import { containsVariable, ensureStringValues, findTemplateVarChanges, getCurrentText, getVariableRefresh, isAllVariable, } from './utils'; import { VariableRefresh } from './types'; import { UrlQueryMap } from '@grafana/data'; describe('isAllVariable', () => { it.each` variable | expected ${null} | ${false} ${undefined} | ${false} ${{}} | ${false} ${{ current: {} }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: '' } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: null } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: undefined } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: 'Alll' } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: 'All' } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { text: [] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: [null] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: [undefined] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: ['Alll'] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: ['Alll', 'All'] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { text: ['All'] } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { text: ['All', 'Alll'] } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { text: { prop1: 'test' } } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: '' } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: null } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: undefined } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: '$__alll' } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: '$__all' } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: [] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: [null] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: [undefined] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: ['$__alll'] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: ['$__alll', '$__all'] } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: ['$__all'] } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: ['$__all', '$__alll'] } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: { prop1: 'test' } } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: '', text: '' } }} | ${false} ${{ current: { value: '', text: 'All' } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: '$__all', text: '' } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: '', text: ['All'] } }} | ${true} ${{ current: { value: ['$__all'], text: '' } }} | ${true} `("when called with params: 'variable': '$variable' then result should be '$expected'", ({ variable, expected }) => { expect(isAllVariable(variable)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('getCurrentText', () => { it.each` variable | expected ${null} | ${''} ${undefined} | ${''} ${{}} | ${''} ${{ current: {} }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: '' } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: null } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: undefined } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: 'A' } }} | ${'A'} ${{ current: { text: 'All' } }} | ${'All'} ${{ current: { text: [] } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: [null] } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: [undefined] } }} | ${''} ${{ current: { text: ['A'] } }} | ${'A'} ${{ current: { text: ['A', 'All'] } }} | ${'A,All'} ${{ current: { text: ['All'] } }} | ${'All'} ${{ current: { text: { prop1: 'test' } } }} | ${''} `("when called with params: 'variable': '$variable' then result should be '$expected'", ({ variable, expected }) => { expect(getCurrentText(variable)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('getVariableRefresh', () => { it.each` variable | expected ${null} | ${VariableRefresh.never} ${undefined} | ${VariableRefresh.never} ${{}} | ${VariableRefresh.never} ${{ refresh: VariableRefresh.never }} | ${VariableRefresh.never} ${{ refresh: VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged }} | ${VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged} ${{ refresh: VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad }} | ${VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad} ${{ refresh: 'invalid' }} | ${VariableRefresh.never} `("when called with params: 'variable': '$variable' then result should be '$expected'", ({ variable, expected }) => { expect(getVariableRefresh(variable)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('findTemplateVarChanges', () => { it('detect adding/removing a variable', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = {}; const b: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-xyz': 'hello', aaa: 'ignore me', }; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(b, a)).toEqual({ 'var-xyz': { value: 'hello' } }); expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)).toEqual({ 'var-xyz': { value: '', removed: true } }); }); it('then should ignore equal values', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-xyz': 'hello', bbb: 'ignore me', }; const b: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-xyz': 'hello', aaa: 'ignore me', }; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(b, a)).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('then should ignore equal values with empty values', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-xyz': '', bbb: 'ignore me', }; const b: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-xyz': '', aaa: 'ignore me', }; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(b, a)).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('then should ignore empty array values', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-adhoc': [], }; const b: UrlQueryMap = {}; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(b, a)).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('Should handle array values with one value same as just value', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-test': ['test'], }; const b: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-test': 'test', }; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(b, a)).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('Should detect change in array value and return array with single value', () => { const a: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-test': ['test'], }; const b: UrlQueryMap = { 'var-test': 'asd', }; expect(findTemplateVarChanges(a, b)!['var-test']).toEqual({ value: ['test'] }); }); }); describe('ensureStringValues', () => { it.each` value | expected ${null} | ${''} ${undefined} | ${''} ${{}} | ${''} ${{ current: {} }} | ${''} ${1} | ${'1'} ${[1, 2]} | ${['1', '2']} ${'1'} | ${'1'} ${['1', '2']} | ${['1', '2']} ${true} | ${'true'} `('when called with value:$value then result should be:$expected', ({ value, expected }) => { expect(ensureStringValues(value)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('containsVariable', () => { it.each` value | expected ${''} | ${false} ${'$var'} | ${true} ${{ thing1: '${var}' }} | ${true} ${{ thing1: ['1', '${var}'] }} | ${true} ${{ thing1: { thing2: '${var}' } }} | ${true} `('when called with value:$value then result should be:$expected', ({ value, expected }) => { expect(containsVariable(value, 'var')).toEqual(expected); }); });