// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Copyright 2014 Torkel Ödegaard

package setting

import (




type Scheme string

const (
	HTTPScheme   Scheme = "http"
	HTTPSScheme  Scheme = "https"
	HTTP2Scheme  Scheme = "h2"
	SocketScheme Scheme = "socket"

const (
	RedactedPassword = "*********"
	DefaultHTTPAddr  = ""
	Dev              = "development"
	Prod             = "production"
	Test             = "test"
	ApplicationName  = "Grafana"

// zoneInfo names environment variable for setting the path to look for the timezone database in go
const zoneInfo = "ZONEINFO"

var (
	// App settings.
	Env              = Dev
	AppUrl           string
	AppSubUrl        string
	ServeFromSubPath bool
	InstanceName     string

	// build
	BuildVersion string
	BuildCommit  string
	BuildBranch  string
	BuildStamp   int64
	IsEnterprise bool

	// packaging
	Packaging = "unknown"

	// Paths
	HomePath       string
	CustomInitPath = "conf/custom.ini"

	// HTTP server options
	StaticRootPath string

	// Security settings.
	SecretKey              string
	DisableGravatar        bool
	DataProxyWhiteList     map[string]bool
	CookieSecure           bool
	CookieSameSiteDisabled bool
	CookieSameSiteMode     http.SameSite

	// Snapshots
	ExternalSnapshotUrl   string
	ExternalSnapshotName  string
	ExternalEnabled       bool
	SnapShotRemoveExpired bool

	// Dashboard history
	DashboardVersionsToKeep int
	MinRefreshInterval      string

	// User settings
	AllowUserSignUp         bool
	AllowUserOrgCreate      bool
	AutoAssignOrg           bool
	AutoAssignOrgId         int
	AutoAssignOrgRole       string
	VerifyEmailEnabled      bool
	LoginHint               string
	PasswordHint            string
	DisableLoginForm        bool
	DisableSignoutMenu      bool
	SignoutRedirectUrl      string
	ExternalUserMngLinkUrl  string
	ExternalUserMngLinkName string
	ExternalUserMngInfo     string
	OAuthAutoLogin          bool
	ViewersCanEdit          bool

	// HTTP auth
	SigV4AuthEnabled bool

	AnonymousEnabled bool

	// Auth proxy settings
	AuthProxyEnabled        bool
	AuthProxyHeaderProperty string

	// Basic Auth
	BasicAuthEnabled bool

	// Global setting objects.
	Raw *ini.File

	// for logging purposes
	configFiles                  []string
	appliedCommandLineProperties []string
	appliedEnvOverrides          []string

	// analytics
	GoogleAnalyticsId       string
	GoogleTagManagerId      string
	RudderstackDataPlaneUrl string
	RudderstackWriteKey     string
	RudderstackSdkUrl       string
	RudderstackConfigUrl    string

	// LDAP
	LDAPEnabled           bool
	LDAPConfigFile        string
	LDAPSyncCron          string
	LDAPAllowSignup       bool
	LDAPActiveSyncEnabled bool

	// Quota
	Quota QuotaSettings

	// Alerting
	AlertingEnabled            *bool
	ExecuteAlerts              bool
	AlertingRenderLimit        int
	AlertingErrorOrTimeout     string
	AlertingNoDataOrNullValues string

	AlertingEvaluationTimeout   time.Duration
	AlertingNotificationTimeout time.Duration
	AlertingMaxAttempts         int
	AlertingMinInterval         int64

	// Explore UI
	ExploreEnabled bool

	// Help UI
	HelpEnabled bool

	// Profile UI
	ProfileEnabled bool

	// Grafana.NET URL
	GrafanaComUrl string

	ImageUploadProvider string

// AddChangePasswordLink returns if login form is disabled or not since
// the same intention can be used to hide both features.
func AddChangePasswordLink() bool {
	return !DisableLoginForm

// TODO move all global vars to this struct
type Cfg struct {
	Raw    *ini.File
	Logger log.Logger

	// HTTP Server Settings
	CertFile         string
	KeyFile          string
	HTTPAddr         string
	HTTPPort         string
	AppURL           string
	AppSubURL        string
	ServeFromSubPath bool
	StaticRootPath   string
	Protocol         Scheme
	SocketPath       string
	RouterLogging    bool
	Domain           string
	CDNRootURL       *url.URL
	ReadTimeout      time.Duration
	EnableGzip       bool
	EnforceDomain    bool

	// Security settings
	SecretKey             string
	EmailCodeValidMinutes int

	// build
	BuildVersion string
	BuildCommit  string
	BuildBranch  string
	BuildStamp   int64
	IsEnterprise bool

	// packaging
	Packaging string

	// Paths
	HomePath           string
	ProvisioningPath   string
	DataPath           string
	LogsPath           string
	PluginsPath        string
	BundledPluginsPath string

	// SMTP email settings
	Smtp SmtpSettings

	// Rendering
	ImagesDir                      string
	CSVsDir                        string
	RendererUrl                    string
	RendererCallbackUrl            string
	RendererConcurrentRequestLimit int

	// Security
	DisableInitAdminCreation          bool
	DisableBruteForceLoginProtection  bool
	CookieSecure                      bool
	CookieSameSiteDisabled            bool
	CookieSameSiteMode                http.SameSite
	AllowEmbedding                    bool
	XSSProtectionHeader               bool
	ContentTypeProtectionHeader       bool
	StrictTransportSecurity           bool
	StrictTransportSecurityMaxAge     int
	StrictTransportSecurityPreload    bool
	StrictTransportSecuritySubDomains bool
	// CSPEnabled toggles Content Security Policy support.
	CSPEnabled bool
	// CSPTemplate contains the Content Security Policy template.
	CSPTemplate           string
	AngularSupportEnabled bool

	TempDataLifetime                 time.Duration
	PluginsEnableAlpha               bool
	PluginsAppsSkipVerifyTLS         bool
	PluginSettings                   PluginSettings
	PluginsAllowUnsigned             []string
	PluginCatalogURL                 string
	PluginCatalogHiddenPlugins       []string
	PluginAdminEnabled               bool
	PluginAdminExternalManageEnabled bool
	DisableSanitizeHtml              bool
	EnterpriseLicensePath            string

	// Metrics
	MetricsEndpointEnabled           bool
	MetricsEndpointBasicAuthUsername string
	MetricsEndpointBasicAuthPassword string
	MetricsEndpointDisableTotalStats bool
	MetricsGrafanaEnvironmentInfo    map[string]string

