import _ from 'lodash'; import { auto } from 'angular'; import $ from 'jquery'; import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot'; import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.gauge'; import { DataFrame, DisplayValue, Field, fieldReducers, FieldType, GraphSeriesValue, KeyValue, LinkModel, reduceField, ReducerID, LegacyResponseData, getFlotPairs, getDisplayProcessor, PanelEvents, formattedValueToString, locationUtil, getFieldDisplayName, getColorForTheme, } from '@grafana/data'; import { convertOldAngularValueMapping } from '@grafana/ui'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { MetricsPanelCtrl } from 'app/plugins/sdk'; import { LinkSrv } from 'app/features/panel/panellinks/link_srv'; import { getProcessedDataFrames } from 'app/features/query/state/runRequest'; const BASE_FONT_SIZE = 38; export interface ShowData { field: Field; value: any; sparkline: GraphSeriesValue[][]; display: DisplayValue; scopedVars: any; thresholds: any[]; colorMap: any; } class SingleStatCtrl extends MetricsPanelCtrl { static templateUrl = 'module.html'; data: Partial = {}; fontSizes: any[] = []; fieldNames: string[] = []; invalidGaugeRange = false; panel: any; events: any; valueNameOptions: any[] = [ { value: 'min', text: 'Min' }, { value: 'max', text: 'Max' }, { value: 'avg', text: 'Average' }, { value: 'current', text: 'Current' }, { value: 'total', text: 'Total' }, { value: 'name', text: 'Name' }, { value: 'first', text: 'First' }, { value: 'delta', text: 'Delta' }, { value: 'diff', text: 'Difference' }, { value: 'diffperc', text: 'Difference percent' }, { value: 'range', text: 'Range' }, { value: 'last_time', text: 'Time of last point' }, ]; // Set and populate defaults panelDefaults: any = { links: [], datasource: null, maxDataPoints: 100, interval: null, targets: [{}], cacheTimeout: null, format: 'none', prefix: '', postfix: '', nullText: null, valueMaps: [{ value: 'null', op: '=', text: 'N/A' }], mappingTypes: [ { name: 'value to text', value: 1 }, { name: 'range to text', value: 2 }, ], rangeMaps: [{ from: 'null', to: 'null', text: 'N/A' }], mappingType: 1, nullPointMode: 'connected', valueName: 'avg', prefixFontSize: '50%', valueFontSize: '80%', postfixFontSize: '50%', thresholds: '', colorBackground: false, colorValue: false, colors: ['#299c46', 'rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)', '#d44a3a'], sparkline: { show: false, full: false, ymin: null, ymax: null, lineColor: 'rgb(31, 120, 193)', fillColor: 'rgba(31, 118, 189, 0.18)', }, gauge: { show: false, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, thresholdMarkers: true, thresholdLabels: false, }, tableColumn: '', }; /** @ngInject */ constructor($scope: any, $injector: auto.IInjectorService, private linkSrv: LinkSrv, private $sanitize: any) { super($scope, $injector); _.defaults(this.panel, this.panelDefaults);, this.onFramesReceived.bind(this));, this.onSnapshotLoad.bind(this));, this.onInitEditMode.bind(this)); this.useDataFrames = true; this.onSparklineColorChange = this.onSparklineColorChange.bind(this); this.onSparklineFillChange = this.onSparklineFillChange.bind(this); } onInitEditMode() { this.fontSizes = ['20%', '30%', '50%', '70%', '80%', '100%', '110%', '120%', '150%', '170%', '200%']; this.addEditorTab('Options', 'public/app/plugins/panel/singlestat/editor.html', 2); this.addEditorTab('Value Mappings', 'public/app/plugins/panel/singlestat/mappings.html', 3); } migrateToPanel(type: string) { this.onPluginTypeChange(config.panels[type]); } setUnitFormat() { return (unit: string) => { this.panel.format = unit; this.refresh(); }; } onSnapshotLoad(dataList: LegacyResponseData[]) { this.onFramesReceived(getProcessedDataFrames(dataList)); } onFramesReceived(frames: DataFrame[]) { const { panel } = this; this.dataList = frames; if (frames && frames.length > 1) { = { value: 0, display: { text: 'Only queries that return single series/table is supported', numeric: NaN, }, }; this.render(); return; } const distinct = getDistinctNames(frames); let fieldInfo: FieldInfo | undefined = distinct.byName[panel.tableColumn]; this.fieldNames = distinct.names; if (!fieldInfo) { fieldInfo = distinct.first; } if (!fieldInfo) { const processor = getDisplayProcessor({ field: { config: { mappings: convertOldAngularValueMapping(this.panel), noValue: 'No Data', }, }, theme: config.theme, timeZone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(), }); // When we don't have any field = { value: null, display: processor(null), }; } else { = this.processField(fieldInfo); } this.render(); } processField(fieldInfo: FieldInfo) { const { panel, dashboard } = this; const name = getFieldDisplayName(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfo.frame.frame, this.dataList as DataFrame[]); let calc = panel.valueName; let calcField = fieldInfo.field; let val: any = undefined; if ('name' === calc) { val = name; } else { if ('last_time' === calc) { if (fieldInfo.frame.firstTimeField) { calcField = fieldInfo.frame.firstTimeField; calc = ReducerID.last; } } // Normalize functions (avg -> mean, etc) const r = fieldReducers.getIfExists(calc); if (r) { calc =; // With strings, don't accidentally use a math function if (calcField.type === FieldType.string) { const avoid = [ReducerID.mean, ReducerID.sum]; if (avoid.includes(calc)) { calc = panel.valueName = ReducerID.first; } } } else { calc = ReducerID.lastNotNull; } // Calculate the value val = reduceField({ field: calcField, reducers: [calc], })[calc]; } const processor = getDisplayProcessor({ field: { ...fieldInfo.field, config: { ...fieldInfo.field.config, unit: panel.format, decimals: panel.decimals, mappings: convertOldAngularValueMapping(panel), }, }, theme: config.theme, timeZone: dashboard.getTimezone(), }); const sparkline: any[] = []; const data = { field: fieldInfo.field, value: val, display: processor(val), scopedVars: _.extend({}, panel.scopedVars), sparkline, }; data.scopedVars['__name'] = { value: name }; panel.tableColumn = this.fieldNames.length > 1 ? name : ''; // Get the fields for a sparkline if (panel.sparkline && && fieldInfo.frame.firstTimeField) { data.sparkline = getFlotPairs({ xField: fieldInfo.frame.firstTimeField, yField: fieldInfo.field, nullValueMode: panel.nullPointMode, }); } return data; } canModifyText() { return !; } setColoring(options: { background: any }) { if (options.background) { this.panel.colorValue = false; this.panel.colors = ['rgba(71, 212, 59, 0.4)', 'rgba(245, 150, 40, 0.73)', 'rgba(225, 40, 40, 0.59)']; } else { this.panel.colorBackground = false; this.panel.colors = ['rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)', 'rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)', 'rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)']; } this.render(); } invertColorOrder() { const tmp = this.panel.colors[0]; this.panel.colors[0] = this.panel.colors[2]; this.panel.colors[2] = tmp; this.render(); } onColorChange(panelColorIndex: number) { return (color: string) => { this.panel.colors[panelColorIndex] = color; this.render(); }; } onSparklineColorChange(newColor: string) { this.panel.sparkline.lineColor = newColor; this.render(); } onSparklineFillChange(newColor: string) { this.panel.sparkline.fillColor = newColor; this.render(); } removeValueMap(map: any) { const index = _.indexOf(this.panel.valueMaps, map); this.panel.valueMaps.splice(index, 1); this.render(); } addValueMap() { this.panel.valueMaps.push({ value: '', op: '=', text: '' }); } removeRangeMap(rangeMap: any) { const index = _.indexOf(this.panel.rangeMaps, rangeMap); this.panel.rangeMaps.splice(index, 1); this.render(); } addRangeMap() { this.panel.rangeMaps.push({ from: '', to: '', text: '' }); } link(scope: any, elem: JQuery, attrs: any, ctrl: any) { const $location = this.$location; const linkSrv = this.linkSrv; const $timeout = this.$timeout; const $sanitize = this.$sanitize; const panel = ctrl.panel; const templateSrv = this.templateSrv; let linkInfo: LinkModel | null = null; elem = elem.find('.singlestat-panel'); function getPanelContainer() { return elem.closest('.panel-container'); } function applyColoringThresholds(valueString: string) { const data =; const color = getColorForValue(data, data.value); if (color) { return '' + valueString + ''; } return valueString; } function getSpan(className: string, fontSizePercent: string, applyColoring: any, value: string) { value = $sanitize(templateSrv.replace(value,; value = applyColoring ? applyColoringThresholds(value) : value; const pixelSize = (parseInt(fontSizePercent, 10) / 100) * BASE_FONT_SIZE; return '' + value + ''; } function getBigValueHtml() { const data: ShowData =; let body = '
