/// import config from 'app/core/config'; import angular from 'angular'; import moment from 'moment'; import _ from 'lodash'; import $ from 'jquery'; import {Emitter} from 'app/core/core'; import {contextSrv} from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; export class DashboardModel { id: any; title: any; autoUpdate: any; description: any; tags: any; style: any; timezone: any; editable: any; hideControls: any; sharedCrosshair: any; rows: any; time: any; timepicker: any; templating: any; annotations: any; refresh: any; snapshot: any; schemaVersion: number; version: number; revision: number; links: any; gnetId: any; meta: any; events: any; editMode: boolean; constructor(data, meta) { if (!data) { data = {}; } this.events = new Emitter(); this.id = data.id || null; this.revision = data.revision; this.title = data.title || 'No Title'; this.autoUpdate = data.autoUpdate; this.description = data.description; this.tags = data.tags || []; this.style = data.style || "dark"; this.timezone = data.timezone || ''; this.editable = data.editable !== false; this.hideControls = data.hideControls || false; this.sharedCrosshair = data.sharedCrosshair || false; this.rows = data.rows || []; this.time = data.time || { from: 'now-6h', to: 'now' }; this.timepicker = data.timepicker || {}; this.templating = this.ensureListExist(data.templating); this.annotations = this.ensureListExist(data.annotations); this.refresh = data.refresh; this.snapshot = data.snapshot; this.schemaVersion = data.schemaVersion || 0; this.version = data.version || 0; this.links = data.links || []; this.gnetId = data.gnetId || null; this.updateSchema(data); this.initMeta(meta); this.editMode = this.meta.isNew; } private initMeta(meta) { console.log(meta); meta = meta || {}; meta.canShare = meta.canShare !== false; meta.canSave = meta.canSave !== false; meta.canStar = meta.canStar !== false; meta.canEdit = meta.canEdit !== false; if (!this.editable) { meta.canEdit = false; meta.canDelete = false; meta.canSave = false; this.hideControls = true; } this.meta = meta; } // cleans meta data and other non peristent state getSaveModelClone() { // temp remove stuff var events = this.events; var meta = this.meta; delete this.events; delete this.meta; events.emit('prepare-save-model'); var copy = $.extend(true, {}, this); // restore properties this.events = events; this.meta = meta; return copy; } private ensureListExist(data) { if (!data) { data = {}; } if (!data.list) { data.list = []; } return data; } getNextPanelId() { var i, j, row, panel, max = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[i]; for (j = 0; j < row.panels.length; j++) { panel = row.panels[j]; if (panel.id > max) { max = panel.id; } } } return max + 1; } forEachPanel(callback) { var i, j, row; for (i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[i]; for (j = 0; j < row.panels.length; j++) { callback(row.panels[j], j, row, i); } } } getPanelById(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.panels.length; j++) { var panel = row.panels[j]; if (panel.id === id) { return panel; } } } return null; } rowSpan(row) { return _.reduce(row.panels, function(p,v) { return p + v.span; },0); }; addPanel(panel, row) { var rowSpan = this.rowSpan(row); var panelCount = row.panels.length; var space = (12 - rowSpan) - panel.span; panel.id = this.getNextPanelId(); // try to make room of there is no space left if (space <= 0) { if (panelCount === 1) { row.panels[0].span = 6; panel.span = 6; } else if (panelCount === 2) { row.panels[0].span = 4; row.panels[1].span = 4; panel.span = 4; } } row.panels.push(panel); } toggleEditMode() { this.editMode = !this.editMode; this.updateSubmenuVisibility(); } updateSubmenuVisibility() { if (this.editMode) { this.meta.submenuEnabled = true; return; } var visibleVars = _.filter(this.templating.list, function(template) { return template.hide !