import { render, screen, waitFor, within } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent, { PointerEventsCheckLevel } from '@testing-library/user-event'; import React from 'react'; import { OrgRole, PluginExtensionComponent, PluginExtensionTypes } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { setPluginExtensionGetter, GetPluginExtensions } from '@grafana/runtime'; import * as useQueryParams from 'app/core/hooks/useQueryParams'; import { TestProvider } from '../../../test/helpers/TestProvider'; import { backendSrv } from '../../core/services/backend_srv'; import { TeamPermissionLevel } from '../../types'; import { getMockTeam } from '../teams/__mocks__/teamMocks'; import { Props, UserProfileEditPage } from './UserProfileEditPage'; import { initialUserState } from './state/reducers'; const mockUseQueryParams = useQueryParams as { useQueryParams: typeof useQueryParams.useQueryParams }; jest.mock('app/core/hooks/useQueryParams', () => ({ __esModule: true, useQueryParams: () => [{}], })); const defaultProps: Props = { ...initialUserState, user: { id: 1, name: 'Test User', email: '', login: 'test', isDisabled: false, isGrafanaAdmin: false, orgId: 0, }, teams: [ getMockTeam(0, { name: 'Team One', email: '', avatarUrl: '/avatar/07d881f402480a2a511a9a15b5fa82c0', memberCount: 2000, permission: TeamPermissionLevel.Admin, }), ], orgs: [ { name: 'Main', orgId: 0, role: OrgRole.Editor, }, { name: 'Second', orgId: 1, role: OrgRole.Viewer, }, { name: 'Third', orgId: 2, role: OrgRole.Admin, }, ], sessions: [ { id: 0, browser: 'Chrome', browserVersion: '90', clientIp: 'localhost', createdAt: '2021-01-01 04:00:00', device: 'Macbook Pro', isActive: true, os: 'Mac OS X', osVersion: '11', seenAt: new Date().toUTCString(), }, ], initUserProfilePage: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), revokeUserSession: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), changeUserOrg: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), updateUserProfile: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), }; function getSelectors() { const teamsTable = () => screen.getByRole('table', { name: /user teams table/i }); const orgsTable = () => screen.getByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.orgsTable); const sessionsTable = () => screen.getByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.sessionsTable); return { name: () => screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /^name$/i }), email: () => screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /email/i }), username: () => screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /username/i }), saveProfile: () => screen.getByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.profileSaveButton), savePreferences: () => screen.getByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.preferencesSaveButton), teamsTable, teamsRow: () => within(teamsTable()).getByRole('row', { name: /team one\.com 2000/i }), orgsTable, orgsEditorRow: () => within(orgsTable()).getByRole('row', { name: /main editor current/i }), orgsViewerRow: () => within(orgsTable()).getByRole('row', { name: /second viewer select organisation/i }), orgsAdminRow: () => within(orgsTable()).getByRole('row', { name: /third admin select organisation/i }), sessionsTable, sessionsRow: () => within(sessionsTable()).getByRole('row', { name: /now January 1, 2021 localhost chrome on mac os x 11/i, }), /** * using queryByTestId instead of getByTestId because the tabs are not always rendered * and getByTestId throws an TestingLibraryElementError error if the element is not found * whereas queryByTestId returns null if the element is not found. There are some test cases * where we'd explicitly like to assert that the tabs are not rendered. */ extensionPointTabs: () => screen.queryByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.extensionPointTabs), /** * here lets use getByTestId because a specific tab should always be rendered within the tabs container */ extensionPointTab: (tabId: string) => within(screen.getByTestId(selectors.components.UserProfile.extensionPointTabs)).getByTestId( selectors.components.UserProfile.extensionPointTab(tabId) ), }; } enum ExtensionPointComponentId { One = '1', Two = '2', Three = '3', } enum ExtensionPointComponentTabs { One = '1', Two = '2', } const _createTabName = (tab: ExtensionPointComponentTabs) => `Tab ${tab}`; const _createTabContent = (tabId: ExtensionPointComponentId) => `this is settings for component ${tabId}`; const generalTabName = 'General'; const tabOneName = _createTabName(ExtensionPointComponentTabs.One); const tabTwoName = _createTabName(ExtensionPointComponentTabs.Two); const _createPluginExtensionPointComponent = ( id: ExtensionPointComponentId, tab: ExtensionPointComponentTabs ): PluginExtensionComponent => ({ id, type: PluginExtensionTypes.component, title: _createTabName(tab), description: '', // description isn't used here.. component: () =>


, pluginId: 'grafana-plugin', }); const PluginExtensionPointComponent1 = _createPluginExtensionPointComponent( ExtensionPointComponentId.One, ExtensionPointComponentTabs.One ); const PluginExtensionPointComponent2 = _createPluginExtensionPointComponent( ExtensionPointComponentId.Two, ExtensionPointComponentTabs.One ); const PluginExtensionPointComponent3 = _createPluginExtensionPointComponent( ExtensionPointComponentId.Three, ExtensionPointComponentTabs.Two ); async function getTestContext(overrides: Partial = {}) { const extensions = overrides.extensions || []; jest.clearAllMocks(); const putSpy = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'put'); const getSpy = jest .spyOn(backendSrv, 'get') .mockResolvedValue({ timezone: 'UTC', homeDashboardUID: 'home-dashboard', theme: 'dark' }); const searchSpy = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'search').mockResolvedValue([]); const getter: GetPluginExtensions = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ extensions }); setPluginExtensionGetter(getter); const props = { ...defaultProps, ...overrides }; const { rerender } = render( ); await waitFor(() => expect(props.initUserProfilePage).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)); return { rerender, putSpy, getSpy, searchSpy, props }; } describe('UserProfileEditPage', () => { describe('when loading user', () => { it('should show loading placeholder', async () => { await getTestContext({ user: null }); expect(screen.getByText(/loading \.\.