// NOTE: This file was auto generated. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY! // To change feature flags, edit: // pkg/services/featuremgmt/registry.go // Then run tests in: // pkg/services/featuremgmt/toggles_gen_test.go package featuremgmt const ( // FlagTrimDefaults // Use cue schema to remove values that will be applied automatically FlagTrimDefaults = "trimDefaults" // FlagDisableEnvelopeEncryption // Disable envelope encryption (emergency only) FlagDisableEnvelopeEncryption = "disableEnvelopeEncryption" // FlagLiveServiceWebWorker // This will use a webworker thread to processes events rather than the main thread FlagLiveServiceWebWorker = "live-service-web-worker" // FlagQueryOverLive // Use Grafana Live WebSocket to execute backend queries FlagQueryOverLive = "queryOverLive" // FlagPanelTitleSearch // Search for dashboards using panel title FlagPanelTitleSearch = "panelTitleSearch" // FlagPublicDashboards // Enables public access to dashboards FlagPublicDashboards = "publicDashboards" // FlagPublicDashboardsEmailSharing // Enables public dashboard sharing to be restricted to only allowed emails FlagPublicDashboardsEmailSharing = "publicDashboardsEmailSharing" // FlagLokiExperimentalStreaming // Support new streaming approach for loki (prototype, needs special loki build) FlagLokiExperimentalStreaming = "lokiExperimentalStreaming" // FlagFeatureHighlights // Highlight Grafana Enterprise features FlagFeatureHighlights = "featureHighlights" // FlagMigrationLocking // Lock database during migrations FlagMigrationLocking = "migrationLocking" // FlagStorage // Configurable storage for dashboards, datasources, and resources FlagStorage = "storage" // FlagCorrelations // Correlations page FlagCorrelations = "correlations" // FlagExploreContentOutline // Content outline sidebar FlagExploreContentOutline = "exploreContentOutline" // FlagDatasourceQueryMultiStatus // Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status for api/ds/query FlagDatasourceQueryMultiStatus = "datasourceQueryMultiStatus" // FlagTraceToMetrics // Enable trace to metrics links FlagTraceToMetrics = "traceToMetrics" // FlagNewDBLibrary // Use jmoiron/sqlx rather than xorm for a few backend services FlagNewDBLibrary = "newDBLibrary" // FlagAutoMigrateOldPanels // Migrate old angular panels to supported versions (graph, table-old, worldmap, etc) FlagAutoMigrateOldPanels = "autoMigrateOldPanels" // FlagDisableAngular // Dynamic flag to disable angular at runtime. The preferred method is to set `angular_support_enabled` to `false` in the [security] settings, which allows you to change the state at runtime. FlagDisableAngular = "disableAngular" // FlagCanvasPanelNesting // Allow elements nesting FlagCanvasPanelNesting = "canvasPanelNesting" // FlagScenes // Experimental framework to build interactive dashboards FlagScenes = "scenes" // FlagDisableSecretsCompatibility // Disable duplicated secret storage in legacy tables FlagDisableSecretsCompatibility = "disableSecretsCompatibility" // FlagLogRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown // Logs the path for requests that are instrumented as unknown FlagLogRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown = "logRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown" // FlagDataConnectionsConsole // Enables a new top-level page called Connections. This page is an experiment that provides a better experience when you install and configure data sources and other plugins. FlagDataConnectionsConsole = "dataConnectionsConsole" // FlagTopnav // Enables topnav support in external plugins. The new Grafana navigation cannot be disabled. FlagTopnav = "topnav" // FlagDockedMegaMenu // Enable support for a persistent (docked) navigation menu FlagDockedMegaMenu = "dockedMegaMenu" // FlagGrpcServer // Run the GRPC server FlagGrpcServer = "grpcServer" // FlagEntityStore // SQL-based entity store (requires storage flag also) FlagEntityStore = "entityStore" // FlagCloudWatchCrossAccountQuerying // Enables cross-account querying in CloudWatch datasources FlagCloudWatchCrossAccountQuerying = "cloudWatchCrossAccountQuerying" // FlagRedshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport // Enable async query data support for Redshift FlagRedshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport = "redshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport" // FlagAthenaAsyncQueryDataSupport // Enable async query data support for Athena FlagAthenaAsyncQueryDataSupport = "athenaAsyncQueryDataSupport" // FlagCloudwatchNewRegionsHandler // Refactor of /regions endpoint, no user-facing changes FlagCloudwatchNewRegionsHandler = "cloudwatchNewRegionsHandler" // FlagShowDashboardValidationWarnings // Show warnings when dashboards do not validate against the schema FlagShowDashboardValidationWarnings = "showDashboardValidationWarnings" // FlagMysqlAnsiQuotes // Use double quotes to escape keyword in a MySQL query FlagMysqlAnsiQuotes = "mysqlAnsiQuotes" // FlagAccessControlOnCall // Access control primitives for OnCall FlagAccessControlOnCall = "accessControlOnCall" // FlagNestedFolders // Enable folder nesting FlagNestedFolders = "nestedFolders" // FlagNestedFolderPicker // Enables the new folder picker to work with nested folders. Requires the nestedFolders feature toggle FlagNestedFolderPicker = "nestedFolderPicker" // FlagAccessTokenExpirationCheck // Enable OAuth access_token expiration check and token refresh using the refresh_token FlagAccessTokenExpirationCheck = "accessTokenExpirationCheck" // FlagEmptyDashboardPage // Enable the redesigned user interface of a dashboard page that includes no panels FlagEmptyDashboardPage = "emptyDashboardPage" // FlagDisablePrometheusExemplarSampling // Disable Prometheus exemplar sampling FlagDisablePrometheusExemplarSampling = "disablePrometheusExemplarSampling" // FlagAlertingBacktesting // Rule backtesting API for alerting FlagAlertingBacktesting = "alertingBacktesting" // FlagEditPanelCSVDragAndDrop // Enables drag and drop for CSV and Excel files FlagEditPanelCSVDragAndDrop = "editPanelCSVDragAndDrop" // FlagAlertingNoNormalState // Stop maintaining state of alerts that are not firing FlagAlertingNoNormalState = "alertingNoNormalState" // FlagLogsContextDatasourceUi // Allow datasource to provide custom UI for context view FlagLogsContextDatasourceUi = "logsContextDatasourceUi" // FlagLokiQuerySplitting // Split large interval queries into subqueries with smaller time intervals FlagLokiQuerySplitting = "lokiQuerySplitting" // FlagLokiQuerySplittingConfig // Give users the option to configure split durations for Loki queries FlagLokiQuerySplittingConfig = "lokiQuerySplittingConfig" // FlagIndividualCookiePreferences // Support overriding cookie preferences per user FlagIndividualCookiePreferences = "individualCookiePreferences" // FlagGcomOnlyExternalOrgRoleSync // Prohibits a user from changing organization roles synced with Grafana Cloud auth provider FlagGcomOnlyExternalOrgRoleSync = "gcomOnlyExternalOrgRoleSync" // FlagPrometheusMetricEncyclopedia // Adds the metrics explorer component to the Prometheus query builder as an option in metric select FlagPrometheusMetricEncyclopedia = "prometheusMetricEncyclopedia" // FlagInfluxdbBackendMigration // Query InfluxDB InfluxQL without the proxy FlagInfluxdbBackendMigration = "influxdbBackendMigration" // FlagClientTokenRotation // Replaces the current in-request token rotation so that the client initiates the rotation FlagClientTokenRotation = "clientTokenRotation" // FlagPrometheusDataplane // Changes responses to from Prometheus to be compliant with the dataplane specification. In particular, when this feature toggle is active, the numeric `Field.Name` is set from 'Value' to the value of the `__name__` label. FlagPrometheusDataplane = "prometheusDataplane" // FlagLokiMetricDataplane // Changes metric responses from Loki to be compliant with the dataplane specification. FlagLokiMetricDataplane = "lokiMetricDataplane" // FlagLokiLogsDataplane // Changes logs responses from Loki to be compliant with the dataplane specification. FlagLokiLogsDataplane = "lokiLogsDataplane" // FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback // Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback = "dataplaneFrontendFallback" // FlagDisableSSEDataplane // Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions. FlagDisableSSEDataplane = "disableSSEDataplane" // FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiSecondary // Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations. FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiSecondary = "alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary" // FlagAlertingNotificationsPoliciesMatchingInstances // Enables the preview of matching instances for notification policies FlagAlertingNotificationsPoliciesMatchingInstances = "alertingNotificationsPoliciesMatchingInstances" // FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiPrimary // Enable a remote Loki instance as the primary source for state history reads. FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiPrimary = "alertStateHistoryLokiPrimary" // FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiOnly // Disable Grafana alerts from emitting annotations when a remote Loki instance is available. FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiOnly = "alertStateHistoryLokiOnly" // FlagUnifiedRequestLog // Writes error logs to the request logger FlagUnifiedRequestLog = "unifiedRequestLog" // FlagRenderAuthJWT // Uses JWT-based auth for rendering instead of relying on remote cache FlagRenderAuthJWT = "renderAuthJWT" // FlagExternalServiceAuth // Starts an OAuth2 authentication provider for external services FlagExternalServiceAuth = "externalServiceAuth" // FlagRefactorVariablesTimeRange // Refactor time range variables flow to reduce number of API calls made when query variables are chained FlagRefactorVariablesTimeRange = "refactorVariablesTimeRange" // FlagUseCachingService // When active, the new query and resource caching implementation using a wire service inject replaces the previous middleware implementation. FlagUseCachingService = "useCachingService" // FlagEnableElasticsearchBackendQuerying // Enable the processing of queries and responses in the Elasticsearch data source through backend FlagEnableElasticsearchBackendQuerying = "enableElasticsearchBackendQuerying" // FlagAdvancedDataSourcePicker // Enable a new data source picker with contextual information, recently used order and advanced mode FlagAdvancedDataSourcePicker = "advancedDataSourcePicker" // FlagFaroDatasourceSelector // Enable the data source selector within the Frontend Apps section of the Frontend Observability FlagFaroDatasourceSelector = "faroDatasourceSelector" // FlagEnableDatagridEditing // Enables the edit functionality in the datagrid panel FlagEnableDatagridEditing = "enableDatagridEditing" // FlagDataSourcePageHeader // Apply new pageHeader UI in data source edit page FlagDataSourcePageHeader = "dataSourcePageHeader" // FlagExtraThemes // Enables extra themes FlagExtraThemes = "extraThemes" // FlagLokiPredefinedOperations // Adds predefined query operations to Loki query editor FlagLokiPredefinedOperations = "lokiPredefinedOperations" // FlagPluginsFrontendSandbox // Enables the plugins frontend sandbox FlagPluginsFrontendSandbox = "pluginsFrontendSandbox" // FlagDashboardEmbed // Allow embedding dashboard for external use in Code editors FlagDashboardEmbed = "dashboardEmbed" // FlagFrontendSandboxMonitorOnly // Enables monitor only in the plugin frontend sandbox (if enabled) FlagFrontendSandboxMonitorOnly = "frontendSandboxMonitorOnly" // FlagSqlDatasourceDatabaseSelection // Enables previous SQL data source dataset dropdown behavior FlagSqlDatasourceDatabaseSelection = "sqlDatasourceDatabaseSelection" // FlagLokiFormatQuery // Enables the ability to format Loki queries FlagLokiFormatQuery = "lokiFormatQuery" // FlagCloudWatchLogsMonacoEditor // Enables the Monaco editor for CloudWatch Logs queries FlagCloudWatchLogsMonacoEditor = "cloudWatchLogsMonacoEditor" // FlagExploreScrollableLogsContainer // Improves the scrolling behavior of logs in Explore FlagExploreScrollableLogsContainer = "exploreScrollableLogsContainer" // FlagRecordedQueriesMulti // Enables writing multiple items from a single query within Recorded Queries FlagRecordedQueriesMulti = "recordedQueriesMulti" // FlagPluginsDynamicAngularDetectionPatterns // Enables fetching Angular detection patterns for plugins from GCOM and fallback to hardcoded ones FlagPluginsDynamicAngularDetectionPatterns = "pluginsDynamicAngularDetectionPatterns" // FlagVizAndWidgetSplit // Split panels between visualizations and widgets FlagVizAndWidgetSplit = "vizAndWidgetSplit" // FlagPrometheusIncrementalQueryInstrumentation // Adds RudderStack events to incremental queries FlagPrometheusIncrementalQueryInstrumentation = "prometheusIncrementalQueryInstrumentation" // FlagLogsExploreTableVisualisation // A table visualisation for logs in Explore FlagLogsExploreTableVisualisation = "logsExploreTableVisualisation" // FlagAwsDatasourcesTempCredentials // Support temporary security credentials in AWS plugins for Grafana Cloud customers FlagAwsDatasourcesTempCredentials = "awsDatasourcesTempCredentials" // FlagTransformationsRedesign // Enables the transformations redesign FlagTransformationsRedesign = "transformationsRedesign" // FlagToggleLabelsInLogsUI // Enable toggleable filters in log details view FlagToggleLabelsInLogsUI = "toggleLabelsInLogsUI" // FlagMlExpressions // Enable support for Machine Learning in server-side expressions FlagMlExpressions = "mlExpressions" // FlagTraceQLStreaming // Enables response streaming of TraceQL queries of the Tempo data source FlagTraceQLStreaming = "traceQLStreaming" // FlagMetricsSummary // Enables metrics summary queries in the Tempo data source FlagMetricsSummary = "metricsSummary" // FlagGrafanaAPIServer // Enable Kubernetes API Server for Grafana resources FlagGrafanaAPIServer = "grafanaAPIServer" // FlagGrafanaAPIServerWithExperimentalAPIs // Register experimental APIs with the k8s API server FlagGrafanaAPIServerWithExperimentalAPIs = "grafanaAPIServerWithExperimentalAPIs" // FlagFeatureToggleAdminPage // Enable admin page for managing feature toggles from the Grafana front-end FlagFeatureToggleAdminPage = "featureToggleAdminPage" // FlagAwsAsyncQueryCaching // Enable caching for async queries for Redshift and Athena. Requires that the `useCachingService` feature toggle is enabled and the datasource has caching and async query support enabled FlagAwsAsyncQueryCaching = "awsAsyncQueryCaching" // FlagSplitScopes // Support faster dashboard and folder search by splitting permission scopes into parts FlagSplitScopes = "splitScopes" // FlagAzureMonitorDataplane // Adds dataplane compliant frame metadata in the Azure Monitor datasource FlagAzureMonitorDataplane = "azureMonitorDataplane" // FlagPermissionsFilterRemoveSubquery // Alternative permission filter implementation that does not use subqueries for fetching the dashboard folder FlagPermissionsFilterRemoveSubquery = "permissionsFilterRemoveSubquery" // FlagPrometheusConfigOverhaulAuth // Update the Prometheus configuration page with the new auth component FlagPrometheusConfigOverhaulAuth = "prometheusConfigOverhaulAuth" // FlagConfigurableSchedulerTick // Enable changing the scheduler base interval via configuration option unified_alerting.scheduler_tick_interval FlagConfigurableSchedulerTick = "configurableSchedulerTick" // FlagInfluxdbSqlSupport // Enable InfluxDB SQL query language support with new querying UI FlagInfluxdbSqlSupport = "influxdbSqlSupport" // FlagAlertingNoDataErrorExecution // Changes how Alerting state manager handles execution of NoData/Error FlagAlertingNoDataErrorExecution = "alertingNoDataErrorExecution" // FlagAngularDeprecationUI // Display new Angular deprecation-related UI features FlagAngularDeprecationUI = "angularDeprecationUI" // FlagDashgpt // Enable AI powered features in dashboards FlagDashgpt = "dashgpt" // FlagReportingRetries // Enables rendering retries for the reporting feature FlagReportingRetries = "reportingRetries" // FlagNewBrowseDashboards // New browse/manage dashboards UI FlagNewBrowseDashboards = "newBrowseDashboards" // FlagSseGroupByDatasource // Send query to the same datasource in a