import { getCenter } from 'ol/extent'; import { Geometry, LineString, Point } from 'ol/geom'; import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj'; import { getArea, getLength } from 'ol/sphere'; import { Field, FieldType } from '@grafana/data'; import { SpatialCalculation, SpatialCalculationOption } from './models.gen'; /** Will return a field with a single row */ export function toLineString(field: Field): LineString { const coords: number[][] = []; for (const geo of field.values) { if (geo) { coords.push(getCenterPoint(geo)); } } return new LineString(coords); } /** Will return a field with a single row */ export function calculateBearings(values: Array): number[] { const bearing = new Array(values.length); if (values.length > 1) { let prev: number[] | undefined = getCenterPointWGS84(values[0]); for (let i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { let next: number[] | undefined = getCenterPointWGS84(values[i]); if (prev && next) { let degrees = (Math.atan2(next[0] - prev[0], next[1] - prev[1]) * 180) / Math.PI; if (degrees < 0.0) { degrees += 360.0; } bearing[i - 1] = bearing[i] = degrees; } } } else { bearing.fill(0); } return bearing; } export function getCenterPoint(geo: Geometry): number[] { if (geo instanceof Point) { return (geo as Point).getCoordinates(); } return getCenter(geo.getExtent()); } export function getCenterPointWGS84(geo?: Geometry): number[] | undefined { if (!geo) { return undefined; } return toLonLat(getCenterPoint(geo)); } /** Will return a new field with calculated values */ export function doGeomeryCalculation(field: Field, options: SpatialCalculationOption): Field { const values = field.values; const buffer = new Array(field.values.length); const op = options.calc ?? SpatialCalculation.Heading; const name = options.field ?? op; switch (op) { case SpatialCalculation.Area: { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const geo = values[i]; if (geo) { buffer[i] = getArea(geo); } } return { name, type: FieldType.number, config: { unit: 'areaM2', }, values: buffer, }; } case SpatialCalculation.Distance: { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const geo = values[i]; if (geo) { buffer[i] = getLength(geo); } } return { name, type: FieldType.number, config: { unit: 'lengthm', }, values: buffer, }; } // Use heading as default case SpatialCalculation.Heading: default: { return { name, type: FieldType.number, config: { unit: 'degree', }, values: calculateBearings(values), }; } } }