import { once, chain, difference } from 'lodash'; import LRU from 'lru-cache'; import { Value } from 'slate'; import { dateTime, HistoryItem, LanguageProvider } from '@grafana/data'; import { CompletionItem, CompletionItemGroup, SearchFunctionType, TypeaheadInput, TypeaheadOutput } from '@grafana/ui'; import { addLimitInfo, fixSummariesMetadata, limitSuggestions, parseSelector, processHistogramLabels, processLabels, roundSecToMin, } from './language_utils'; import PromqlSyntax, { FUNCTIONS, RATE_RANGES } from './promql'; import { PrometheusDatasource } from './datasource'; import { PromMetricsMetadata, PromQuery } from './types'; const DEFAULT_KEYS = ['job', 'instance']; const EMPTY_SELECTOR = '{}'; const HISTORY_ITEM_COUNT = 5; const HISTORY_COUNT_CUTOFF = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 24h // Max number of items (metrics, labels, values) that we display as suggestions. Prevents from running out of memory. export const SUGGESTIONS_LIMIT = 10000; const wrapLabel = (label: string): CompletionItem => ({ label }); const setFunctionKind = (suggestion: CompletionItem): CompletionItem => { suggestion.kind = 'function'; return suggestion; }; export function addHistoryMetadata(item: CompletionItem, history: any[]): CompletionItem { const cutoffTs = - HISTORY_COUNT_CUTOFF; const historyForItem = history.filter((h) => h.ts > cutoffTs && h.query === item.label); const count = historyForItem.length; const recent = historyForItem[0]; let hint = `Queried ${count} times in the last 24h.`; if (recent) { const lastQueried = dateTime(recent.ts).fromNow(); hint = `${hint} Last queried ${lastQueried}.`; } return { ...item, documentation: hint, }; } function addMetricsMetadata(metric: string, metadata?: PromMetricsMetadata): CompletionItem { const item: CompletionItem = { label: metric }; if (metadata && metadata[metric]) { const { type, help } = metadata[metric][0]; item.documentation = `${type.toUpperCase()}: ${help}`; } return item; } const PREFIX_DELIMITER_REGEX = /(="|!="|=~"|!~"|\{|\[|\(|\+|-|\/|\*|%|\^|\band\b|\bor\b|\bunless\b|==|>=|!=|<=|>|<|=|~|,)/; export default class PromQlLanguageProvider extends LanguageProvider { histogramMetrics: string[]; timeRange?: { start: number; end: number }; metrics: string[]; metricsMetadata?: PromMetricsMetadata; declare startTask: Promise; datasource: PrometheusDatasource; labelKeys: string[] = []; declare labelFetchTs: number; /** * Cache for labels of series. This is bit simplistic in the sense that it just counts responses each as a 1 and does * not account for different size of a response. If that is needed a `length` function can be added in the options. * 10 as a max size is totally arbitrary right now. */ private labelsCache = new LRU>(10); constructor(datasource: PrometheusDatasource, initialValues?: Partial) { super(); this.datasource = datasource; this.histogramMetrics = []; this.timeRange = { start: 0, end: 0 }; this.metrics = []; Object.assign(this, initialValues); } // Strip syntax chars so that typeahead suggestions can work on clean inputs cleanText(s: string) { const parts = s.split(PREFIX_DELIMITER_REGEX); const last = parts.pop()!; return last.trimLeft().replace(/"$/, '').replace(/^"/, ''); } get syntax() { return PromqlSyntax; } request = async (url: string, defaultValue: any, params = {}): Promise => { try { const res = await this.datasource.metadataRequest(url, params); return; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return defaultValue; }; start = async (): Promise => { if (this.datasource.lookupsDisabled) { return []; } // TODO #33976: make those requests parallel await this.fetchLabels(); this.metrics = (await this.fetchLabelValues('__name__')) || []; this.metricsMetadata = fixSummariesMetadata(await this.request('/api/v1/metadata', {})); this.processHistogramMetrics(this.metrics); return []; }; getLabelKeys(): string[] { return this.labelKeys; } processHistogramMetrics = (data: string[]) => { const { values } = processHistogramLabels(data); if (values && values['__name__']) { this.histogramMetrics = values['__name__'].slice().sort(); } }; provideCompletionItems = async ( { prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses }: TypeaheadInput, context: { history: Array> } = { history: [] } ): Promise => { const emptyResult: TypeaheadOutput = { suggestions: [] }; if (!value) { return emptyResult; } // Local text properties const empty = value.document.text.length === 0; const selectedLines = value.document.getTextsAtRange(value.selection); const currentLine = selectedLines.size === 1 ? selectedLines.first().getText() : null; const nextCharacter = currentLine ? currentLine[value.selection.anchor.offset] : null; // Syntax spans have 3 classes by default. More indicate a recognized token const tokenRecognized = wrapperClasses.length > 3; // Non-empty prefix, but not inside known token const prefixUnrecognized = prefix && !tokenRecognized; // Prevent suggestions in `function(|suffix)` const noSuffix = !nextCharacter || nextCharacter === ')'; // Prefix is safe if it does not immediately follow a complete expression and has no text after it const safePrefix = prefix && !text.match(/^[\]})\s]+$/) && noSuffix; // About to type next operand if preceded