#!/bin/bash # abort if we get any error set -eo pipefail pretty_print_result_of_report() { # $1 = result of current report echo -e "\n\n" echo -e "-----------------------------------------------------\n" echo -e "$1\n" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" } BUILD_MODE="${1-local}" REPORT_PATH="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/../reports/docs/")" BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/ci-reference-docs-build.sh")" if [ ! -d "$REPORT_PATH" ]; then # this script needs to be run after the packages have been built and the api-extractor has completed. # shellcheck source=/scripts/ci-reference-docs-build.sh if ! . "$BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH" "$BUILD_MODE"; then echo "Failed to build packages and extract docs" >&2 exit 1 else echo "Successfully built packages and extracted docs" fi fi WARNINGS_COUNT="$(find "$REPORT_PATH" -type f -name \*.log -print0 | xargs -0 grep -o "Warning: " | wc -l | xargs)" WARNINGS_COUNT_LIMIT=1072 if [ "$WARNINGS_COUNT" -gt $WARNINGS_COUNT_LIMIT ]; then echo -e "API Extractor warnings/errors $WARNINGS_COUNT exceeded $WARNINGS_COUNT_LIMIT so failing build.\n" echo "Please go to: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/main/contribute/style-guides/code-comments.md for more information on how to add code comments." exit 1 fi if [ "$WARNINGS_COUNT" -lt $WARNINGS_COUNT_LIMIT ]; then pretty_print_result_of_report "Wohoo! Fewer warnings compared to last build 🎉🎈🍾✨\n\nYou can lower the threshold from $WARNINGS_COUNT_LIMIT to $WARNINGS_COUNT in the:\nscripts/ci-reference-docs-metrics.sh" fi pretty_print_result_of_report "API Extractor total warnings: $WARNINGS_COUNT"