	// Dashboards
	DefaultHomeDashboardPath string

	// Auth
	LoginCookieName              string
	LoginMaxInactiveLifetime     time.Duration
	LoginMaxLifetime             time.Duration
	TokenRotationIntervalMinutes int
	SigV4AuthEnabled             bool
	SigV4VerboseLogging          bool
	BasicAuthEnabled             bool
	AdminUser                    string
	AdminPassword                string

	// AWS Plugin Auth
	AWSAllowedAuthProviders []string
	AWSAssumeRoleEnabled    bool
	AWSListMetricsPageLimit int

	// Azure Cloud settings
	Azure *azsettings.AzureSettings

	// Auth proxy settings
	AuthProxyEnabled          bool
	AuthProxyHeaderName       string
	AuthProxyHeaderProperty   string
	AuthProxyAutoSignUp       bool
	AuthProxyEnableLoginToken bool
	AuthProxyWhitelist        string
	AuthProxyHeaders          map[string]string
	AuthProxyHeadersEncoded   bool
	AuthProxySyncTTL          int

	// OAuth
	OAuthCookieMaxAge int

	// JWT Auth
	JWTAuthEnabled       bool
	JWTAuthHeaderName    string
	JWTAuthEmailClaim    string
	JWTAuthUsernameClaim string
	JWTAuthExpectClaims  string
	JWTAuthJWKSetURL     string
	JWTAuthCacheTTL      time.Duration
	JWTAuthKeyFile       string
	JWTAuthJWKSetFile    string
	JWTAuthAutoSignUp    bool

	// Dataproxy
	SendUserHeader                 bool
	DataProxyLogging               bool
	DataProxyTimeout               int
	DataProxyDialTimeout           int
	DataProxyTLSHandshakeTimeout   int
	DataProxyExpectContinueTimeout int
	DataProxyMaxConnsPerHost       int
	DataProxyMaxIdleConns          int
	DataProxyKeepAlive             int
	DataProxyIdleConnTimeout       int
	ResponseLimit                  int64
	DataProxyRowLimit              int64

	// DistributedCache
	RemoteCacheOptions *RemoteCacheOptions

	EditorsCanAdmin bool

	ApiKeyMaxSecondsToLive int64

	// Check if a feature toggle is enabled
	// @deprecated
	IsFeatureToggleEnabled func(key string) bool // filled in dynamically

	AnonymousEnabled     bool
	AnonymousOrgName     string
	AnonymousOrgRole     string
	AnonymousHideVersion bool

	DateFormats DateFormats

	// User
	UserInviteMaxLifetime time.Duration
	HiddenUsers           map[string]struct{}

	// Annotations
	AnnotationCleanupJobBatchSize      int64
	AlertingAnnotationCleanupSetting   AnnotationCleanupSettings
	DashboardAnnotationCleanupSettings AnnotationCleanupSettings
	APIAnnotationCleanupSettings       AnnotationCleanupSettings

	// Sentry config
	Sentry Sentry

	// Data sources
	DataSourceLimit int

	// Snapshots
	SnapshotPublicMode bool

	ErrTemplateName string

	Env string

	ForceMigration bool

	// Analytics
	CheckForGrafanaUpdates              bool
	CheckForPluginUpdates               bool
	ReportingDistributor                string
	ReportingEnabled                    bool
	ApplicationInsightsConnectionString string
	ApplicationInsightsEndpointUrl      string
	FeedbackLinksEnabled                bool

	// LDAP
	LDAPEnabled     bool
	LDAPAllowSignup bool

	Quota QuotaSettings

	DefaultTheme string
	HomePage     string

	AutoAssignOrg              bool
	AutoAssignOrgId            int
	AutoAssignOrgRole          string
	OAuthSkipOrgRoleUpdateSync bool

	// ExpressionsEnabled specifies whether expressions are enabled.
	ExpressionsEnabled bool

	ImageUploadProvider string

	// LiveMaxConnections is a maximum number of WebSocket connections to
	// Grafana Live ws endpoint (per Grafana server instance). 0 disables
	// Live, -1 means unlimited connections.
	LiveMaxConnections int
	// LiveHAEngine is a type of engine to use to achieve HA with Grafana Live.
	// Zero value means in-memory single node setup.
	LiveHAEngine string
	// LiveHAEngineAddress is a connection address for Live HA engine.
	LiveHAEngineAddress string
	// LiveAllowedOrigins is a set of origins accepted by Live. If not provided
	// then Live uses AppURL as the only allowed origin.
	LiveAllowedOrigins []string

	// Grafana.com URL
	GrafanaComURL string

	// Geomap base layer config
	GeomapDefaultBaseLayerConfig map[string]interface{}
	GeomapEnableCustomBaseLayers bool

	// Unified Alerting
	UnifiedAlerting UnifiedAlertingSettings

	// Query history
	QueryHistoryEnabled bool

	DashboardPreviews DashboardPreviewsSettings

	// Access Control
	RBACEnabled         bool
	RBACPermissionCache bool
	// Undocumented option as a backup in case removing builtin-role assignment
	// fails
	RBACBuiltInRoleAssignmentEnabled bool

type CommandLineArgs struct {
	Config   string
	HomePath string
	Args     []string

func (cfg Cfg) parseAppUrlAndSubUrl(section *ini.Section) (string, string, error) {
	appUrl := valueAsString(section, "root_url", "http://localhost:3000/")

	if appUrl[len(appUrl)-1] != '/' {
		appUrl += "/"