by binary operator const operatorsPattern = /[+\-*/^%]/; const isNextOperand = text.match(operatorsPattern); // Determine candidates by CSS context if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-range')) { // Suggestions for metric[|] return this.getRangeCompletionItems(); } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-labels')) { // Suggestions for metric{|} and metric{foo=|}, as well as metric-independent label queries like {|} return this.getLabelCompletionItems({ prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses }); } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-aggregation')) { // Suggestions for sum(metric) by (|) return this.getAggregationCompletionItems(value); } else if (empty) { // Suggestions for empty query field return this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context); } else if (prefixUnrecognized && noSuffix && !isNextOperand) { // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios return this.getBeginningCompletionItems(context); } else if (prefixUnrecognized && safePrefix) { // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios return this.getTermCompletionItems(); } return emptyResult; }; getBeginningCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array> }): TypeaheadOutput => { return { suggestions: [...this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context).suggestions, ...this.getTermCompletionItems().suggestions], }; }; getEmptyCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array> }): TypeaheadOutput => { const { history } = context; const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = []; if (history && history.length) { const historyItems = chain(history) .map((h) => h.query.expr) .filter() .uniq() .take(HISTORY_ITEM_COUNT) .map(wrapLabel) .map((item) => addHistoryMetadata(item, history)) .value(); suggestions.push({ searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Prefix, skipSort: true, label: 'History', items: historyItems, }); } return { suggestions }; }; getTermCompletionItems = (): TypeaheadOutput => { const { metrics, metricsMetadata } = this; const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = []; suggestions.push({ searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Prefix, label: 'Functions', items:, }); if (metrics && metrics.length) { const limitInfo = addLimitInfo(metrics); suggestions.push({ label: `Metrics${limitInfo}`, items: limitSuggestions(metrics).map((m) => addMetricsMetadata(m, metricsMetadata)), searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Fuzzy, }); } return { suggestions }; }; getRangeCompletionItems(): TypeaheadOutput { return { context: 'context-range', suggestions: [ { label: 'Range vector', items: [...RATE_RANGES], }, ], }; } getAggregationCompletionItems = async (value: Value): Promise => { const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = []; // Stitch all query lines together to support multi-line queries let queryOffset; const queryText = value.document.getBlocks().reduce((text: string, block) => { if (!block) { return text; } const blockText = block?.getText(); if (value.anchorBlock.key === block.key) { // Newline characters are not accounted for but this is irrelevant // for the purpose of extracting the selector string queryOffset = value.selection.anchor.offset + text.length; } return text + blockText; }, ''); // Try search for selector part on the left-hand side, such as `sum (m) by (l)` const openParensAggregationIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', queryOffset); let openParensSelectorIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', openParensAggregationIndex - 1); let closeParensSelectorIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', openParensSelectorIndex); // Try search for selector part of an alternate aggregation clause, such as `sum by (l) (m)` if (openParensSelectorIndex === -1) { const closeParensAggregationIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', queryOffset); closeParensSelectorIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', closeParensAggregationIndex + 1); openParensSelectorIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', closeParensSelectorIndex); } const result = { suggestions, context: 'context-aggregation', }; // Suggestions are useless for alternative aggregation clauses without a selector in context if (openParensSelectorIndex === -1) { return result; } // Range vector syntax not accounted for by subsequent parse so discard it if present const selectorString = queryText .slice(openParensSelectorIndex + 1, closeParensSelectorIndex) .replace(/\[[^\]]+\]$/, ''); const selector = parseSelector(selectorString, selectorString.length - 2).selector; const series = await this.getSeries(selector); const labelKeys = Object.keys(series); if (labelKeys.length > 0) { const limitInfo = addLimitInfo(labelKeys); suggestions.push({ label: `Labels${limitInfo}`, items:, searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Fuzzy, }); } return result; }; getLabelCompletionItems = async ({ text, wrapperClasses, labelKey, value, }: TypeaheadInput): Promise => { if (!value) { return { suggestions: [] }; } const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = []; const line = value.anchorBlock.getText(); const cursorOffset = value.selection.anchor.offset; const suffix = line.substr(cursorOffset); const prefix = line.substr(0, cursorOffset); const isValueStart = text.match(/^(=|=~|!