# End-to-End Tests for plugins Be sure that you've read the [generalized E2E document](e2e.md). ## Commands - `yarn test:e2e` will run [Grafana's E2E utility](../../packages/grafana-e2e) against an already running Grafana server. - `yarn test:e2e:update` will run `test:e2e` but instead of asserting that screenshots match their expected fixtures, they'll be replaced with new ones. Your running Grafana instance can be targeted by setting the `CYPRESS_BASE_URL`, `CYPRESS_USERNAME` and `CYPRESS_PASSWORD` environment variableS: ```shell CYPRESS_BASE_URL=https://localhost:3000 CYPRESS_USERNAME=admin CYPRESS_PASSWORD=admin yarn test:e2e ``` ## Test suites All tests are located at _\/cypress/integration_ by default. ## Things to test - Add data source (if applicable) - Add panel - Edit panel - Annotations (if applicable) - Aliases (if applicable) - Template variables - "Explore" view