== 2; }); this.meta.submenuEnabled = visibleVars.length > 0 || this.annotations.list.length > 0 || this.links.length > 0; } getPanelInfoById(panelId) { var result: any = {}; _.each(this.rows, function(row) { _.each(row.panels, function(panel, index) { if (panel.id === panelId) { result.panel = panel; result.row = row; result.index = index; } }); }); if (!result.panel) { return null; } return result; } duplicatePanel(panel, row) { var rowIndex = _.indexOf(this.rows, row); var newPanel = angular.copy(panel); newPanel.id = this.getNextPanelId(); delete newPanel.repeat; delete newPanel.repeatIteration; delete newPanel.repeatPanelId; delete newPanel.scopedVars; var currentRow = this.rows[rowIndex]; currentRow.panels.push(newPanel); return newPanel; } formatDate(date, format) { date = moment.isMoment(date) ? date : moment(date); format = format || 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'; this.timezone = this.getTimezone(); return this.timezone === 'browser' ? moment(date).format(format) : moment.utc(date).format(format); } getRelativeTime(date) { date = moment.isMoment(date) ? date : moment(date); return this.timezone === 'browser' ? moment(date).fromNow() : moment.utc(date).fromNow(); } getNextQueryLetter(panel) { var letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; return _.find(letters, function(refId) { return _.every(panel.targets, function(other) { return other.refId !== refId; }); }); } isTimezoneUtc() { return this.getTimezone() === 'utc'; } getTimezone() { return this.timezone ? this.timezone : contextSrv.user.timezone; } private updateSchema(old) { var i, j, k; var oldVersion = this.schemaVersion; var panelUpgrades = []; this.schemaVersion = 13; if (oldVersion === this.schemaVersion) { return; } // version 2 schema changes if (oldVersion < 2) { if (old.services) { if (old.services.filter) { this.time = old.services.filter.time; this.templating.list = old.services.filter.list || []; } } panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { // rename panel type if (panel.type === 'graphite') { panel.type = 'graph'; } if (panel.type !== 'graph') { return; } if (_.isBoolean(panel.legend)) { panel.legend = { show: panel.legend }; } if (panel.grid) { if (panel.grid.min) { panel.grid.leftMin = panel.grid.min; delete panel.grid.min; } if (panel.grid.max) { panel.grid.leftMax = panel.grid.max; delete panel.grid.max; } } if (panel.y_format) { panel.y_formats[0] = panel.y_format; delete panel.y_format; } if (panel.y2_format) { panel.y_formats[1] = panel.y2_format; delete panel.y2_format; } }); } // schema version 3 changes if (oldVersion < 3) { // ensure panel ids var maxId = this.getNextPanelId(); panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (!panel.id) { panel.id = maxId; maxId += 1; } }); } // schema version 4 changes if (oldVersion < 4) { // move aliasYAxis changes panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (panel.type !== 'graph') { return; } _.each(panel.aliasYAxis, function(value, key) { panel.seriesOverrides = [{ alias: key, yaxis: value }]; }); delete panel.aliasYAxis; }); } if (oldVersion < 6) { // move pulldowns to new schema var annotations = _.find(old.pulldowns, { type: 'annotations' }); if (annotations) { this.annotations = { list: annotations.annotations || [], }; } // update template variables for (i = 0 ; i < this.templating.list.length; i++) { var variable = this.templating.list[i]; if (variable.datasource === void 0) { variable.datasource = null; } if (variable.type === 'filter') { variable.type = 'query'; } if (variable.type === void 0) { variable.type = 'query'; } if (variable.allFormat === void 0) { variable.allFormat = 'glob'; } } } if (oldVersion < 7) { if (old.nav && old.nav.length) { this.timepicker = old.nav[0]; } // ensure query refIds panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { _.each(panel.targets, function(target) { if (!target.refId) { target.refId = this.getNextQueryLetter(panel); } }.bind(this)); }); } if (oldVersion < 8) { panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { _.each(panel.targets, function(target) { // update old influxdb query schema if (target.fields && target.tags && target.groupBy) { if (target.rawQuery) { delete target.fields; delete target.fill; } else { target.select = _.map(target.fields, function(field) { var parts = []; parts.push({type: 'field', params: [field.name]}); parts.push({type: field.func, params: []}); if (field.mathExpr) { parts.push({type: 'math', params: [field.mathExpr]}); } if (field.asExpr) { parts.push({type: 'alias', params: [field.asExpr]}); } return parts; }); delete target.fields; _.each(target.groupBy, function(part) { if (part.type === 'time' && part.interval) { part.params = [part.interval]; delete part.interval; } if (part.type === 'tag' && part.key) { part.params = [part.key]; delete part.key; } }); if (target.fill) { target.groupBy.push({type: 'fill', params: [target.fill]}); delete target.fill; } } } }); }); } // schema version 9 changes if (oldVersion < 9) { // move aliasYAxis changes panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (panel.type !== 'singlestat' && panel.thresholds !== "") { return; } if (panel.thresholds) { var k = panel.thresholds.split(","); if (k.length >= 3) { k.shift(); panel.thresholds = k.join(","); } } }); } // schema version 10 changes if (oldVersion < 10) { // move aliasYAxis changes panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (panel.type !== 'table') { return; } _.each(panel.styles, function(style) { if (style.thresholds && style.thresholds.length >= 3) { var k = style.thresholds; k.shift(); style.thresholds = k; } }); }); } if (oldVersion < 12) { // update template variables _.each(this.templating.list, function(templateVariable) { if (templateVariable.refresh) { templateVariable.refresh = 1; } if (!templateVariable.refresh) { templateVariable.refresh = 0; } if (templateVariable.hideVariable) { templateVariable.hide = 2; } else if (templateVariable.hideLabel) { templateVariable.hide = 1; } else { templateVariable.hide = 0; } }); } if (oldVersion < 12) { // update graph yaxes changes panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (panel.type !== 'graph') { return; } if (!panel.grid) { return; } if (!panel.yaxes) { panel.yaxes = [ { show: panel['y-axis'], min: panel.grid.leftMin, max: panel.grid.leftMax, logBase: panel.grid.leftLogBase, format: panel.y_formats[0], label: panel.leftYAxisLabel, }, { show: panel['y-axis'], min: panel.grid.rightMin, max: panel.grid.rightMax, logBase: panel.grid.rightLogBase, format: panel.y_formats[1], label: panel.rightYAxisLabel, } ]; panel.xaxis = { show: panel['x-axis'], }; delete panel.grid.leftMin; delete panel.grid.leftMax; delete panel.grid.leftLogBase; delete panel.grid.rightMin; delete panel.grid.rightMax; delete panel.grid.rightLogBase; delete panel.y_formats; delete panel.leftYAxisLabel; delete panel.rightYAxisLabel; delete panel['y-axis']; delete panel['x-axis']; } }); } if (oldVersion < 13) { // update graph yaxes changes panelUpgrades.push(function(panel) { if (panel.type !== 'graph') { return; } panel.thresholds = []; var t1: any = {}, t2: any = {}; if (panel.grid.threshold1 !== null) { t1.value = panel.grid.threshold1; if (panel.grid.thresholdLine) { t1.line = true; t1.lineColor = panel.grid.threshold1Color; t1.colorMode = 'custom'; } else { t1.fill = true; t1.fillColor = panel.grid.threshold1Color; t1.colorMode = 'custom'; } } if (panel.grid.threshold2 !== null) { t2.value = panel.grid.threshold2; if (panel.grid.thresholdLine) { t2.line = true; t2.lineColor = panel.grid.threshold2Color; t2.colorMode = 'custom'; } else { t2.fill = true; t2.fillColor = panel.grid.threshold2Color; t2.colorMode = 'custom'; } } if (_.isNumber(t1.value)) { if (_.isNumber(t2.value)) { if (t1.value > t2.value) { t1.op = t2.op = 'lt'; panel.thresholds.push(t1); panel.thresholds.push(t2); } else { t1.op = t2.op = 'gt'; panel.thresholds.push(t1); panel.thresholds.push(t2); } } else { t1.op = 'gt'; panel.thresholds.push(t1); } } delete panel.grid.threshold1; delete panel.grid.threshold1Color; delete panel.grid.threshold2; delete panel.grid.threshold2Color; delete panel.grid.thresholdLine; }); } if (panelUpgrades.length === 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; for (j = 0; j < row.panels.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < panelUpgrades.length; k++) { panelUpgrades[k].call(this, row.panels[j]); } } } } }