=|!~)/); const isValueEnd = suffix.match(/^"?[,}]|$/); // Detect cursor in front of value, e.g., {key=|"} const isPreValue = prefix.match(/(=|=~|!=|!~)$/) && suffix.match(/^"/); // Don't suggest anything at the beginning or inside a value const isValueEmpty = isValueStart && isValueEnd; const hasValuePrefix = isValueEnd && !isValueStart; if ((!isValueEmpty && !hasValuePrefix) || isPreValue) { return { suggestions }; } // Get normalized selector let selector; let parsedSelector; try { parsedSelector = parseSelector(line, cursorOffset); selector = parsedSelector.selector; } catch { selector = EMPTY_SELECTOR; } const containsMetric = selector.includes('__name__='); const existingKeys = parsedSelector ? parsedSelector.labelKeys : []; let series: Record = {}; // Query labels for selector if (selector) { series = await this.getSeries(selector, !containsMetric); } if (Object.keys(series).length === 0) { console.warn(`Server did not return any values for selector = ${selector}`); return { suggestions }; } let context: string | undefined; if ((text && isValueStart) || wrapperClasses.includes('attr-value')) { // Label values if (labelKey && series[labelKey]) { context = 'context-label-values'; const limitInfo = addLimitInfo(series[labelKey]); suggestions.push({ label: `Label values for "${labelKey}"${limitInfo}`, items: series[labelKey].map(wrapLabel), searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Fuzzy, }); } } else { // Label keys const labelKeys = series ? Object.keys(series) : containsMetric ? null : DEFAULT_KEYS; if (labelKeys) { const possibleKeys = difference(labelKeys, existingKeys); if (possibleKeys.length) { context = 'context-labels'; const newItems = => ({ label: key })); const limitInfo = addLimitInfo(newItems); const newSuggestion: CompletionItemGroup = { label: `Labels${limitInfo}`, items: newItems, searchFunctionType: SearchFunctionType.Fuzzy, }; suggestions.push(newSuggestion); } } } return { context, suggestions }; }; async getSeries(selector: string, withName?: boolean): Promise> { if (this.datasource.lookupsDisabled) { return {}; } try { if (selector === EMPTY_SELECTOR) { return await this.fetchDefaultSeries(); } else { return await this.fetchSeriesLabels(selector, withName); } } catch (error) { // TODO: better error handling console.error(error); return {}; } } fetchLabelValues = async (key: string): Promise => { const params = this.datasource.getTimeRangeParams(); const url = `/api/v1/label/${key}/values`; return await this.request(url, [], params); }; async getLabelValues(key: string): Promise { return await this.fetchLabelValues(key); } /** * Fetches all label keys */ async fetchLabels(): Promise { const url = '/api/v1/labels'; const params = this.datasource.getTimeRangeParams(); this.labelFetchTs =; const res = await this.request(url, [], params); if (Array.isArray(res)) { this.labelKeys = res.slice().sort(); } return []; } /** * Fetch labels for a series. This is cached by it's args but also by the global timeRange currently selected as * they can change over requested time. * @param name * @param withName */ fetchSeriesLabels = async (name: string, withName?: boolean): Promise> => { const range = this.datasource.getTimeRangeParams(); const urlParams = { ...range, 'match[]': name, }; const url = `/api/v1/series`; // Cache key is a bit different here. We add the `withName` param and also round up to a minute the intervals. // The rounding may seem strange but makes relative intervals like now-1h less prone to need separate request every // millisecond while still actually getting all the keys for the correct interval. This still can create problems // when user does not the newest values for a minute if already cached. const cacheParams = new URLSearchParams({ 'match[]': name, start: roundSecToMin(parseInt(range.start, 10)).toString(), end: roundSecToMin(parseInt(range.end, 10)).toString(), withName: withName ? 'true' : 'false', }); const cacheKey = `/api/v1/series?${cacheParams.toString()}`; let value = this.labelsCache.get(cacheKey); if (!value) { const data = await this.request(url, [], urlParams); const { values } = processLabels(data, withName); value = values; this.labelsCache.set(cacheKey, value); } return value; }; /** * Fetch series for a selector. Use this for raw results. Use fetchSeriesLabels() to get labels. * @param match */ fetchSeries = async (match: string): Promise>> => { const url = '/api/v1/series'; const range = this.datasource.getTimeRangeParams(); const params = { ...range, match }; return await this.request(url, {}, params); }; /** * Fetch this only one as we assume this won't change over time. This is cached differently from fetchSeriesLabels * because we can cache more aggressively here and also we do not want to invalidate this cache the same way as in * fetchSeriesLabels. */ fetchDefaultSeries = once(async () => { const values = await Promise.all( => this.fetchLabelValues(key))); return DEFAULT_KEYS.reduce((acc, key, i) => ({ ...acc, [key]: values[i] }), {}); }); }