package influxdb import ( "io/ioutil" "net/url" "testing" "" "" . "" ) func TestInfluxDB(t *testing.T) { Convey("InfluxDB", t, func() { datasource := &models.DataSource{ Url: "http://awesome-influxdb:1337", Database: "awesome-db", JsonData: simplejson.New(), } query := "SELECT awesomeness FROM somewhere" e := &InfluxDBExecutor{ QueryParser: &InfluxdbQueryParser{}, ResponseParser: &ResponseParser{}, } Convey("createRequest with GET httpMode", func() { req, _ := e.createRequest(datasource, query) Convey("as default", func() { So(req.Method, ShouldEqual, "GET") }) Convey("has a 'q' GET param that equals to query", func() { q := req.URL.Query().Get("q") So(q, ShouldEqual, query) }) Convey("has an empty body", func() { So(req.Body, ShouldEqual, nil) }) }) Convey("createRequest with POST httpMode", func() { datasource.JsonData.Set("httpMode", "POST") req, _ := e.createRequest(datasource, query) Convey("method should be POST", func() { So(req.Method, ShouldEqual, "POST") }) Convey("has no 'q' GET param", func() { q := req.URL.Query().Get("q") So(q, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("has the request as GET param in body", func() { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body) testBodyValues := url.Values{} testBodyValues.Add("q", query) testBody := testBodyValues.Encode() So(string(body[:]), ShouldEqual, testBody) }) }) Convey("createRequest with PUT httpMode", func() { datasource.JsonData.Set("httpMode", "PUT") _, err := e.createRequest(datasource, query) Convey("should miserably fail", func() { So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrInvalidHttpMode) }) }) }) }