import { render, screen, fireEvent, getByText } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { DataSourceApi, DataQuery } from '@grafana/data'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import { mockDataSource } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/mocks'; import { DataSourceType } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/datasource'; import { ShowConfirmModalEvent } from 'app/types/events'; import { ExploreId, RichHistoryQuery } from 'app/types/explore'; import { RichHistoryCard, Props } from './RichHistoryCard'; const starRichHistoryMock = jest.fn(); const deleteRichHistoryMock = jest.fn(); const mockDS = mockDataSource({ name: 'CloudManager', type: DataSourceType.Alertmanager, }); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), reportInteraction: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime/src/services/dataSourceSrv', () => { return { getDataSourceSrv: () => ({ get: () => Promise.resolve(mockDS), getList: () => [mockDS], getInstanceSettings: () => mockDS, }), }; }); jest.mock('app/core/app_events', () => ({ publish: jest.fn(), })); interface MockQuery extends DataQuery { query: string; } const setup = (propOverrides?: Partial>) => { const props: Props = { query: { id: '1', createdAt: 1, datasourceUid: 'Test datasource uid', datasourceName: 'Test datasource', starred: false, comment: '', queries: [ { query: 'query1', refId: 'A' }, { query: 'query2', refId: 'B' }, { query: 'query3', refId: 'C' }, ], }, dsImg: '/app/img', isRemoved: false, changeDatasource: jest.fn(), starHistoryItem: starRichHistoryMock, deleteHistoryItem: deleteRichHistoryMock, commentHistoryItem: jest.fn(), setQueries: jest.fn(), exploreId: ExploreId.left, datasourceInstance: { name: 'Datasource' } as DataSourceApi, }; Object.assign(props, propOverrides); render(); }; const starredQueryWithComment: RichHistoryQuery = { id: '1', createdAt: 1, datasourceUid: 'Test datasource uid', datasourceName: 'Test datasource', starred: true, comment: 'test comment', queries: [ { query: 'query1', refId: 'A' }, { query: 'query2', refId: 'B' }, { query: 'query3', refId: 'C' }, ], }; afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('RichHistoryCard', () => { it('should render all queries', async () => { setup(); const queries = await screen.findAllByLabelText('Query text'); expect(queries).toHaveLength(3); expect(queries[0]).toHaveTextContent('query1'); expect(queries[1]).toHaveTextContent('query2'); expect(queries[2]).toHaveTextContent('query3'); }); it('should render data source icon and name', async () => { setup(); const datasourceIcon = await screen.findByLabelText('Data source icon'); const datasourceName = screen.getByLabelText('Data source name'); expect(datasourceIcon).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(datasourceName).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render "Data source does not exist anymore" if removed data source', async () => { setup({ isRemoved: true }); const datasourceName = await screen.findByLabelText('Data source name'); expect(datasourceName).toHaveTextContent('Data source does not exist anymore'); }); describe('commenting', () => { it('should render comment, if comment present', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const queryComment = await screen.findByLabelText('Query comment'); expect(queryComment).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryComment).toHaveTextContent('test comment'); }); it('should have title "Edit comment" at comment icon, if comment present', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment'); const addComment = screen.queryByTitle('Add comment'); expect(editComment).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(addComment).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should have title "Add comment" at comment icon, if no comment present', async () => { setup(); const addComment = await screen.findByTitle('Add comment'); const editComment = await screen.queryByTitle('Edit comment'); expect(addComment).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(editComment).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should open update comment form when edit comment button clicked', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment');; const updateCommentForm = await screen.findByLabelText('Update comment form'); expect(updateCommentForm).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should close update comment form when escape key pressed', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment');; const updateCommentForm = await screen.findByLabelText('Update comment form'); fireEvent.keyDown(getByText(updateCommentForm, starredQueryWithComment.comment), { key: 'Escape', }); const findCommentForm = screen.queryByLabelText('Update comment form'); expect(findCommentForm).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should close update comment form when enter and shift keys pressed', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment');; const updateCommentForm = await screen.findByLabelText('Update comment form'); fireEvent.keyDown(getByText(updateCommentForm, starredQueryWithComment.comment), { key: 'Enter', shiftKey: true, }); const findCommentForm = screen.queryByLabelText('Update comment form'); expect(findCommentForm).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should close update comment form when enter and ctrl keys pressed', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment');; const updateCommentForm = await screen.findByLabelText('Update comment form'); fireEvent.keyDown(getByText(updateCommentForm, starredQueryWithComment.comment), { key: 'Enter', ctrlKey: true, }); const findCommentForm = screen.queryByLabelText('Update comment form'); expect(findCommentForm).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not close update comment form when enter key pressed', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const editComment = await screen.findByTitle('Edit comment');; const updateCommentForm = await screen.findByLabelText('Update comment form'); fireEvent.keyDown(getByText(updateCommentForm, starredQueryWithComment.comment), { key: 'Enter', shiftKey: false, }); const findCommentForm = screen.queryByLabelText('Update comment form'); expect(findCommentForm).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('starring', () => { it('should have title "Star query", if not starred', async () => { setup(); const starButton = await screen.findByTitle('Star query'); expect(starButton).toBeInTheDocument();; expect(starRichHistoryMock).toBeCalledWith(, true); }); it('should have title "Unstar query", if not starred', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const unstarButton = await screen.findByTitle('Unstar query'); expect(unstarButton).toBeInTheDocument();; expect(starRichHistoryMock).toBeCalledWith(, false); }); }); describe('deleting', () => { it('should delete if not starred', async () => { setup(); const deleteButton = await screen.findByTitle('Delete query'); expect(deleteButton).toBeInTheDocument();; expect(deleteRichHistoryMock).toBeCalledWith(; }); it('should display modal before deleting if starred', async () => { setup({ query: starredQueryWithComment }); const deleteButton = await screen.findByTitle('Delete query');; expect(deleteRichHistoryMock).not.toBeCalled(); expect(appEvents.publish).toHaveBeenCalledWith(new ShowConfirmModalEvent(expect.anything())); }); }); });