import * as d3 from 'd3'; import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn'; import {getValueBucketBound} from './heatmap_data_converter'; let TOOLTIP_PADDING_X = 30; let TOOLTIP_PADDING_Y = 5; let HISTOGRAM_WIDTH = 160; let HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT = 40; export class HeatmapTooltip { tooltip: any; scope: any; dashboard: any; panelCtrl: any; panel: any; heatmapPanel: any; mouseOverBucket: boolean; originalFillColor: any; constructor(elem, scope) { this.scope = scope; this.dashboard = scope.ctrl.dashboard; this.panelCtrl = scope.ctrl; this.panel = scope.ctrl.panel; this.heatmapPanel = elem; this.mouseOverBucket = false; this.originalFillColor = null; elem.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver.bind(this)); elem.on("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave.bind(this)); } onMouseOver(e) { if (! || ! || _.isEmpty( { return; } if (!this.tooltip) { this.add(); this.move(e); } } onMouseLeave() { this.destroy(); } onMouseMove(e) { if (! { return; } this.move(e); } add() { this.tooltip ="body") .append("div") .attr("class", "heatmap-tooltip graph-tooltip grafana-tooltip"); } destroy() { if (this.tooltip) { this.tooltip.remove(); } this.tooltip = null; } show(pos, data) { if (! || !data) { return; } // shared tooltip mode if (pos.panelRelY) { return; } let {xBucketIndex, yBucketIndex} = this.getBucketIndexes(pos, data); if (!data.buckets[xBucketIndex] || !this.tooltip) { this.destroy(); return; } let boundBottom, boundTop, valuesNumber; let xData = data.buckets[xBucketIndex]; // Search in special 'zero' bucket also let yData = _.find(xData.buckets, (bucket, bucketIndex) => { return bucket.bounds.bottom === yBucketIndex || bucketIndex === yBucketIndex; }); let tooltipTimeFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'; let time = this.dashboard.formatDate(xData.x, tooltipTimeFormat); // Decimals override. Code from panel/graph/graph.ts let valueFormatter; if (_.isNumber(this.panel.tooltipDecimals)) { valueFormatter = this.valueFormatter(this.panel.tooltipDecimals, null); } else { // auto decimals // legend and tooltip gets one more decimal precision // than graph legend ticks let decimals = (this.panelCtrl.decimals || -1) + 1; valueFormatter = this.valueFormatter(decimals, this.panelCtrl.scaledDecimals + 2); } let tooltipHtml = `
`; if (yData) { if (yData.bounds) { // Display 0 if bucket is a special 'zero' bucket let bottom = yData.y ? yData.bounds.bottom : 0; boundBottom = valueFormatter(bottom); boundTop = valueFormatter(; valuesNumber = yData.count; tooltipHtml += `
bucket: ${boundBottom} - ${boundTop}
count: ${valuesNumber}
`; } else { // currently no bounds for pre bucketed data tooltipHtml += `
count: ${yData.count}
`; } } else { if (!this.panel.tooltip.showHistogram) { this.destroy(); return; } boundBottom = yBucketIndex; boundTop = ''; valuesNumber = 0; } this.tooltip.html(tooltipHtml); if (this.panel.tooltip.showHistogram) { this.addHistogram(xData); } this.move(pos); } getBucketIndexes(pos, data) { const xBucketIndex = this.getXBucketIndex(pos.offsetX, data); const yBucketIndex = this.getYBucketIndex(pos.offsetY, data); return {xBucketIndex, yBucketIndex}; } getXBucketIndex(offsetX, data) { let x = this.scope.xScale.invert(offsetX - this.scope.yAxisWidth).valueOf(); let xBucketIndex = getValueBucketBound(x, data.xBucketSize, 1); return xBucketIndex; } getYBucketIndex(offsetY, data) { let y = this.scope.yScale.invert(offsetY - this.scope.chartTop); let yBucketIndex = getValueBucketBound(y, data.yBucketSize, this.panel.yAxis.logBase); return yBucketIndex; } getSharedTooltipPos(pos) { // get pageX from position on x axis and pageY from relative position in original panel pos.pageX = this.heatmapPanel.offset().left + this.scope.xScale(pos.x); pos.pageY = this.heatmapPanel.offset().top + this.scope.chartHeight * pos.panelRelY; return pos; } addHistogram(data) { let xBucket =[data.x]; let yBucketSize =; let {min, max, ticks} =; let histogramData =, bucket => { return [bucket.bounds.bottom, bucket.values.length]; }); histogramData = _.filter(histogramData, d => { return d[0] >= min && d[0] <= max; }); let scale = this.scope.yScale.copy(); let histXScale = scale .domain([min, max]) .range([0, HISTOGRAM_WIDTH]); let barWidth; if (this.panel.yAxis.logBase === 1) { barWidth = Math.floor(HISTOGRAM_WIDTH / (max - min) * yBucketSize * 0.9); } else { let barNumberFactor = yBucketSize ? yBucketSize : 1; barWidth = Math.floor(HISTOGRAM_WIDTH / ticks / barNumberFactor * 0.9); } barWidth = Math.max(barWidth, 1); // Normalize histogram Y axis let histogramDomain = _.reduce(, d => d[1]), (sum, val) => sum + val, 0); let histYScale = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, histogramDomain]) .range([0, HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT]); let histogram =".heatmap-histogram") .append("svg") .attr("width", HISTOGRAM_WIDTH) .attr("height", HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT); histogram.selectAll(".bar").data(histogramData) .enter().append("rect") .attr("x", d => { return histXScale(d[0]); }) .attr("width", barWidth) .attr("y", d => { return HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT - histYScale(d[1]); }) .attr("height", d => { return histYScale(d[1]); }); } move(pos) { if (!this.tooltip) { return; } let elem = $(this.tooltip.node())[0]; let tooltipWidth = elem.clientWidth; let tooltipHeight = elem.clientHeight; let left = pos.pageX + TOOLTIP_PADDING_X; let top = pos.pageY + TOOLTIP_PADDING_Y; if (pos.pageX + tooltipWidth + 40 > window.innerWidth) { left = pos.pageX - tooltipWidth - TOOLTIP_PADDING_X; } if (pos.pageY - window.pageYOffset + tooltipHeight + 20 > window.innerHeight) { top = pos.pageY - tooltipHeight - TOOLTIP_PADDING_Y; } return this.tooltip .style("left", left + "px") .style("top", top + "px"); } valueFormatter(decimals, scaledDecimals = null) { let format = this.panel.yAxis.format; return function(value) { return kbn.valueFormats[format](value, decimals, scaledDecimals); }; } }