// // Forms // -------------------------------------------------- // GENERAL STYLES // -------------- // Reset height since textareas have rows // Set font for forms input, button, select, textarea { @include font-shorthand($font-size-base, normal, $line-height-base); } input, button, select, textarea { font-family: $font-family-sans-serif; // And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element) } input, select { background-color: $input-bg; color: $input-color; border: none; box-shadow: none; } textarea { height: auto; } // Reset width of input images, buttons, radios, checkboxes input[type='file'], input[type='image'], input[type='submit'], input[type='reset'], input[type='button'], input[type='radio'], input[type='checkbox'] { width: auto; // Override of generic input selector } // Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs select, input[type='file'] { height: $input-height; /* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */ line-height: $input-height; } // Make select elements obey height by applying a border select { width: 220px; // default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied border: 1px solid $input-border-color; background-color: $input-bg; // Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color } // Make multiple select elements height not fixed select[multiple], select[size] { height: auto; } // Focus for select, file, radio, and checkbox select:focus, input[type='file']:focus, input[type='radio']:focus, input[type='checkbox']:focus { @include tab-focus(); } // not a big fan of number fields input[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input[type='number']::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } input[type='number'] { -moz-appearance: textfield; } // Placeholder // ------------------------- // Placeholder text gets special styles because when browsers invalidate entire lines if it doesn't understand a selector input, textarea { @include placeholder(); } // INPUT SIZES // ----------- // General classes for quick sizes .input-mini { width: 60px; } .input-small { width: 90px; } .input-medium { width: 150px; } .input-large { width: 210px; } .input-xlarge { width: 270px; } .input-xxlarge { width: 530px; } // GRID SIZING FOR INPUTS // ---------------------- // DISABLED STATE // -------------- // Disabled and read-only inputs input[disabled], select[disabled], textarea[disabled], input[readonly], select[readonly], textarea[readonly] { cursor: $cursor-disabled; background-color: $input-bg-disabled; } // Explicitly reset the colors here input[type='radio'][disabled], input[type='checkbox'][disabled], input[type='radio'][readonly], input[type='checkbox'][readonly] { cursor: $cursor-disabled; background-color: transparent; } input[type='text'].input-fluid { width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; font-size: 16px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; } input[type='checkbox'].cr1 { display: none; } .editor-option label.cr1 { display: inline-block; margin: 5px 0 1px 0; } label.cr1 { display: inline-block; height: 18px; position: relative; clear: none; text-indent: 2px; margin: 0 0 0px 0; padding: 0 0 0 20px; vertical-align: top; background: url($checkboxImageUrl) left top no-repeat; cursor: pointer; } input[type='checkbox'].cr1:checked + label { background: url($checkboxImageUrl) 0px -18px no-repeat; } .gf-fluid-input { border: none; display: block; overflow: hidden; padding-right: 10px; input[type='text'] { width: 100%; padding: 5px 6px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } textarea { width: 100%; padding: 5px 6px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } } // Form control feedback states // // Apply contextual and semantic states to individual form controls. .form-control-success, .form-control-warning, .form-control-danger { padding-right: $space-xl; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center right ($input-height / 4); background-size: ($input-height / 2) ($input-height / 2); } // Form validation states .has-success { @include form-control-validation($brand-success); .form-control-success { background-image: $form-icon-success; } } .has-warning { @include form-control-validation($brand-warning); .form-control-warning { background-image: $form-icon-warning; } } .has-danger { @include form-control-validation($brand-danger); .form-control-danger { background-image: $form-icon-danger; } } input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill, textarea:-webkit-autofill, textarea:-webkit-autofill:hover, textarea:-webkit-autofill:focus, select:-webkit-autofill, select:-webkit-autofill:hover, select:-webkit-autofill:focus { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px $input-bg inset !important; -webkit-text-fill-color: $input-color !important; box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px $input-bg inset; border: 1px solid $input-bg; }