package api import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" fakeDatasources "" ) func TestAPIGetPublicDashboard(t *testing.T) { t.Run("It should 404 if featureflag is not enabled", func(t *testing.T) { sc := setupHTTPServerWithMockDb(t, false, false, featuremgmt.WithFeatures()) dashSvc := dashboards.NewFakeDashboardService(t) dashSvc.On("GetPublicDashboard", mock.Anything, mock.AnythingOfType("string")). Return(&models.Dashboard{}, nil).Maybe() sc.hs.dashboardService = dashSvc setInitCtxSignedInViewer(sc.initCtx) response := callAPI( sc.server, http.MethodGet, "/api/public/dashboards", nil, t, ) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusNotFound, response.Code) response = callAPI( sc.server, http.MethodGet, "/api/public/dashboards/asdf", nil, t, ) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusNotFound, response.Code) }) dashboardUid := "dashboard-abcd1234" pubdashUid := "pubdash-abcd1234" testCases := []struct { name string uid string expectedHttpResponse int publicDashboardResult *models.Dashboard publicDashboardErr error }{ { name: "It gets a public dashboard", uid: pubdashUid, expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusOK, publicDashboardResult: &models.Dashboard{ Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "Uid": dashboardUid, }), IsPublic: true, }, publicDashboardErr: nil, }, { name: "It should return 404 if isPublicDashboard is false", uid: pubdashUid, expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusNotFound, publicDashboardResult: nil, publicDashboardErr: models.ErrPublicDashboardNotFound, }, } for _, test := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { sc := setupHTTPServerWithMockDb(t, false, false, featuremgmt.WithFeatures(featuremgmt.FlagPublicDashboards)) dashSvc := dashboards.NewFakeDashboardService(t) dashSvc.On("GetPublicDashboard", mock.Anything, mock.AnythingOfType("string")). Return(test.publicDashboardResult, test.publicDashboardErr) sc.hs.dashboardService = dashSvc setInitCtxSignedInViewer(sc.initCtx) response := callAPI( sc.server, http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/api/public/dashboards/%v", test.uid), nil, t, ) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedHttpResponse, response.Code) if test.publicDashboardErr == nil { var dashResp dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta err := json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &dashResp) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dashboardUid, dashResp.Dashboard.Get("Uid").MustString()) assert.Equal(t, true, dashResp.Meta.IsPublic) assert.Equal(t, false, dashResp.Meta.CanEdit) assert.Equal(t, false, dashResp.Meta.CanDelete) assert.Equal(t, false, dashResp.Meta.CanSave) } else { var errResp struct { Error string `json:"error"` } err := json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &errResp) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, test.publicDashboardErr.Error(), errResp.Error) } }) } } func TestAPIGetPublicDashboardConfig(t *testing.T) { pdc := &models.PublicDashboardConfig{IsPublic: true} testCases := []struct { name string dashboardUid string expectedHttpResponse int publicDashboardConfigResult *models.PublicDashboardConfig publicDashboardConfigError error }{ { name: "retrieves public dashboard config when dashboard is found", dashboardUid: "1", expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusOK, publicDashboardConfigResult: pdc, publicDashboardConfigError: nil, }, { name: "returns 404 when dashboard not found", dashboardUid: "77777", expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusNotFound, publicDashboardConfigResult: nil, publicDashboardConfigError: models.ErrDashboardNotFound, }, { name: "returns 500 when internal server error", dashboardUid: "1", expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusInternalServerError, publicDashboardConfigResult: nil, publicDashboardConfigError: errors.New("database broken"), }, } for _, test := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { sc := setupHTTPServerWithMockDb(t, false, false, featuremgmt.WithFeatures(featuremgmt.FlagPublicDashboards)) dashSvc := dashboards.NewFakeDashboardService(t) dashSvc.On("GetPublicDashboardConfig", mock.Anything, mock.AnythingOfType("int64"), mock.AnythingOfType("string")). Return(test.publicDashboardConfigResult, test.publicDashboardConfigError) sc.hs.dashboardService = dashSvc setInitCtxSignedInViewer(sc.initCtx) response := callAPI( sc.server, http.MethodGet, "/api/dashboards/uid/1/public-config", nil, t, ) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedHttpResponse, response.Code) if response.Code == http.StatusOK { var pdcResp models.PublicDashboardConfig err := json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &pdcResp) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, test.publicDashboardConfigResult, &pdcResp) } }) } } func TestApiSavePublicDashboardConfig(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string dashboardUid string publicDashboardConfig *models.PublicDashboardConfig expectedHttpResponse int saveDashboardError error }{ { name: "returns 200 when update persists", dashboardUid: "1", publicDashboardConfig: &models.PublicDashboardConfig{IsPublic: true}, expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusOK, saveDashboardError: nil, }, { name: "returns 500 when not persisted", expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusInternalServerError, publicDashboardConfig: &models.PublicDashboardConfig{}, saveDashboardError: errors.New("backend failed to save"), }, { name: "returns 404 when dashboard not found", expectedHttpResponse: http.StatusNotFound, publicDashboardConfig: &models.PublicDashboardConfig{}, saveDashboardError: models.ErrDashboardNotFound, }, } for _, test := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { sc := setupHTTPServerWithMockDb(t, false, false, featuremgmt.WithFeatures(featuremgmt.FlagPublicDashboards)) dashSvc := dashboards.NewFakeDashboardService(t) dashSvc.On("SavePublicDashboardConfig", mock.Anything, mock.AnythingOfType("*dashboards.SavePublicDashboardConfigDTO")). Return(&models.PublicDashboardConfig{IsPublic: true}, test.saveDashboardError) sc.hs.dashboardService = dashSvc setInitCtxSignedInViewer(sc.initCtx) response := callAPI( sc.server, http.MethodPost, "/api/dashboards/uid/1/public-config", strings.NewReader(`{ "isPublic": true }`), t, ) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedHttpResponse, response.Code) // check the result if it's a 200 if response.Code == http.StatusOK { val, err := json.Marshal(test.publicDashboardConfig) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, string(val), response.Body.String()) } }) } } // `/public/dashboards/:uid/query`` endpoint test func TestAPIQueryPublicDashboard(t *testing.T) { queryReturnsError := false qds := query.ProvideService( nil, &fakeDatasources.FakeCacheService{ DataSources: []*models.DataSource{ {Uid: "mysqlds"}, {Uid: "promds"}, {Uid: "promds2"}, }, }, nil, &fakePluginRequestValidator{}, &fakeDatasources.FakeDataSourceService{}, &fakePluginClient{ QueryDataHandlerFunc: func(ctx context.Context, req *backend.QueryDataRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { if queryReturnsError { return nil, errors.New("error") } resp := backend.Responses{} for _, query := range req.Queries { resp[query.RefID] = backend.DataResponse{ Frames: []*data.Frame{ { RefID: query.RefID, Name: "query-" + query.RefID, }, }, } } return &backend.QueryDataResponse{Responses: resp}, nil }, }, &fakeOAuthTokenService{}, ) setup := func(enabled bool) (*webtest.Server, *dashboards.FakeDashboardService) { fakeDashboardService := &dashboards.FakeDashboardService{} return SetupAPITestServer(t, func(hs *HTTPServer) { hs.queryDataService = qds hs.Features = featuremgmt.WithFeatures(featuremgmt.FlagPublicDashboards, enabled) hs.dashboardService = fakeDashboardService }), fakeDashboardService } t.Run("Status code is 404 when feature toggle is disabled", func(t *testing.T) { server, _ := setup(false) req := server.NewPostRequest( "/api/public/dashboards/abc123/panels/2/query", strings.NewReader("{}"), ) resp, err := server.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, http.StatusNotFound, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Status code is 400 when the panel ID is invalid", func(t *testing.T) { server, _ := setup(true) req := server.NewPostRequest( "/api/public/dashboards/abc123/panels/notanumber/query", strings.NewReader("{}"), ) resp, err := server.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Returns query data when feature toggle is enabled", func(t *testing.T) { server, fakeDashboardService := setup(true) fakeDashboardService.On( "BuildPublicDashboardMetricRequest", mock.Anything, "abc123", int64(2), ).Return(dtos.MetricRequest{ Queries: []*simplejson.Json{ simplejson.MustJson([]byte(` { "datasource": { "type": "prometheus", "uid": "promds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "query_2_A", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } `)), }, }, nil) req := server.NewPostRequest( "/api/public/dashboards/abc123/panels/2/query", strings.NewReader("{}"), ) resp, err := server.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq( t, `{ "results": { "A": { "frames": [ { "data": { "values": [] }, "schema": { "fields": [], "refId": "A", "name": "query-A" } } ] } } }`, string(bodyBytes), ) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Status code is 500 when the query fails", func(t *testing.T) { server, fakeDashboardService := setup(true) fakeDashboardService.On( "BuildPublicDashboardMetricRequest", mock.Anything, "abc123", int64(2), ).Return(dtos.MetricRequest{ Queries: []*simplejson.Json{ simplejson.MustJson([]byte(` { "datasource": { "type": "prometheus", "uid": "promds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "query_2_A", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } `)), }, }, nil) req := server.NewPostRequest( "/api/public/dashboards/abc123/panels/2/query", strings.NewReader("{}"), ) queryReturnsError = true resp, err := server.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, http.StatusInternalServerError, resp.StatusCode) queryReturnsError = false }) t.Run("Status code is 200 when a panel has queries from multiple datasources", func(t *testing.T) { server, fakeDashboardService := setup(true) fakeDashboardService.On( "BuildPublicDashboardMetricRequest", mock.Anything, "abc123", int64(2), ).Return(dtos.MetricRequest{ Queries: []*simplejson.Json{ simplejson.MustJson([]byte(` { "datasource": { "type": "prometheus", "uid": "promds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "query_2_A", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } `)), simplejson.MustJson([]byte(` { "datasource": { "type": "prometheus", "uid": "promds2" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "query_2_B", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "", "refId": "B" } `)), }, }, nil) req := server.NewPostRequest( "/api/public/dashboards/abc123/panels/2/query", strings.NewReader("{}"), ) resp, err := server.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq( t, `{ "results": { "A": { "frames": [ { "data": { "values": [] }, "schema": { "fields": [], "refId": "A", "name": "query-A" } } ] }, "B": { "frames": [ { "data": { "values": [] }, "schema": { "fields": [], "refId": "B", "name": "query-B" } } ] } } }`, string(bodyBytes), ) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode) }) }