'; if (panel.prefix) { body += getSpan('singlestat-panel-prefix', panel.prefixFontSize, panel.colorPrefix, panel.prefix); } body += getSpan( 'singlestat-panel-value', panel.valueFontSize, panel.colorValue, formattedValueToString(data.display) ); if (panel.postfix) { body += getSpan('singlestat-panel-postfix', panel.postfixFontSize, panel.colorPostfix, panel.postfix); } body += '
'; return body; } function getValueText() { const data: ShowData =; let result = panel.prefix ? templateSrv.replace(panel.prefix, data.scopedVars) : ''; result += formattedValueToString(data.display); result += panel.postfix ? templateSrv.replace(panel.postfix, data.scopedVars) : ''; return result; } function addGauge() { const data: ShowData =; const width = elem.width() || 10; const height = elem.height() || 10; // Allow to use a bit more space for wide gauges const dimension = Math.min(width, height * 1.3); ctrl.invalidGaugeRange = false; if (panel.gauge.minValue > panel.gauge.maxValue) { ctrl.invalidGaugeRange = true; return; } const plotCanvas = $('
'); const plotCss = { top: '5px', margin: 'auto', position: 'relative', height: height * 0.9 + 'px', width: dimension + 'px', }; plotCanvas.css(plotCss); const thresholds = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.thresholds.length; i++) { thresholds.push({ value: data.thresholds[i], color: data.colorMap[i], }); } thresholds.push({ value: panel.gauge.maxValue, color: data.colorMap[data.colorMap.length - 1], }); const bgColor = config.bootData.user.lightTheme ? 'rgb(230,230,230)' : 'rgb(38,38,38)'; const fontScale = parseInt(panel.valueFontSize, 10) / 100; const fontSize = Math.min(dimension / 5, 100) * fontScale; // Reduce gauge width if threshold labels enabled const gaugeWidthReduceRatio = panel.gauge.thresholdLabels ? 1.5 : 1; const gaugeWidth = Math.min(dimension / 6, 60) / gaugeWidthReduceRatio; const thresholdMarkersWidth = gaugeWidth / 5; const thresholdLabelFontSize = fontSize / 2.5; const options: any = { series: { gauges: { gauge: { min: panel.gauge.minValue, max: panel.gauge.maxValue, background: { color: bgColor }, border: { color: null }, shadow: { show: false }, width: gaugeWidth, }, frame: { show: false }, label: { show: false }, layout: { margin: 0, thresholdWidth: 0 }, cell: { border: { width: 0 } }, threshold: { values: thresholds, label: { show: panel.gauge.thresholdLabels, margin: thresholdMarkersWidth + 1, font: { size: thresholdLabelFontSize }, }, show: panel.gauge.thresholdMarkers, width: thresholdMarkersWidth, }, value: { color: panel.colorValue ? getColorForValue(data, data.display.numeric) : null, formatter: () => { return getValueText(); }, font: { size: fontSize, family: config.theme.typography.fontFamily.sansSerif, }, }, show: true, }, }, }; elem.append(plotCanvas); const plotSeries = { data: [[0, data.value]], }; $.plot(plotCanvas, [plotSeries], options); } function addSparkline() { const data: ShowData =; const width = elem.width() || 30; if (width && width < 30) { // element has not gotten it's width yet // delay sparkline render setTimeout(addSparkline, 30); return; } if (!data.sparkline || !data.sparkline.length) { // no sparkline data return; } const height = ctrl.height; const plotCanvas = $('
