import { Observable, of, OperatorFunction } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { AnnotationEvent, AnnotationEventFieldSource, AnnotationEventMappings, AnnotationQuery, AnnotationSupport, DataFrame, Field, FieldType, getFieldDisplayName, KeyValue, standardTransformers, } from '@grafana/data'; import { isString } from 'lodash'; export const standardAnnotationSupport: AnnotationSupport = { /** * Assume the stored value is standard model. */ prepareAnnotation: (json: any) => { if (isString(json?.query)) { const { query, } = json; return {, target: { query, }, mappings: {}, }; } return json as AnnotationQuery; }, /** * Convert the stored JSON model and environment to a standard data source query object. * This query will be executed in the data source and the results converted into events. * Returning an undefined result will quietly skip query execution */ prepareQuery: (anno: AnnotationQuery) =>, /** * When the standard frame > event processing is insufficient, this allows explicit control of the mappings */ processEvents: (anno: AnnotationQuery, data: DataFrame[]) => { return getAnnotationsFromData(data, anno.mappings); }, }; /** * Flatten all panel data into a single frame */ export function singleFrameFromPanelData(): OperatorFunction { return (source) => source.pipe( mergeMap((data) => { if (!data?.length) { return of(undefined); } if (data.length === 1) { return of(data[0]); } return of(data).pipe( standardTransformers.mergeTransformer.operator({}), map((d) => d[0]) ); }) ); } interface AnnotationEventFieldSetter { key: keyof AnnotationEvent; field?: Field; text?: string; regex?: RegExp; split?: string; // for tags } export interface AnnotationFieldInfo { key: keyof AnnotationEvent; split?: string; field?: (frame: DataFrame) => Field | undefined; placeholder?: string; help?: string; } // These fields get added to the standard UI export const annotationEventNames: AnnotationFieldInfo[] = [ { key: 'time', field: (frame: DataFrame) => frame.fields.find((f) => f.type === FieldType.time), placeholder: 'time, or the first time field', }, { key: 'timeEnd', help: 'When this field is defined, the annotation will be treated as a range' }, { key: 'title', }, { key: 'text', field: (frame: DataFrame) => frame.fields.find((f) => f.type === FieldType.string), placeholder: 'text, or the first text field', }, { key: 'tags', split: ',', help: 'The results will be split on comma (,)' }, { key: 'id', }, ]; // Given legacy infrastructure, alert events are passed though the same annotation // pipeline, but include fields that should not be exposed generally const alertEventAndAnnotationFields: AnnotationFieldInfo[] = [ ...annotationEventNames, { key: 'userId' }, { key: 'login' }, { key: 'email' }, { key: 'prevState' }, { key: 'newState' }, { key: 'data' as any }, { key: 'panelId' }, { key: 'alertId' }, ]; export function getAnnotationsFromData( data: DataFrame[], options?: AnnotationEventMappings ): Observable { return of(data).pipe( singleFrameFromPanelData(), map((frame) => { if (!frame?.length) { return []; } let hasTime = false; let hasText = false; const byName: KeyValue = {}; for (const f of frame.fields) { const name = getFieldDisplayName(f, frame); byName[name.toLowerCase()] = f; } if (!options) { options = {}; } const fields: AnnotationEventFieldSetter[] = []; for (const evts of alertEventAndAnnotationFields) { const opt = options[evts.key] || {}; //AnnotationEventFieldMapping if (opt.source === AnnotationEventFieldSource.Skip) { continue; } const setter: AnnotationEventFieldSetter = { key: evts.key, split: evts.split }; if (opt.source === AnnotationEventFieldSource.Text) { setter.text = opt.value; } else { const lower = (opt.value || evts.key).toLowerCase(); setter.field = byName[lower]; if (!setter.field && evts.field) { setter.field = evts.field(frame); } } if (setter.field || setter.text) { fields.push(setter); if (setter.key === 'time') { hasTime = true; } else if (setter.key === 'text') { hasText = true; } } } if (!hasTime || !hasText) { return []; // throw an error? } // Add each value to the string const events: AnnotationEvent[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) { const anno: AnnotationEvent = { type: 'default', color: 'red', }; for (const f of fields) { let v: any = undefined; if (f.text) { v = f.text; // TODO support templates! } else if (f.field) { v = f.field.values.get(i); if (v !== undefined && f.regex) { const match = f.regex.exec(v); if (match) { v = match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]; } } } if (v !== null && v !== undefined) { if (f.split && typeof v === 'string') { v = v.split(','); } (anno as any)[f.key] = v; } } events.push(anno); } return events; }) ); }