+++ title = "Alertmanager" description = "Guide for using Alertmanager in Grafana" keywords = ["grafana", "prometheus", "guide"] aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/features/datasources/alertmanager"] weight = 150 +++ # Alertmanager data source Grafana includes built-in support for Prometheus Alertmanager. It is presently in alpha and not accessible unless [alpha plugins are enabled in Grafana settings](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/configuration/#enable_alpha-1). Once you add it as a data source, you can use the [Grafana alerting UI](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/alerting/) to manage silences, contact points as well as notification policies. A drop-down option in these pages allows you to switch between Grafana and any configured Alertmanager data sources. ## Alertmanager implementations [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) and [Cortex](https://cortexmetrics.io/) (default) implementations of Alertmanager are supported. You can specify implementation in the data source settings page. In case of Prometheus contact points and notification policies are read-only in the Grafana alerting UI, as it does not support updating configuration via HTTP API. ## Provision the Alertmanager data source Configure the Alertmanager data sources by updating Grafana's configuration files. For more information on how it works and the settings available, refer to the [provisioning docs page]({{< relref "../administration/provisioning/#datasources" >}}). Here is an example for provisioning the Alertmanager data source: ```yaml apiVersion: 1 datasources: - name: Alertmanager type: alertmanager url: http://localhost:9093 access: proxy jsonData: implementation: 'prometheus' # alternatively 'cortex' # optionally basicAuth: true basicAuthUser: my_user basicAuthPassword: test_password ```