import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { getGrafanaContextMock } from 'test/mocks/getGrafanaContextMock'; import { NavModelItem } from '@grafana/data'; import { config } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { GrafanaContext } from 'app/core/context/GrafanaContext'; import { HOME_NAV_ID } from 'app/core/reducers/navModel'; import { configureStore } from 'app/store/configureStore'; import { PageProps } from '../Page/types'; import { Page } from './Page'; const pageNav: NavModelItem = { text: 'pageNav title', children: [ { text: 'pageNav child1', url: '1', active: true }, { text: 'pageNav child2', url: '2' }, ], }; const setup = (props: Partial) => { config.bootData.navTree = [ { id: HOME_NAV_ID, text: 'Home', }, { text: 'Section name', id: 'section', url: 'section', children: [ { text: 'Child1', id: 'child1', url: 'section/child1' }, { text: 'Child2', id: 'child2', url: 'section/child2' }, ], }, ]; const context = getGrafanaContextMock(); const store = configureStore(); const renderResult = render(
); return { renderResult, context }; }; describe('Render', () => { it('should render component with emtpy Page container', async () => { setup({}); const children = await screen.findByTestId('page-children'); expect(children).toBeInTheDocument(); const pageHeader = screen.queryByRole('heading'); expect(pageHeader).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render header when pageNav supplied', async () => { setup({ pageNav }); expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: 'pageNav title' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getAllByRole('tab').length).toBe(2); }); it('should render section nav model based on navId', async () => { setup({ navId: 'child1' }); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab Section name' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab Child1' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab Child1' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getAllByRole('tab').length).toBe(3); }); it('should update chrome with section and pageNav', async () => { const { context } = setup({ navId: 'child1', pageNav }); expect('child1'); expect(; }); it('should render section nav model based on navId and item page nav', async () => { setup({ navId: 'child1', pageNav }); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab Section name' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: 'pageNav title' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab Child1' })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Tab pageNav child1' })).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should update document title', async () => { setup({ navId: 'child1', pageNav }); expect(document.title).toBe('pageNav title - Child1 - Section name - Grafana'); }); it('should not include hideFromBreadcrumb nodes in title', async () => { pageNav.children![0].hideFromBreadcrumbs = true; setup({ navId: 'child1', pageNav }); expect(document.title).toBe('pageNav title - Child1 - Section name - Grafana'); }); });