	// Check if has app suburl.
	url, err := url.Parse(appUrl)
	if err != nil {
		cfg.Logger.Error("Invalid root_url.", "url", appUrl, "error", err)

	appSubUrl := strings.TrimSuffix(url.Path, "/")
	return appUrl, appSubUrl, nil

func ToAbsUrl(relativeUrl string) string {
	return AppUrl + relativeUrl

func RedactedValue(key, value string) string {
	uppercased := strings.ToUpper(key)
	// Sensitive information: password, secrets etc
	for _, pattern := range []string{
	} {
		if match, err := regexp.MatchString(pattern, uppercased); match && err == nil {
			return RedactedPassword

	for _, exception := range []string{
	} {
		if strings.Contains(uppercased, exception) {
			return value

	if u, err := RedactedURL(value); err == nil {
		return u

	return value

func RedactedURL(value string) (string, error) {
	// Value could be a list of URLs
	chunks := util.SplitString(value)

	for i, chunk := range chunks {
		var hasTmpPrefix bool
		const tmpPrefix = "http://"

		if !strings.Contains(chunk, "://") {
			chunk = tmpPrefix + chunk
			hasTmpPrefix = true

		u, err := url.Parse(chunk)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		redacted := u.Redacted()
		if hasTmpPrefix {
			redacted = strings.Replace(redacted, tmpPrefix, "", 1)

		chunks[i] = redacted

	if strings.Contains(value, ",") {
		return strings.Join(chunks, ","), nil

	return strings.Join(chunks, " "), nil

func applyEnvVariableOverrides(file *ini.File) error {
	appliedEnvOverrides = make([]string, 0)
	for _, section := range file.Sections() {
		for _, key := range section.Keys() {
			envKey := EnvKey(section.Name(), key.Name())
			envValue := os.Getenv(envKey)

			if len(envValue) > 0 {
				appliedEnvOverrides = append(appliedEnvOverrides, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", envKey, RedactedValue(envKey, envValue)))

	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) readGrafanaEnvironmentMetrics() error {
	environmentMetricsSection := cfg.Raw.Section("metrics.environment_info")
	keys := environmentMetricsSection.Keys()
	cfg.MetricsGrafanaEnvironmentInfo = make(map[string]string, len(keys))

	for _, key := range keys {
		labelName := model.LabelName(key.Name())
		labelValue := model.LabelValue(key.Value())

		if !labelName.IsValid() {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid label name in [metrics.environment_info] configuration. name %q", labelName)

		if !labelValue.IsValid() {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid label value in [metrics.environment_info] configuration. name %q value %q", labelName, labelValue)

		cfg.MetricsGrafanaEnvironmentInfo[string(labelName)] = string(labelValue)

	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) readAnnotationSettings() {
	section := cfg.Raw.Section("annotations")
	cfg.AnnotationCleanupJobBatchSize = section.Key("cleanupjob_batchsize").MustInt64(100)

	dashboardAnnotation := cfg.Raw.Section("annotations.dashboard")
	apiIAnnotation := cfg.Raw.Section("annotations.api")
	alertingSection := cfg.Raw.Section("alerting")

	var newAnnotationCleanupSettings = func(section *ini.Section, maxAgeField string) AnnotationCleanupSettings {
		maxAge, err := gtime.ParseDuration(section.Key(maxAgeField).MustString(""))
		if err != nil {
			maxAge = 0

		return AnnotationCleanupSettings{
			MaxAge:   maxAge,
			MaxCount: section.Key("max_annotations_to_keep").MustInt64(0),

	cfg.AlertingAnnotationCleanupSetting = newAnnotationCleanupSettings(alertingSection, "max_annotation_age")
	cfg.DashboardAnnotationCleanupSettings = newAnnotationCleanupSettings(dashboardAnnotation, "max_age")
	cfg.APIAnnotationCleanupSettings = newAnnotationCleanupSettings(apiIAnnotation, "max_age")

func (cfg *Cfg) readExpressionsSettings() {
	expressions := cfg.Raw.Section("expressions")
	cfg.ExpressionsEnabled = expressions.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)

type AnnotationCleanupSettings struct {
	MaxAge   time.Duration
	MaxCount int64

func EnvKey(sectionName string, keyName string) string {
	sN := strings.ToUpper(strings.ReplaceAll(sectionName, ".", "_"))
	sN = strings.ReplaceAll(sN, "-", "_")
	kN := strings.ToUpper(strings.ReplaceAll(keyName, ".", "_"))
	envKey := fmt.Sprintf("GF_%s_%s", sN, kN)
	return envKey

func applyCommandLineDefaultProperties(props map[string]string, file *ini.File) {
	appliedCommandLineProperties = make([]string, 0)
	for _, section := range file.Sections() {
		for _, key := range section.Keys() {
			keyString := fmt.Sprintf("default.%s.%s", section.Name(), key.Name())
			value, exists := props[keyString]
			if exists {
				appliedCommandLineProperties = append(appliedCommandLineProperties,
					fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", keyString, RedactedValue(keyString, value)))

func applyCommandLineProperties(props map[string]string, file *ini.File) {
	for _, section := range file.Sections() {
		sectionName := section.Name() + "."
		if section.Name() == ini.DefaultSection {
			sectionName = ""
		for _, key := range section.Keys() {
			keyString := sectionName + key.Name()
			value, exists := props[keyString]
			if exists {
				appliedCommandLineProperties = append(appliedCommandLineProperties, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", keyString, value))

func (cfg Cfg) getCommandLineProperties(args []string) map[string]string {
	props := make(map[string]string)

	for _, arg := range args {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, "cfg:") {

		trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "cfg:")
		parts := strings.Split(trimmed, "=")
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			cfg.Logger.Error("Invalid command line argument.", "argument", arg)

		props[parts[0]] = parts[1]
	return props

func makeAbsolute(path string, root string) string {
	if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
		return path
	return filepath.Join(root, path)

func (cfg *Cfg) loadSpecifiedConfigFile(configFile string, masterFile *ini.File) error {
	if configFile == "" {
		configFile = filepath.Join(cfg.HomePath, CustomInitPath)
		// return without error if custom file does not exist
		if !pathExists(configFile) {
			return nil

	userConfig, err := ini.Load(configFile)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse %q: %w", configFile, err)

	userConfig.BlockMode = false

	for _, section := range userConfig.Sections() {
		for _, key := range section.Keys() {
			if key.Value() == "" {

			defaultSec, err := masterFile.GetSection(section.Name())
			if err != nil {
				defaultSec, _ = masterFile.NewSection(section.Name())
			defaultKey, err := defaultSec.GetKey(key.Name())
			if err != nil {
				defaultKey, _ = defaultSec.NewKey(key.Name(), key.Value())

	configFiles = append(configFiles, configFile)
	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) loadConfiguration(args CommandLineArgs) (*ini.File, error) {
	// load config defaults
	defaultConfigFile := path.Join(HomePath, "conf/defaults.ini")
	configFiles = append(configFiles, defaultConfigFile)

	// check if config file exists
	if _, err := os.Stat(defaultConfigFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		fmt.Println("Grafana-server Init Failed: Could not find config defaults, make sure homepath command line parameter is set or working directory is homepath")

