/// import _ from 'lodash'; import { QueryPartDef, QueryPart, } from 'app/core/components/query_part/query_part'; var alertQueryDef = new QueryPartDef({ type: 'query', params: [ {name: "queryRefId", type: 'string', options: ['#A', '#B', '#C', '#D']}, {name: "from", type: "string", options: ['1s', '10s', '1m', '5m', '10m', '15m', '1h']}, {name: "to", type: "string", options: ['now']}, ], defaultParams: ['#A', '5m', 'now', 'avg'] }); var reducerAvgDef = new QueryPartDef({ type: 'avg', params: [], defaultParams: [] }); export class AlertTabCtrl { panel: any; panelCtrl: any; testing: boolean; testResult: any; subTabIndex: number; handlers = [{text: 'Grafana', value: 1}, {text: 'External', value: 0}]; conditionTypes = [ {text: 'Query', value: 'query'}, {text: 'Other alert', value: 'other_alert'}, {text: 'Time of day', value: 'time_of_day'}, {text: 'Day of week', value: 'day_of_week'}, ]; alert: any; conditionModels: any; evalFunctions = [ {text: '>', value: '>'}, {text: '<', value: '<'}, ]; severityLevels = [ {text: 'Critical', value: 'critical'}, {text: 'Warning', value: 'warning'}, ]; addNotificationSegment; notifications; alertNotifications; /** @ngInject */ constructor(private $scope, private $timeout, private backendSrv, private dashboardSrv, private uiSegmentSrv) { this.panelCtrl = $scope.ctrl; this.panel = this.panelCtrl.panel; this.$scope.ctrl = this; this.subTabIndex = 0; } $onInit() { this.addNotificationSegment = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton(); this.initModel(); // set panel alert edit mode this.$scope.$on("$destroy", () => { this.panelCtrl.editingAlert = false; this.panelCtrl.render(); }); // build notification model this.notifications = []; this.alertNotifications = []; return this.backendSrv.get('/api/alert-notifications').then(res => { this.notifications = res; _.each(this.alert.notifications, item => { var model = _.findWhere(this.notifications, {id: item.id}); if (model) { this.alertNotifications.push(model); } }); }); } getNotifications() { return Promise.resolve(this.notifications.map(item => { return this.uiSegmentSrv.newSegment(item.name); })); } notificationAdded() { var model = _.findWhere(this.notifications, {name: this.addNotificationSegment.value}); if (!model) { return; } this.alertNotifications.push({name: model.name}); this.alert.notifications.push({id: model.id}); // reset plus button this.addNotificationSegment.value = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton().value; this.addNotificationSegment.html = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton().html; } removeNotification(index) { this.alert.notifications.splice(index, 1); this.alertNotifications.splice(index, 1); } initModel() { var alert = this.alert = this.panel.alert = this.panel.alert || {}; alert.conditions = alert.conditions || []; if (alert.conditions.length === 0) { alert.conditions.push(this.buildDefaultCondition()); } alert.severity = alert.severity || 'critical'; alert.frequency = alert.frequency || '60s'; alert.handler = alert.handler || 1; alert.notifications = alert.notifications || []; var defaultName = this.panel.title + ' alert'; alert.name = alert.name || defaultName; alert.description = alert.description || defaultName; this.conditionModels = _.reduce(alert.conditions, (memo, value) => { memo.push(this.buildConditionModel(value)); return memo; }, []); ///this.panelCtrl.editingAlert = true; this.syncThresholds(); this.panelCtrl.render(); } syncThresholds() { var threshold: any = {}; if (this.panel.thresholds && this.panel.thresholds.length > 0) { threshold = this.panel.thresholds[0]; } else { this.panel.thresholds = [threshold]; } var updated = false; for (var condition of this.conditionModels) { if (condition.type === 'query') { var value = condition.evaluator.params[0]; if (!_.isNumber(value)) { continue; } if (value !== threshold.from) { threshold.from = value; updated = true; } if (condition.evaluator.type === '<' && threshold.to !== -Infinity) { threshold.to = -Infinity; updated = true; } else if (condition.evaluator.type === '>' && threshold.to !== Infinity) { threshold.to = Infinity; updated = true; } } } return updated; } buildDefaultCondition() { return { type: 'query', query: {params: ['A', '5m', 'now']}, reducer: {type: 'avg', params: []}, evaluator: {type: '>', params: [null]}, }; } buildConditionModel(source) { var cm: any = {source: source, type: source.type}; cm.queryPart = new QueryPart(source.query, alertQueryDef); cm.reducerPart = new QueryPart({params: []}, reducerAvgDef); cm.evaluator = source.evaluator; return cm; } queryPartUpdated(conditionModel) { } addCondition(type) { var condition = this.buildDefaultCondition(); // add to persited model this.alert.conditions.push(condition); // add to view model this.conditionModels.push(this.buildConditionModel(condition)); } removeCondition(index) { this.alert.conditions.splice(index, 1); this.conditionModels.splice(index, 1); } delete() { this.alert.enabled = false; this.initModel(); } enable() { this.alert.enabled = true; this.initModel(); } thresholdUpdated() { if (this.syncThresholds()) { this.panelCtrl.render(); } } test() { this.testing = true; var payload = { dashboard: this.dashboardSrv.getCurrent().getSaveModelClone(), panelId: this.panelCtrl.panel.id, }; return this.backendSrv.post('/api/alerts/test', payload).then(res => { this.testResult = res; this.testing = false; }); } } /** @ngInject */ export function alertTab() { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', scope: true, templateUrl: 'public/app/features/alerting/partials/alert_tab.html', controller: AlertTabCtrl, }; }