single request when using server side expressions FlagSseGroupByDatasource = "sseGroupByDatasource" // FlagRequestInstrumentationStatusSource // Include a status source label for request metrics and logs FlagRequestInstrumentationStatusSource = "requestInstrumentationStatusSource" // FlagLibraryPanelRBAC // Enables RBAC support for library panels FlagLibraryPanelRBAC = "libraryPanelRBAC" // FlagLokiRunQueriesInParallel // Enables running Loki queries in parallel FlagLokiRunQueriesInParallel = "lokiRunQueriesInParallel" // FlagWargamesTesting // Placeholder feature flag for internal testing FlagWargamesTesting = "wargamesTesting" // FlagAlertingInsights // Show the new alerting insights landing page FlagAlertingInsights = "alertingInsights" // FlagExternalCorePlugins // Allow core plugins to be loaded as external FlagExternalCorePlugins = "externalCorePlugins" // FlagPluginsAPIMetrics // Sends metrics of public grafana packages usage by plugins FlagPluginsAPIMetrics = "pluginsAPIMetrics" // FlagHttpSLOLevels // Adds SLO level to http request metrics FlagHttpSLOLevels = "httpSLOLevels" // FlagIdForwarding // Generate signed id token for identity that can be forwarded to plugins and external services FlagIdForwarding = "idForwarding" // FlagCloudWatchWildCardDimensionValues // Fetches dimension values from CloudWatch to correctly label wildcard dimensions FlagCloudWatchWildCardDimensionValues = "cloudWatchWildCardDimensionValues" // FlagExternalServiceAccounts // Automatic service account and token setup for plugins FlagExternalServiceAccounts = "externalServiceAccounts" // FlagPanelMonitoring // Enables panel monitoring through logs and measurements FlagPanelMonitoring = "panelMonitoring" // FlagEnableNativeHTTPHistogram // Enables native HTTP Histograms FlagEnableNativeHTTPHistogram = "enableNativeHTTPHistogram" // FlagFormatString // Enable format string transformer FlagFormatString = "formatString" // FlagTransformationsVariableSupport // Allows using variables in transformations FlagTransformationsVariableSupport = "transformationsVariableSupport" // FlagKubernetesPlaylists // Use the kubernetes API in the frontend for playlists FlagKubernetesPlaylists = "kubernetesPlaylists" // FlagCloudWatchBatchQueries // Runs CloudWatch metrics queries as separate batches FlagCloudWatchBatchQueries = "cloudWatchBatchQueries" // FlagNavAdminSubsections // Splits the administration section of the nav tree into subsections FlagNavAdminSubsections = "navAdminSubsections" // FlagRecoveryThreshold // Enables feature recovery threshold (aka hysteresis) for threshold server-side expression FlagRecoveryThreshold = "recoveryThreshold" // FlagTeamHttpHeaders // Enables datasources to apply team headers to the client requests FlagTeamHttpHeaders = "teamHttpHeaders" // FlagAwsDatasourcesNewFormStyling // Applies new form styling for configuration and query editors in AWS plugins FlagAwsDatasourcesNewFormStyling = "awsDatasourcesNewFormStyling" // FlagCachingOptimizeSerializationMemoryUsage // If enabled, the caching backend gradually serializes query responses for the cache, comparing against the configured `[caching]max_value_mb` value as it goes. This can can help prevent Grafana from running out of memory while attempting to cache very large query responses. FlagCachingOptimizeSerializationMemoryUsage = "cachingOptimizeSerializationMemoryUsage" // FlagPanelTitleSearchInV1 // Enable searching for dashboards using panel title in search v1 FlagPanelTitleSearchInV1 = "panelTitleSearchInV1" // FlagPluginsInstrumentationStatusSource // Include a status source label for plugin request metrics and logs FlagPluginsInstrumentationStatusSource = "pluginsInstrumentationStatusSource" // FlagCostManagementUi // Toggles the display of the cost management ui plugin FlagCostManagementUi = "costManagementUi" // FlagManagedPluginsInstall // Install managed plugins directly from plugins catalog FlagManagedPluginsInstall = "managedPluginsInstall" // FlagPrometheusPromQAIL // Prometheus and AI/ML to assist users in creating a query FlagPrometheusPromQAIL = "prometheusPromQAIL" )