\./i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('when user has loaded', () => { it('should show profile form', async () => { await getTestContext(); const { name, email, username, saveProfile } = getSelectors(); expect(name()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(name()).toHaveValue('Test User'); expect(email()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(email()).toHaveValue(''); expect(username()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(username()).toHaveValue('test'); expect(saveProfile()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should show shared preferences', async () => { await getTestContext(); // SharedPreferences itself is tested, so here just make sure it's being rendered expect(screen.getByLabelText('Home Dashboard')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); describe('and teams are loading', () => { it('should show teams loading placeholder', async () => { await getTestContext({ teamsAreLoading: true }); expect(screen.getByText(/loading teams\.\.\./i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and teams are loaded', () => { it('should show teams', async () => { await getTestContext(); const { teamsTable, teamsRow } = getSelectors(); expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /teams/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(teamsTable()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(teamsRow()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and organizations are loading', () => { it('should show teams loading placeholder', async () => { await getTestContext({ orgsAreLoading: true }); expect(screen.getByText(/loading organizations\.\.\./i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and organizations are loaded', () => { it('should show organizations', async () => { await getTestContext(); const { orgsTable, orgsEditorRow, orgsViewerRow, orgsAdminRow } = getSelectors(); expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /organizations/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(orgsTable()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(orgsEditorRow()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(orgsViewerRow()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(orgsAdminRow()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and sessions are loading', () => { it('should show teams loading placeholder', async () => { await getTestContext({ sessionsAreLoading: true }); expect(screen.getByText(/loading sessions\.\.\./i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and sessions are loaded', () => { it('should show sessions', async () => { await getTestContext(); const { sessionsTable, sessionsRow } = getSelectors(); expect(sessionsTable()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(sessionsRow()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and user is edited and saved', () => { it('should call updateUserProfile', async () => { const { props } = await getTestContext(); const { email, saveProfile } = getSelectors(); await userEvent.clear(email()); await userEvent.type(email(), ''); // TODO remove skipPointerEventsCheck once is fixed await, { pointerEventsCheck: PointerEventsCheckLevel.Never }); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateUserProfile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)); expect(props.updateUserProfile).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ email: '', login: 'test', name: 'Test User', }); }); }); describe('and organization is changed', () => { it('should call changeUserOrg', async () => { const { props } = await getTestContext(); const orgsAdminSelectButton = () => within(getSelectors().orgsAdminRow()).getByRole('button', { name: /select organisation/i, }); await; await waitFor(() => expect(props.changeUserOrg).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)); expect(props.changeUserOrg).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: 'Third', orgId: 2, role: 'Admin', }); }); }); describe('and session is revoked', () => { it('should call revokeUserSession', async () => { const { props } = await getTestContext(); const sessionsRevokeButton = () => within(getSelectors().sessionsRow()).getByRole('button', { name: /revoke user session/i, }); await; await waitFor(() => expect(props.revokeUserSession).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)); expect(props.revokeUserSession).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0); }); }); describe('and a plugin registers a component against the user profile settings extension point', () => { const extensions = [ PluginExtensionPointComponent1, PluginExtensionPointComponent2, PluginExtensionPointComponent3, ]; it('should not show tabs when no components are registered', async () => { await getTestContext(); const { extensionPointTabs } = getSelectors(); expect(extensionPointTabs()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should group registered components into tabs', async () => { await getTestContext({ extensions }); const { extensionPointTabs, extensionPointTab } = getSelectors(); const _assertTab = (tabId: string, isDefault = false) => { const tab = extensionPointTab(tabId); expect(tab).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(tab).toHaveAttribute('aria-selected', isDefault.toString()); }; expect(extensionPointTabs()).toBeInTheDocument(); _assertTab(generalTabName.toLowerCase(), true); _assertTab(tabOneName.toLowerCase()); _assertTab(tabTwoName.toLowerCase()); }); it('should change the active tab when a tab is clicked and update the "tab" query param', async () => { const mockUpdateQueryParams = jest.fn(); mockUseQueryParams.useQueryParams = () => [{}, mockUpdateQueryParams]; await getTestContext({ extensions }); const { extensionPointTab } = getSelectors(); /** * Tab one has two extension components registered against it, they'll both be registered in the same tab * Tab two only has one extension component registered against it. */ const tabOneContent1 = _createTabContent(ExtensionPointComponentId.One); const tabOneContent2 = _createTabContent(ExtensionPointComponentId.Two); const tabTwoContent = _createTabContent(ExtensionPointComponentId.Three); // "General" should be the default content expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent1)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent2)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabTwoContent)).toBeNull(); await; expect(mockUpdateQueryParams).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockUpdateQueryParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ tab: tabOneName.toLowerCase() }); expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent1)).not.toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent2)).not.toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabTwoContent)).toBeNull(); mockUpdateQueryParams.mockClear(); await; expect(mockUpdateQueryParams).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockUpdateQueryParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ tab: tabTwoName.toLowerCase() }); expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent1)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabOneContent2)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText(tabTwoContent)).not.toBeNull(); }); }); }); });