	// load defaults
	parsedFile, err := ini.Load(defaultConfigFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to parse defaults.ini, %v\n", err)
		return nil, err

	parsedFile.BlockMode = false

	// command line props
	commandLineProps := cfg.getCommandLineProperties(args.Args)
	// load default overrides
	applyCommandLineDefaultProperties(commandLineProps, parsedFile)

	// load specified config file
	err = cfg.loadSpecifiedConfigFile(args.Config, parsedFile)
	if err != nil {
		err2 := cfg.initLogging(parsedFile)
		if err2 != nil {
			return nil, err2

	// apply environment overrides
	err = applyEnvVariableOverrides(parsedFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// apply command line overrides
	applyCommandLineProperties(commandLineProps, parsedFile)

	// evaluate config values containing environment variables
	err = expandConfig(parsedFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// update data path and logging config
	dataPath := valueAsString(parsedFile.Section("paths"), "data", "")

	cfg.DataPath = makeAbsolute(dataPath, HomePath)
	err = cfg.initLogging(parsedFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cfg.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting %s", ApplicationName), "version", BuildVersion, "commit", BuildCommit, "branch", BuildBranch, "compiled", time.Unix(BuildStamp, 0))

	return parsedFile, err

func pathExists(path string) bool {
	_, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err == nil {
		return true
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return false
	return false

func (cfg *Cfg) setHomePath(args CommandLineArgs) {
	if args.HomePath != "" {
		cfg.HomePath = args.HomePath
		HomePath = cfg.HomePath

	var err error
	cfg.HomePath, err = filepath.Abs(".")
	if err != nil {

	HomePath = cfg.HomePath
	// check if homepath is correct
	if pathExists(filepath.Join(cfg.HomePath, "conf/defaults.ini")) {

	// try down one path
	if pathExists(filepath.Join(cfg.HomePath, "../conf/defaults.ini")) {
		cfg.HomePath = filepath.Join(cfg.HomePath, "../")
		HomePath = cfg.HomePath

var skipStaticRootValidation = false

func NewCfg() *Cfg {
	return &Cfg{
		Logger: log.New("settings"),
		Raw:    ini.Empty(),
		Azure:  &azsettings.AzureSettings{},

func NewCfgFromArgs(args CommandLineArgs) (*Cfg, error) {
	cfg := NewCfg()
	if err := cfg.Load(args); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return cfg, nil

func (cfg *Cfg) validateStaticRootPath() error {
	if skipStaticRootValidation {
		return nil

	if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(StaticRootPath, "build")); err != nil {
		cfg.Logger.Error("Failed to detect generated javascript files in public/build")

	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) Load(args CommandLineArgs) error {

	// Fix for missing IANA db on Windows
	_, zoneInfoSet := os.LookupEnv(zoneInfo)
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && !zoneInfoSet {
		if err := os.Setenv(zoneInfo, filepath.Join(HomePath, "tools", "zoneinfo.zip")); err != nil {
			cfg.Logger.Error("Can't set ZONEINFO environment variable", "err", err)

	iniFile, err := cfg.loadConfiguration(args)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.Raw = iniFile

	// Temporarily keep global, to make refactor in steps
	Raw = cfg.Raw

	cfg.BuildVersion = BuildVersion
	cfg.BuildCommit = BuildCommit
	cfg.BuildStamp = BuildStamp
	cfg.BuildBranch = BuildBranch
	cfg.IsEnterprise = IsEnterprise
	cfg.Packaging = Packaging

	cfg.ErrTemplateName = "error"

	Env = valueAsString(iniFile.Section(""), "app_mode", "development")
	cfg.Env = Env
	cfg.ForceMigration = iniFile.Section("").Key("force_migration").MustBool(false)
	InstanceName = valueAsString(iniFile.Section(""), "instance_name", "unknown_instance_name")
	plugins := valueAsString(iniFile.Section("paths"), "plugins", "")
	cfg.PluginsPath = makeAbsolute(plugins, HomePath)
	cfg.BundledPluginsPath = makeAbsolute("plugins-bundled", HomePath)
	provisioning := valueAsString(iniFile.Section("paths"), "provisioning", "")
	cfg.ProvisioningPath = makeAbsolute(provisioning, HomePath)

	if err := cfg.readServerSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := readDataProxySettings(iniFile, cfg); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := readSecuritySettings(iniFile, cfg); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := readSnapshotsSettings(cfg, iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	// read dashboard settings
	dashboards := iniFile.Section("dashboards")
	DashboardVersionsToKeep = dashboards.Key("versions_to_keep").MustInt(20)
	MinRefreshInterval = valueAsString(dashboards, "min_refresh_interval", "5s")

	cfg.DefaultHomeDashboardPath = dashboards.Key("default_home_dashboard_path").MustString("")

	if err := readUserSettings(iniFile, cfg); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := readAuthSettings(iniFile, cfg); err != nil {
		return err
	readAccessControlSettings(iniFile, cfg)
	if err := cfg.readRenderingSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.TempDataLifetime = iniFile.Section("paths").Key("temp_data_lifetime").MustDuration(time.Second * 3600 * 24)
	cfg.MetricsEndpointEnabled = iniFile.Section("metrics").Key("enabled").MustBool(true)
	cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthUsername = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("metrics"), "basic_auth_username", "")
	cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthPassword = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("metrics"), "basic_auth_password", "")
	cfg.MetricsEndpointDisableTotalStats = iniFile.Section("metrics").Key("disable_total_stats").MustBool(false)

	analytics := iniFile.Section("analytics")
	cfg.CheckForGrafanaUpdates = analytics.Key("check_for_updates").MustBool(true)
	cfg.CheckForPluginUpdates = analytics.Key("check_for_plugin_updates").MustBool(true)
	GoogleAnalyticsId = analytics.Key("google_analytics_ua_id").String()
	GoogleTagManagerId = analytics.Key("google_tag_manager_id").String()
	RudderstackWriteKey = analytics.Key("rudderstack_write_key").String()
	RudderstackDataPlaneUrl = analytics.Key("rudderstack_data_plane_url").String()
	RudderstackSdkUrl = analytics.Key("rudderstack_sdk_url").String()
	RudderstackConfigUrl = analytics.Key("rudderstack_config_url").String()

	cfg.ReportingEnabled = analytics.Key("reporting_enabled").MustBool(true)
	cfg.ReportingDistributor = analytics.Key("reporting_distributor").MustString("grafana-labs")