'); const plotCss: any = {}; plotCss.position = 'absolute'; plotCss.bottom = '0px'; if (panel.sparkline.full) { plotCss.left = '0px'; plotCss.width = width + 'px'; const dynamicHeightMargin = height <= 100 ? 5 : Math.round(height / 100) * 15 + 5; plotCss.height = height - dynamicHeightMargin + 'px'; } else { plotCss.left = '0px'; plotCss.width = width + 'px'; plotCss.height = Math.floor(height * 0.25) + 'px'; } plotCanvas.css(plotCss); const options = { legend: { show: false }, series: { lines: { show: true, fill: 1, lineWidth: 1, fillColor: getColorForTheme(panel.sparkline.fillColor, config.theme), zero: false, }, }, yaxis: { show: false, min: panel.sparkline.ymin, max: panel.sparkline.ymax, }, xaxis: { show: false, mode: 'time', min: ctrl.range.from.valueOf(), max:, }, grid: { hoverable: false, show: false }, }; elem.append(plotCanvas); const plotSeries = { data: data.sparkline, color: getColorForTheme(panel.sparkline.lineColor, config.theme), }; $.plot(plotCanvas, [plotSeries], options); } function render() { if (! { return; } const { data, panel } = ctrl; // get thresholds data.thresholds = panel.thresholds ? panel.thresholds.split(',').map((strVale: string) => { return Number(strVale.trim()); }) : []; // Map panel colors to hex or rgb/a values if (panel.colors) { data.colorMap = string) => getColorForTheme(color, config.theme)); } const body = ? '' : getBigValueHtml(); if (panel.colorBackground) { const color = getColorForValue(data, data.display.numeric); if (color) { getPanelContainer().css('background-color', color); if (scope.fullscreen) { elem.css('background-color', color); } else { elem.css('background-color', ''); } } else { getPanelContainer().css('background-color', ''); elem.css('background-color', ''); } } else { getPanelContainer().css('background-color', ''); elem.css('background-color', ''); } elem.html(body); if ( { addSparkline(); } if ( { addGauge(); } elem.toggleClass('pointer', panel.links.length > 0); if (panel.links.length > 0) { linkInfo = linkSrv.getDataLinkUIModel(panel.links[0], data.scopedVars, {}); } else { linkInfo = null; } } function hookupDrilldownLinkTooltip() { // drilldown link tooltip const drilldownTooltip = $('
"'); elem.mouseleave(() => { if (panel.links.length === 0) { return; } $timeout(() => { drilldownTooltip.detach(); }); }); => { if (!linkInfo) { return; } // ignore title clicks in title if ($(evt).parents('.panel-header').length > 0) { return; } if ( === '_blank') {, '_blank'); return; } if (linkInfo.href.indexOf('http') === 0) { window.location.href = linkInfo.href; } else { $timeout(() => { $location.url(locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(linkInfo!.href)); }); } drilldownTooltip.detach(); }); elem.mousemove((e) => { if (!linkInfo) { return; } drilldownTooltip.text('click to go to: ' + linkInfo.title); drilldownTooltip.place_tt(e.pageX, e.pageY - 50); }); } hookupDrilldownLinkTooltip();, () => { render(); ctrl.renderingCompleted(); }); } } function getColorForValue(data: any, value: number) { if (!_.isFinite(value)) { return null; } for (let i = data.thresholds.length; i > 0; i--) { if (value >= data.thresholds[i - 1]) { return data.colorMap[i]; } } return _.first(data.colorMap); } //------------------------------------------------ // Private utility functions // Something like this should be available in a // DataFrame[] abstraction helper //------------------------------------------------ interface FrameInfo { firstTimeField?: Field; frame: DataFrame; } interface FieldInfo { field: Field; frame: FrameInfo; } interface DistinctFieldsInfo { first?: FieldInfo; byName: KeyValue; names: string[]; } function getDistinctNames(data: DataFrame[]): DistinctFieldsInfo { const distinct: DistinctFieldsInfo = { byName: {}, names: [], }; for (const frame of data) { const info: FrameInfo = { frame }; for (const field of frame.fields) { if (field.type === FieldType.time) { if (!info.firstTimeField) { info.firstTimeField = field; } } else { const f = { field, frame: info }; if (!distinct.first) { distinct.first = f; } let t = field.config.displayName; if (t && !distinct.byName[t]) { distinct.byName[t] = f; distinct.names.push(t); } t =; if (t && !distinct.byName[t]) { distinct.byName[t] = f; distinct.names.push(t); } } } } return distinct; } export { SingleStatCtrl, SingleStatCtrl as PanelCtrl, getColorForValue };