import { t } from '@lingui/macro'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer'; import { AppEvents, DataFrameJSON, dataFrameToJSON, DataTopic, PanelData, SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { Button, CodeEditor, Field, Select } from '@grafana/ui'; import { appEvents } from 'app/core/core'; import { DashboardModel, PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { getPanelInspectorStyles } from '../inspector/styles'; enum ShowContent { PanelJSON = 'panel', PanelData = 'data', DataFrames = 'frames', } const options: Array> = [ { label: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.panel-json-label', message: 'Panel JSON' }), description: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.panel-json-description', message: 'The model saved in the dashboard JSON that configures how everything works.', }), value: ShowContent.PanelJSON, }, { label: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.panel-data-label', message: 'Panel data' }), description: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.panel-data-description', message: 'The raw model passed to the panel visualization', }), value: ShowContent.PanelData, }, { label: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.dataframe-label', message: 'DataFrame JSON' }), description: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.dataframe-description', message: 'JSON formatted DataFrames' }), value: ShowContent.DataFrames, }, ]; interface Props { onClose: () => void; dashboard?: DashboardModel; panel?: PanelModel; data?: PanelData; } interface State { show: ShowContent; text: string; } export class InspectJSONTab extends PureComponent { hasPanelJSON: boolean; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.hasPanelJSON = !!(props.panel && props.dashboard); // If we are in panel, we want to show PanelJSON, otherwise show DataFrames this.state = { show: this.hasPanelJSON ? ShowContent.PanelJSON : ShowContent.DataFrames, text: this.hasPanelJSON ? getPrettyJSON(props.panel!.getSaveModel()) : getPrettyJSON(, }; } onSelectChanged = (item: SelectableValue) => { const show = this.getJSONObject(item.value!); const text = getPrettyJSON(show); this.setState({ text, show: item.value! }); }; // Called onBlur onTextChanged = (text: string) => { this.setState({ text }); }; getJSONObject(show: ShowContent) { const { data, panel } = this.props; if (show === ShowContent.PanelData) { return data; } if (show === ShowContent.DataFrames) { return getPanelDataFrames(data); } if (this.hasPanelJSON && show === ShowContent.PanelJSON) { return panel!.getSaveModel(); } return { note: t({ id: 'dashboard.inspect-json.unknown', message: `Unknown Object: ${show}` }) }; } onApplyPanelModel = () => { const { panel, dashboard, onClose } = this.props; if (this.hasPanelJSON) { try { if (!dashboard!.meta.canEdit) { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, ['Unable to apply']); } else { const updates = JSON.parse(this.state.text); dashboard!.shouldUpdateDashboardPanelFromJSON(updates, panel!); panel!.restoreModel(updates); panel!.refresh(); appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertSuccess, ['Panel model updated']); } } catch (err) { console.error('Error applying updates', err); appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, ['Invalid JSON text']); } onClose(); } }; render() { const { dashboard } = this.props; const { show, text } = this.state; const jsonOptions = this.hasPanelJSON ? options : options.slice(1, options.length); const selected = options.find((v) => v.value === show); const isPanelJSON = show === ShowContent.PanelJSON; const canEdit = dashboard && dashboard.meta.canEdit; const styles = getPanelInspectorStyles(); return (