	if len(cfg.ReportingDistributor) >= 100 {
		cfg.ReportingDistributor = cfg.ReportingDistributor[:100]

	cfg.ApplicationInsightsConnectionString = analytics.Key("application_insights_connection_string").String()
	cfg.ApplicationInsightsEndpointUrl = analytics.Key("application_insights_endpoint_url").String()
	cfg.FeedbackLinksEnabled = analytics.Key("feedback_links_enabled").MustBool(true)

	if err := readAlertingSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	explore := iniFile.Section("explore")
	ExploreEnabled = explore.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)

	help := iniFile.Section("help")
	HelpEnabled = help.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)

	profile := iniFile.Section("profile")
	ProfileEnabled = profile.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)

	queryHistory := iniFile.Section("query_history")
	cfg.QueryHistoryEnabled = queryHistory.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)

	panelsSection := iniFile.Section("panels")
	cfg.DisableSanitizeHtml = panelsSection.Key("disable_sanitize_html").MustBool(false)

	if err := cfg.readPluginSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := cfg.readFeatureToggles(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := cfg.ReadUnifiedAlertingSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err

	// check old location for this option
	if panelsSection.Key("enable_alpha").MustBool(false) {
		cfg.PluginsEnableAlpha = true

	if err := cfg.readGrafanaEnvironmentMetrics(); err != nil {
		return err


	cfg.DashboardPreviews = readDashboardPreviewsSettings(iniFile)

	if VerifyEmailEnabled && !cfg.Smtp.Enabled {
		cfg.Logger.Warn("require_email_validation is enabled but smtp is disabled")

	// check old key  name
	GrafanaComUrl = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("grafana_net"), "url", "")
	if GrafanaComUrl == "" {
		GrafanaComUrl = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("grafana_com"), "url", "https://grafana.com")
	cfg.GrafanaComURL = GrafanaComUrl

	imageUploadingSection := iniFile.Section("external_image_storage")
	cfg.ImageUploadProvider = valueAsString(imageUploadingSection, "provider", "")
	ImageUploadProvider = cfg.ImageUploadProvider

	enterprise := iniFile.Section("enterprise")
	cfg.EnterpriseLicensePath = valueAsString(enterprise, "license_path", filepath.Join(cfg.DataPath, "license.jwt"))

	cacheServer := iniFile.Section("remote_cache")
	dbName := valueAsString(cacheServer, "type", "database")
	connStr := valueAsString(cacheServer, "connstr", "")

	cfg.RemoteCacheOptions = &RemoteCacheOptions{
		Name:    dbName,
		ConnStr: connStr,

	geomapSection := iniFile.Section("geomap")
	basemapJSON := valueAsString(geomapSection, "default_baselayer_config", "")
	if basemapJSON != "" {
		layer := make(map[string]interface{})
		err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(basemapJSON), &layer)
		if err != nil {
			cfg.Logger.Error("Error reading json from default_baselayer_config", "error", err)
		} else {
			cfg.GeomapDefaultBaseLayerConfig = layer
	cfg.GeomapEnableCustomBaseLayers = geomapSection.Key("enable_custom_baselayers").MustBool(true)


	if err := cfg.readLiveSettings(iniFile); err != nil {
		return err


	return nil

func valueAsString(section *ini.Section, keyName string, defaultValue string) string {
	return section.Key(keyName).MustString(defaultValue)

type RemoteCacheOptions struct {
	Name    string
	ConnStr string

func (cfg *Cfg) readLDAPConfig() {
	ldapSec := cfg.Raw.Section("auth.ldap")
	LDAPConfigFile = ldapSec.Key("config_file").String()
	LDAPSyncCron = ldapSec.Key("sync_cron").String()
	LDAPEnabled = ldapSec.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
	cfg.LDAPEnabled = LDAPEnabled
	LDAPActiveSyncEnabled = ldapSec.Key("active_sync_enabled").MustBool(false)
	LDAPAllowSignup = ldapSec.Key("allow_sign_up").MustBool(true)
	cfg.LDAPAllowSignup = LDAPAllowSignup

func (cfg *Cfg) handleAWSConfig() {
	awsPluginSec := cfg.Raw.Section("aws")
	cfg.AWSAssumeRoleEnabled = awsPluginSec.Key("assume_role_enabled").MustBool(true)
	allowedAuthProviders := awsPluginSec.Key("allowed_auth_providers").MustString("default,keys,credentials")
	for _, authProvider := range strings.Split(allowedAuthProviders, ",") {
		authProvider = strings.TrimSpace(authProvider)
		if authProvider != "" {
			cfg.AWSAllowedAuthProviders = append(cfg.AWSAllowedAuthProviders, authProvider)
	cfg.AWSListMetricsPageLimit = awsPluginSec.Key("list_metrics_page_limit").MustInt(500)
	// Also set environment variables that can be used by core plugins
	err := os.Setenv(awsds.AssumeRoleEnabledEnvVarKeyName, strconv.FormatBool(cfg.AWSAssumeRoleEnabled))
	if err != nil {
		cfg.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("could not set environment variable '%s'", awsds.AssumeRoleEnabledEnvVarKeyName), err)

	err = os.Setenv(awsds.AllowedAuthProvidersEnvVarKeyName, allowedAuthProviders)
	if err != nil {
		cfg.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("could not set environment variable '%s'", awsds.AllowedAuthProvidersEnvVarKeyName), err)

func (cfg *Cfg) readSessionConfig() {
	sec, _ := cfg.Raw.GetSection("session")

	if sec != nil {
			"[Removed] Session setting was removed in v6.2, use remote_cache option instead",

func (cfg *Cfg) initLogging(file *ini.File) error {
	logModeStr := valueAsString(file.Section("log"), "mode", "console")
	// split on comma
	logModes := strings.Split(logModeStr, ",")
	// also try space
	if len(logModes) == 1 {
		logModes = strings.Split(logModeStr, " ")
	logsPath := valueAsString(file.Section("paths"), "logs", "")
	cfg.LogsPath = makeAbsolute(logsPath, HomePath)
	return log.ReadLoggingConfig(logModes, cfg.LogsPath, file)

func (cfg *Cfg) LogConfigSources() {
	var text bytes.Buffer

	for _, file := range configFiles {
		cfg.Logger.Info("Config loaded from", "file", file)

	if len(appliedCommandLineProperties) > 0 {
		for _, prop := range appliedCommandLineProperties {
			cfg.Logger.Info("Config overridden from command line", "arg", prop)

