) if (_.isString(v) && !isNaN(v as any) && v.length > 12) { v = parseInt(v, 10); } let date = dateTime(v); if (this.isUtc) { date = date.utc(); } return date.format(; }; } if ( === 'string') { return (v: any): any => { if (_.isArray(v)) { v = v.join(', '); } const mappingType = || 0; if (mappingType === 1 && { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const map =[i]; if (v === null) { if (map.value === 'null') { return map.text; } continue; } // Allow both numeric and string values to be mapped if ((!_.isString(v) && Number(map.value) === Number(v)) || map.value === v) { this.setColorState(v,; return this.defaultCellFormatter(map.text,; } } } if (mappingType === 2 && { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const map =[i]; if (v === null) { if (map.from === 'null' && === 'null') { return map.text; } continue; } if (Number(map.from) <= Number(v) && Number( >= Number(v)) { this.setColorState(v,; return this.defaultCellFormatter(map.text,; } } } if (v === null || v === void 0) { return '-'; } this.setColorState(v,; return this.defaultCellFormatter(v,; }; } if ( === 'number') { const valueFormatter = getValueFormat(column.unit ||; return (v: any): any => { if (v === null || v === void 0) { return '-'; } if (isNaN(v) || _.isArray(v)) { return this.defaultCellFormatter(v,; } this.setColorState(v,; return formattedValueToString(valueFormatter(v,, null)); }; } return (value: any) => { return this.defaultCellFormatter(value,; }; } setColorState(value: any, style: ColumnStyle) { if (!style.colorMode) { return; } if (value === null || value === void 0 || _.isArray(value)) { return; } const numericValue = Number(value); if (isNaN(numericValue)) { return; } this.colorState[style.colorMode] = this.getColorForValue(numericValue, style); } renderRowVariables(rowIndex: number) { const scopedVars: ScopedVars = {}; let cellVariable; const row = this.table.rows[rowIndex]; for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { cellVariable = `__cell_${i}`; scopedVars[cellVariable] = { value: row[i], text: row[i] ? row[i].toString() : '' }; } return scopedVars; } formatColumnValue(colIndex: number, value: any) { const fmt = this.formatters[colIndex]; if (fmt) { return fmt(value); } return value; } renderCell(columnIndex: number, rowIndex: number, value: any, addWidthHack = false) { value = this.formatColumnValue(columnIndex, value); const column = this.table.columns[columnIndex]; let cellStyle = ''; let textStyle = ''; const cellClasses = []; let cellClass = ''; if (this.colorState.cell) { cellStyle = ' style="background-color:' + this.colorState.cell + '"'; cellClasses.push('table-panel-color-cell'); this.colorState.cell = null; } else if (this.colorState.value) { textStyle = ' style="color:' + this.colorState.value + '"'; this.colorState.value = null; } // because of the fixed table headers css only solution // there is an issue if header cell is wider the cell // this hack adds header content to cell (not visible) let columnHtml = ''; if (addWidthHack) { columnHtml = '
' + this.table.columns[columnIndex].title + '
'; } if (value === undefined) { cellStyle = ' style="display:none;"'; column.hidden = true; } else { column.hidden = false; } if (column.hidden === true) { return ''; } if ( && { cellClasses.push('table-panel-cell-pre'); } if ( && { // Render cell as link const scopedVars = this.renderRowVariables(rowIndex); scopedVars['__cell'] = { value: value, text: value ? value.toString() : '' }; const cellLink = this.templateSrv.replace(, scopedVars, encodeURIComponent); const cellLinkTooltip = this.templateSrv.replace(, scopedVars); const cellTarget = ? '_blank' : ''; cellClasses.push('table-panel-cell-link'); columnHtml += ` ${value} `; } else { columnHtml += value; } if (column.filterable) { cellClasses.push('table-panel-cell-filterable'); columnHtml += ` `; } if (cellClasses.length) { cellClass = ' class="' + cellClasses.join(' ') + '"'; } columnHtml = '' + columnHtml + ''; return columnHtml; } render(page: number) { const pageSize = this.panel.pageSize || 100; const startPos = page * pageSize; const endPos = Math.min(startPos + pageSize, this.table.rows.length); let html = ''; for (let y = startPos; y < endPos; y++) { const row = this.table.rows[y]; let cellHtml = ''; let rowStyle = ''; const rowClasses = []; let rowClass = ''; for (let i = 0; i < this.table.columns.length; i++) { cellHtml += this.renderCell(i, y, row[i], y === startPos); } if (this.colorState.row) { rowStyle = ' style="background-color:' + this.colorState.row + '"'; rowClasses.push('table-panel-color-row'); this.colorState.row = null; } if (rowClasses.length) { rowClass = ' class="' + rowClasses.join(' ') + '"'; } html += '' + cellHtml + ''; } return html; } render_values() { const rows = []; const visibleColumns = this.table.columns.filter(column => !column.hidden); for (let y = 0; y < this.table.rows.length; y++) { const row = this.table.rows[y]; const newRow = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.table.columns.length; i++) { if (!this.table.columns[i].hidden) { newRow.push(this.formatColumnValue(i, row[i])); } } rows.push(newRow); } return { columns: visibleColumns, rows: rows, }; } }