	if len(appliedEnvOverrides) > 0 {
		text.WriteString("\tEnvironment variables used:\n")
		for _, prop := range appliedEnvOverrides {
			cfg.Logger.Info("Config overridden from Environment variable", "var", prop)

	cfg.Logger.Info("Path Home", "path", HomePath)
	cfg.Logger.Info("Path Data", "path", cfg.DataPath)
	cfg.Logger.Info("Path Logs", "path", cfg.LogsPath)
	cfg.Logger.Info("Path Plugins", "path", cfg.PluginsPath)
	cfg.Logger.Info("Path Provisioning", "path", cfg.ProvisioningPath)
	cfg.Logger.Info("App mode " + cfg.Env)

type DynamicSection struct {
	section *ini.Section
	Logger  log.Logger

// Key dynamically overrides keys with environment variables.
// As a side effect, the value of the setting key will be updated if an environment variable is present.
func (s *DynamicSection) Key(k string) *ini.Key {
	envKey := EnvKey(s.section.Name(), k)
	envValue := os.Getenv(envKey)
	key := s.section.Key(k)

	if len(envValue) == 0 {
		return key

	s.Logger.Info("Config overridden from Environment variable", "var", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", envKey, RedactedValue(envKey, envValue)))

	return key

// SectionWithEnvOverrides dynamically overrides keys with environment variables.
// As a side effect, the value of the setting key will be updated if an environment variable is present.
func (cfg *Cfg) SectionWithEnvOverrides(s string) *DynamicSection {
	return &DynamicSection{cfg.Raw.Section(s), cfg.Logger}

func readSecuritySettings(iniFile *ini.File, cfg *Cfg) error {
	security := iniFile.Section("security")
	SecretKey = valueAsString(security, "secret_key", "")
	cfg.SecretKey = SecretKey
	DisableGravatar = security.Key("disable_gravatar").MustBool(true)
	cfg.DisableBruteForceLoginProtection = security.Key("disable_brute_force_login_protection").MustBool(false)

	CookieSecure = security.Key("cookie_secure").MustBool(false)
	cfg.CookieSecure = CookieSecure

	samesiteString := valueAsString(security, "cookie_samesite", "lax")

	if samesiteString == "disabled" {
		CookieSameSiteDisabled = true
		cfg.CookieSameSiteDisabled = CookieSameSiteDisabled
	} else {
		validSameSiteValues := map[string]http.SameSite{
			"lax":    http.SameSiteLaxMode,
			"strict": http.SameSiteStrictMode,
			"none":   http.SameSiteNoneMode,

		if samesite, ok := validSameSiteValues[samesiteString]; ok {
			CookieSameSiteMode = samesite
			cfg.CookieSameSiteMode = CookieSameSiteMode
		} else {
			CookieSameSiteMode = http.SameSiteLaxMode
			cfg.CookieSameSiteMode = CookieSameSiteMode
	cfg.AllowEmbedding = security.Key("allow_embedding").MustBool(false)

	cfg.ContentTypeProtectionHeader = security.Key("x_content_type_options").MustBool(true)
	cfg.XSSProtectionHeader = security.Key("x_xss_protection").MustBool(true)
	cfg.StrictTransportSecurity = security.Key("strict_transport_security").MustBool(false)
	cfg.StrictTransportSecurityMaxAge = security.Key("strict_transport_security_max_age_seconds").MustInt(86400)
	cfg.StrictTransportSecurityPreload = security.Key("strict_transport_security_preload").MustBool(false)
	cfg.StrictTransportSecuritySubDomains = security.Key("strict_transport_security_subdomains").MustBool(false)
	cfg.CSPEnabled = security.Key("content_security_policy").MustBool(false)
	cfg.CSPTemplate = security.Key("content_security_policy_template").MustString("")
	cfg.AngularSupportEnabled = security.Key("angular_support_enabled").MustBool(true)

	// read data source proxy whitelist
	DataProxyWhiteList = make(map[string]bool)
	securityStr := valueAsString(security, "data_source_proxy_whitelist", "")

	for _, hostAndIP := range util.SplitString(securityStr) {
		DataProxyWhiteList[hostAndIP] = true

	// admin
	cfg.DisableInitAdminCreation = security.Key("disable_initial_admin_creation").MustBool(false)
	cfg.AdminUser = valueAsString(security, "admin_user", "")
	cfg.AdminPassword = valueAsString(security, "admin_password", "")

	return nil

func readAuthSettings(iniFile *ini.File, cfg *Cfg) (err error) {
	auth := iniFile.Section("auth")

	cfg.LoginCookieName = valueAsString(auth, "login_cookie_name", "grafana_session")

	const defaultMaxInactiveLifetime = "7d"
	maxInactiveDurationVal := valueAsString(auth, "login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration", defaultMaxInactiveLifetime)
	cfg.LoginMaxInactiveLifetime, err = gtime.ParseDuration(maxInactiveDurationVal)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	const defaultMaxLifetime = "30d"
	maxLifetimeDurationVal := valueAsString(auth, "login_maximum_lifetime_duration", defaultMaxLifetime)
	cfg.LoginMaxLifetime, err = gtime.ParseDuration(maxLifetimeDurationVal)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.ApiKeyMaxSecondsToLive = auth.Key("api_key_max_seconds_to_live").MustInt64(-1)

	cfg.TokenRotationIntervalMinutes = auth.Key("token_rotation_interval_minutes").MustInt(10)
	if cfg.TokenRotationIntervalMinutes < 2 {
		cfg.TokenRotationIntervalMinutes = 2

	DisableLoginForm = auth.Key("disable_login_form").MustBool(false)
	DisableSignoutMenu = auth.Key("disable_signout_menu").MustBool(false)
	OAuthAutoLogin = auth.Key("oauth_auto_login").MustBool(false)
	cfg.OAuthCookieMaxAge = auth.Key("oauth_state_cookie_max_age").MustInt(600)
	SignoutRedirectUrl = valueAsString(auth, "signout_redirect_url", "")
	cfg.OAuthSkipOrgRoleUpdateSync = auth.Key("oauth_skip_org_role_update_sync").MustBool(false)

	// SigV4
	SigV4AuthEnabled = auth.Key("sigv4_auth_enabled").MustBool(false)
	cfg.SigV4AuthEnabled = SigV4AuthEnabled
	cfg.SigV4VerboseLogging = auth.Key("sigv4_verbose_logging").MustBool(false)

	// anonymous access
	AnonymousEnabled = iniFile.Section("auth.anonymous").Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
	cfg.AnonymousEnabled = AnonymousEnabled
	cfg.AnonymousOrgName = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("auth.anonymous"), "org_name", "")
	cfg.AnonymousOrgRole = valueAsString(iniFile.Section("auth.anonymous"), "org_role", "")
	cfg.AnonymousHideVersion = iniFile.Section("auth.anonymous").Key("hide_version").MustBool(false)

	// basic auth
	authBasic := iniFile.Section("auth.basic")
	BasicAuthEnabled = authBasic.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)
	cfg.BasicAuthEnabled = BasicAuthEnabled

	// JWT auth
	authJWT := iniFile.Section("auth.jwt")
	cfg.JWTAuthEnabled = authJWT.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
	cfg.JWTAuthHeaderName = valueAsString(authJWT, "header_name", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthEmailClaim = valueAsString(authJWT, "email_claim", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthUsernameClaim = valueAsString(authJWT, "username_claim", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthExpectClaims = valueAsString(authJWT, "expect_claims", "{}")
	cfg.JWTAuthJWKSetURL = valueAsString(authJWT, "jwk_set_url", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthCacheTTL = authJWT.Key("cache_ttl").MustDuration(time.Minute * 60)
	cfg.JWTAuthKeyFile = valueAsString(authJWT, "key_file", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthJWKSetFile = valueAsString(authJWT, "jwk_set_file", "")
	cfg.JWTAuthAutoSignUp = authJWT.Key("auto_sign_up").MustBool(false)

	authProxy := iniFile.Section("auth.proxy")
	AuthProxyEnabled = authProxy.Key("enabled").MustBool(false)
	cfg.AuthProxyEnabled = AuthProxyEnabled

	cfg.AuthProxyHeaderName = valueAsString(authProxy, "header_name", "")
	AuthProxyHeaderProperty = valueAsString(authProxy, "header_property", "")
	cfg.AuthProxyHeaderProperty = AuthProxyHeaderProperty
	cfg.AuthProxyAutoSignUp = authProxy.Key("auto_sign_up").MustBool(true)
	cfg.AuthProxyEnableLoginToken = authProxy.Key("enable_login_token").MustBool(false)

	cfg.AuthProxySyncTTL = authProxy.Key("sync_ttl").MustInt()

	cfg.AuthProxyWhitelist = valueAsString(authProxy, "whitelist", "")

	cfg.AuthProxyHeaders = make(map[string]string)
	headers := valueAsString(authProxy, "headers", "")

	for _, propertyAndHeader := range util.SplitString(headers) {
		split := strings.SplitN(propertyAndHeader, ":", 2)
		if len(split) == 2 {
			cfg.AuthProxyHeaders[split[0]] = split[1]

	cfg.AuthProxyHeadersEncoded = authProxy.Key("headers_encoded").MustBool(false)

	return nil

func readAccessControlSettings(iniFile *ini.File, cfg *Cfg) {
	rbac := iniFile.Section("rbac")
	cfg.RBACEnabled = rbac.Key("enabled").MustBool(true)
	cfg.RBACPermissionCache = rbac.Key("permission_cache").MustBool(true)
	cfg.RBACBuiltInRoleAssignmentEnabled = rbac.Key("builtin_role_assignment_enabled").MustBool(false)

func readUserSettings(iniFile *ini.File, cfg *Cfg) error {
	users := iniFile.Section("users")
	AllowUserSignUp = users.Key("allow_sign_up").MustBool(true)
	AllowUserOrgCreate = users.Key("allow_org_create").MustBool(true)
	cfg.AutoAssignOrg = users.Key("auto_assign_org").MustBool(true)
	AutoAssignOrg = cfg.AutoAssignOrg
	cfg.AutoAssignOrgId = users.Key("auto_assign_org_id").MustInt(1)
	AutoAssignOrgId = cfg.AutoAssignOrgId
	cfg.AutoAssignOrgRole = users.Key("auto_assign_org_role").In("Editor", []string{"Editor", "Admin", "Viewer"})
	AutoAssignOrgRole = cfg.AutoAssignOrgRole
	VerifyEmailEnabled = users.Key("verify_email_enabled").MustBool(false)

	LoginHint = valueAsString(users, "login_hint", "")
	PasswordHint = valueAsString(users, "password_hint", "")
	cfg.DefaultTheme = valueAsString(users, "default_theme", "")
	cfg.HomePage = valueAsString(users, "home_page", "")
	ExternalUserMngLinkUrl = valueAsString(users, "external_manage_link_url", "")
	ExternalUserMngLinkName = valueAsString(users, "external_manage_link_name", "")
	ExternalUserMngInfo = valueAsString(users, "external_manage_info", "")

	ViewersCanEdit = users.Key("viewers_can_edit").MustBool(false)
	cfg.EditorsCanAdmin = users.Key("editors_can_admin").MustBool(false)

	userInviteMaxLifetimeVal := valueAsString(users, "user_invite_max_lifetime_duration", "24h")
	userInviteMaxLifetimeDuration, err := gtime.ParseDuration(userInviteMaxLifetimeVal)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.UserInviteMaxLifetime = userInviteMaxLifetimeDuration
	if cfg.UserInviteMaxLifetime < time.Minute*15 {
		return errors.New("the minimum supported value for the `user_invite_max_lifetime_duration` configuration is 15m (15 minutes)")

	cfg.HiddenUsers = make(map[string]struct{})
	hiddenUsers := users.Key("hidden_users").MustString("")
	for _, user := range strings.Split(hiddenUsers, ",") {
		user = strings.TrimSpace(user)
		if user != "" {
			cfg.HiddenUsers[user] = struct{}{}

	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) readRenderingSettings(iniFile *ini.File) error {
	renderSec := iniFile.Section("rendering")
	cfg.RendererUrl = valueAsString(renderSec, "server_url", "")
	cfg.RendererCallbackUrl = valueAsString(renderSec, "callback_url", "")

	if cfg.RendererCallbackUrl == "" {
		cfg.RendererCallbackUrl = AppUrl
	} else {
		if cfg.RendererCallbackUrl[len(cfg.RendererCallbackUrl)-1] != '/' {
			cfg.RendererCallbackUrl += "/"
		_, err := url.Parse(cfg.RendererCallbackUrl)
		if err != nil {
			// XXX: Should return an error?
			cfg.Logger.Error("Invalid callback_url.", "url", cfg.RendererCallbackUrl, "error", err)

	cfg.RendererConcurrentRequestLimit = renderSec.Key("concurrent_render_request_limit").MustInt(30)
	cfg.ImagesDir = filepath.Join(cfg.DataPath, "png")
	cfg.CSVsDir = filepath.Join(cfg.DataPath, "csv")

	return nil

func readAlertingSettings(iniFile *ini.File) error {
	alerting := iniFile.Section("alerting")
	enabled, err := alerting.Key("enabled").Bool()
	AlertingEnabled = nil
	if err == nil {
		AlertingEnabled = &enabled
	ExecuteAlerts = alerting.Key("execute_alerts").MustBool(true)
	AlertingRenderLimit = alerting.Key("concurrent_render_limit").MustInt(5)

	AlertingErrorOrTimeout = valueAsString(alerting, "error_or_timeout", "alerting")
	AlertingNoDataOrNullValues = valueAsString(alerting, "nodata_or_nullvalues", "no_data")

	evaluationTimeoutSeconds := alerting.Key("evaluation_timeout_seconds").MustInt64(30)
	AlertingEvaluationTimeout = time.Second * time.Duration(evaluationTimeoutSeconds)
	notificationTimeoutSeconds := alerting.Key("notification_timeout_seconds").MustInt64(30)
	AlertingNotificationTimeout = time.Second * time.Duration(notificationTimeoutSeconds)
	AlertingMaxAttempts = alerting.Key("max_attempts").MustInt(3)
	AlertingMinInterval = alerting.Key("min_interval_seconds").MustInt64(1)

	return nil

func readSnapshotsSettings(cfg *Cfg, iniFile *ini.File) error {
	snapshots := iniFile.Section("snapshots")

	ExternalSnapshotUrl = valueAsString(snapshots, "external_snapshot_url", "")
	ExternalSnapshotName = valueAsString(snapshots, "external_snapshot_name", "")

	ExternalEnabled = snapshots.Key("external_enabled").MustBool(true)
	SnapShotRemoveExpired = snapshots.Key("snapshot_remove_expired").MustBool(true)
	cfg.SnapshotPublicMode = snapshots.Key("public_mode").MustBool(false)

	return nil

func (cfg *Cfg) readServerSettings(iniFile *ini.File) error {
	server := iniFile.Section("server")
	var err error
	AppUrl, AppSubUrl, err = cfg.parseAppUrlAndSubUrl(server)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ServeFromSubPath = server.Key("serve_from_sub_path").MustBool(false)

	cfg.AppURL = AppUrl
	cfg.AppSubURL = AppSubUrl
	cfg.ServeFromSubPath = ServeFromSubPath
	cfg.Protocol = HTTPScheme

	protocolStr := valueAsString(server, "protocol", "http")

	if protocolStr == "https" {
		cfg.Protocol = HTTPSScheme
		cfg.CertFile = server.Key("cert_file").String()
		cfg.KeyFile = server.Key("cert_key").String()
	if protocolStr == "h2" {
		cfg.Protocol = HTTP2Scheme
		cfg.CertFile = server.Key("cert_file").String()
		cfg.KeyFile = server.Key("cert_key").String()
	if protocolStr == "socket" {
		cfg.Protocol = SocketScheme
		cfg.SocketPath = server.Key("socket").String()

	cfg.Domain = valueAsString(server, "domain", "localhost")
	cfg.HTTPAddr = valueAsString(server, "http_addr", DefaultHTTPAddr)
	cfg.HTTPPort = valueAsString(server, "http_port", "3000")
	cfg.RouterLogging = server.Key("router_logging").MustBool(false)

	cfg.EnableGzip = server.Key("enable_gzip").MustBool(false)
	cfg.EnforceDomain = server.Key("enforce_domain").MustBool(false)
	staticRoot := valueAsString(server, "static_root_path", "")
	StaticRootPath = makeAbsolute(staticRoot, HomePath)
	cfg.StaticRootPath = StaticRootPath

	if err := cfg.validateStaticRootPath(); err != nil {
		return err

	cdnURL := valueAsString(server, "cdn_url", "")
	if cdnURL != "" {
		cfg.CDNRootURL, err = url.Parse(cdnURL)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	cfg.ReadTimeout = server.Key("read_timeout").MustDuration(0)

	return nil

// GetContentDeliveryURL returns full content delivery URL with /<edition>/<version> added to URL
func (cfg *Cfg) GetContentDeliveryURL(prefix string) string {
	if cfg.CDNRootURL != nil {
		url := *cfg.CDNRootURL
		preReleaseFolder := ""

		url.Path = path.Join(url.Path, prefix, preReleaseFolder, cfg.BuildVersion)
		return url.String() + "/"

	return ""

func (cfg *Cfg) readDataSourcesSettings() {
	datasources := cfg.Raw.Section("datasources")
	cfg.DataSourceLimit = datasources.Key("datasource_limit").MustInt(5000)

func GetAllowedOriginGlobs(originPatterns []string) ([]glob.Glob, error) {
	var originGlobs []glob.Glob
	allowedOrigins := originPatterns
	for _, originPattern := range allowedOrigins {
		g, err := glob.Compile(originPattern)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing origin pattern: %v", err)
		originGlobs = append(originGlobs, g)
	return originGlobs, nil

func (cfg *Cfg) readLiveSettings(iniFile *ini.File) error {
	section := iniFile.Section("live")
	cfg.LiveMaxConnections = section.Key("max_connections").MustInt(100)
	if cfg.LiveMaxConnections < -1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected value %d for [live] max_connections", cfg.LiveMaxConnections)
	cfg.LiveHAEngine = section.Key("ha_engine").MustString("")
	switch cfg.LiveHAEngine {
	case "", "redis":
		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported live HA engine type: %s", cfg.LiveHAEngine)
	cfg.LiveHAEngineAddress = section.Key("ha_engine_address").MustString("")

	var originPatterns []string
	allowedOrigins := section.Key("allowed_origins").MustString("")
	for _, originPattern := range strings.Split(allowedOrigins, ",") {
		originPattern = strings.TrimSpace(originPattern)
		if originPattern == "" {
		originPatterns = append(originPatterns, originPattern)
	_, err := GetAllowedOriginGlobs(originPatterns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cfg.LiveAllowedOrigins = originPatterns
	return nil