package pluginproxy import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" glog "" "" "" contextmodel "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( logger = glog.New("data-proxy-log") client = newHTTPClient() ) type DataSourceProxy struct { ds *datasources.DataSource ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext targetUrl *url.URL proxyPath string matchedRoute *plugins.Route pluginRoutes []*plugins.Route cfg *setting.Cfg clientProvider httpclient.Provider oAuthTokenService oauthtoken.OAuthTokenService dataSourcesService datasources.DataSourceService tracer tracing.Tracer } type httpClient interface { Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) } // NewDataSourceProxy creates a new Datasource proxy func NewDataSourceProxy(ds *datasources.DataSource, pluginRoutes []*plugins.Route, ctx *contextmodel.ReqContext, proxyPath string, cfg *setting.Cfg, clientProvider httpclient.Provider, oAuthTokenService oauthtoken.OAuthTokenService, dsService datasources.DataSourceService, tracer tracing.Tracer) (*DataSourceProxy, error) { targetURL, err := datasource.ValidateURL(ds.Type, ds.URL) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &DataSourceProxy{ ds: ds, pluginRoutes: pluginRoutes, ctx: ctx, proxyPath: proxyPath, targetUrl: targetURL, cfg: cfg, clientProvider: clientProvider, oAuthTokenService: oAuthTokenService, dataSourcesService: dsService, tracer: tracer, }, nil } func newHTTPClient() httpClient { return &http.Client{ Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Transport: &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment}, } } func (proxy *DataSourceProxy) HandleRequest() { if err := proxy.validateRequest(); err != nil { proxy.ctx.JsonApiErr(403, err.Error(), nil) return } proxyErrorLogger := logger.New( "userId", proxy.ctx.UserID, "orgId", proxy.ctx.OrgID, "uname", proxy.ctx.Login, "path", proxy.ctx.Req.URL.Path, "remote_addr", proxy.ctx.RemoteAddr(), "referer", proxy.ctx.Req.Referer(), ) transport, err := proxy.dataSourcesService.GetHTTPTransport(proxy.ctx.Req.Context(), proxy.ds, proxy.clientProvider) if err != nil { proxy.ctx.JsonApiErr(400, "Unable to load TLS certificate", err) return } modifyResponse := func(resp *http.Response) error { if resp.StatusCode == 401 { // The data source rejected the request as unauthorized, convert to 400 (bad request) body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read data source response body: %w", err) } _ = resp.Body.Close() ctxLogger := proxyErrorLogger.FromContext(resp.Request.Context()) ctxLogger.Info("Authentication to data source failed", "body", string(body), "statusCode", resp.StatusCode) msg := "Authentication to data source failed" *resp = http.Response{ StatusCode: 400, Status: "Bad Request", Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(msg)), ContentLength: int64(len(msg)), Header: http.Header{}, } } return nil } reverseProxy := proxyutil.NewReverseProxy( proxyErrorLogger, proxy.director, proxyutil.WithTransport(transport), proxyutil.WithModifyResponse(modifyResponse), ) proxy.logRequest() ctx, span := proxy.tracer.Start(proxy.ctx.Req.Context(), "datasource reverse proxy") defer span.End() proxy.ctx.Req = proxy.ctx.Req.WithContext(ctx) span.SetAttributes("datasource_name", proxy.ds.Name, attribute.Key("datasource_name").String(proxy.ds.Name)) span.SetAttributes("datasource_type", proxy.ds.Type, attribute.Key("datasource_type").String(proxy.ds.Type)) span.SetAttributes("user", proxy.ctx.SignedInUser.Login, attribute.Key("user").String(proxy.ctx.SignedInUser.Login)) span.SetAttributes("org_id", proxy.ctx.SignedInUser.OrgID, attribute.Key("org_id").Int64(proxy.ctx.SignedInUser.OrgID)) proxy.addTraceFromHeaderValue(span, "X-Panel-Id", "panel_id") proxy.addTraceFromHeaderValue(span, "X-Dashboard-Id", "dashboard_id") proxy.tracer.Inject(ctx, proxy.ctx.Req.Header, span) reverseProxy.ServeHTTP(proxy.ctx.Resp, proxy.ctx.Req) } func (proxy *DataSourceProxy) addTraceFromHeaderValue(span tracing.Span, headerName string, tagName string) { panelId := proxy.ctx.Req.Header.Get(headerName) dashId, err := strconv.Atoi(panelId) if err == nil { span.SetAttributes(tagName, dashId, attribute.Key(tagName).Int(dashId)) } } func (proxy *DataSourceProxy) director(req *http.Request) { req.URL.Scheme = proxy.targetUrl.Scheme req.URL.Host = proxy.targetUrl.Host req.Host = proxy.targetUrl.Host reqQueryVals := req.URL.Query() ctxLogger := logger.FromContext(req.Context()) switch proxy.ds.Type { case datasources.DS_INFLUXDB_08: password, err := proxy.dataSourcesService.DecryptedPassword(req.Context(), proxy.ds) if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Error interpolating proxy url", "error", err) return } req.URL.RawPath = util.JoinURLFragments(proxy.targetUrl.Path, "db/"+proxy.ds.Database+"/"+proxy.proxyPath) reqQueryVals.Add("u", proxy.ds.User) reqQueryVals.Add("p", password) req.URL.RawQuery = reqQueryVals.Encode() case datasources.DS_INFLUXDB: password, err := proxy.dataSourcesService.DecryptedPassword(req.Context(), proxy.ds) if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Error interpolating proxy url", "error", err) return } req.URL.RawPath = util.JoinURLFragments(proxy.targetUrl.Path, proxy.proxyPath) req.URL.RawQuery = reqQueryVals.Encode() if !proxy.ds.BasicAuth { req.Header.Set( "Authorization", util.GetBasicAuthHeader(proxy.ds.User, password), ) } default: req.URL.RawPath = util.JoinURLFragments(proxy.targetUrl.Path, proxy.proxyPath) } unescapedPath, err := url.PathUnescape(req.URL.RawPath) if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Failed to unescape raw path", "rawPath", req.URL.RawPath, "error", err) return } req.URL.Path = unescapedPath if proxy.ds.BasicAuth { password, err := proxy.dataSourcesService.DecryptedBasicAuthPassword(req.Context(), proxy.ds) if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Error interpolating proxy url", "error", err) return } req.Header.Set("Authorization", util.GetBasicAuthHeader(proxy.ds.BasicAuthUser, password)) } dsAuth := req.Header.Get("X-DS-Authorization") if len(dsAuth) > 0 { req.Header.Del("X-DS-Authorization") req.Header.Set("Authorization", dsAuth) } proxyutil.ApplyUserHeader(proxy.cfg.SendUserHeader, req, proxy.ctx.SignedInUser) proxyutil.ClearCookieHeader(req, proxy.ds.AllowedCookies(), []string{proxy.cfg.LoginCookieName}) req.Header.Set("User-Agent", proxy.cfg.DataProxyUserAgent) jsonData := make(map[string]interface{}) if proxy.ds.JsonData != nil { jsonData, err = proxy.ds.JsonData.Map() if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Failed to get json data as map", "jsonData", proxy.ds.JsonData, "error", err) return } } if proxy.matchedRoute != nil { decryptedValues, err := proxy.dataSourcesService.DecryptedValues(req.Context(), proxy.ds) if err != nil { ctxLogger.Error("Error interpolating proxy url", "error", err) return } ApplyRoute(req.Context(), req, proxy.proxyPath, proxy.matchedRoute, DSInfo{ ID: proxy.ds.ID, Updated: proxy.ds.Updated, JSONData: jsonData, DecryptedSecureJSONData: decryptedValues, }, proxy.cfg) } if proxy.oAuthTokenService.IsOAuthPassThruEnabled(proxy.ds) { if token := proxy.oAuthTokenService.GetCurrentOAuthToken(req.Context(), proxy.ctx.SignedInUser); token != nil { req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", token.Type(), token.AccessToken)) idToken, ok := token.Extra("id_token").(string) if ok && idToken != "" { req.Header.Set("X-ID-Token", idToken) } } } } func (proxy *DataSourceProxy) validateRequest() error { if !checkWhiteList(proxy.ctx, proxy.targetUrl.Host) { return errors.New("target URL is not a valid target") } if proxy.ds.Type == datasources.DS_ES { if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "DELETE" { return errors.New("deletes not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource") } if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "PUT" { return errors.New("puts not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource") } if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "POST" && proxy.proxyPath != "_msearch" { return errors.New("posts not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource except on /_msearch") } } // found route if there are any for _, route := range proxy.pluginRoutes { // method match if route.Method != "" && route.Method != "*" && route.Method != proxy.ctx.Req.Method { continue } // route match if !strings.HasPrefix(proxy.proxyPath, route.Path) { continue } if route.ReqRole.IsValid() { if !proxy.ctx.HasUserRole(route.ReqRole) { return errors.New("plugin proxy route access denied") } } proxy.matchedRoute = route return nil } // Trailing validation below this point for routes that were not matched if proxy.ds.Type == datasources.DS_PROMETHEUS { if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "DELETE" { return errors.New("non allow-listed DELETEs not allowed on proxied Prometheus datasource") } if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "PUT" { return errors.New("non allow-listed PUTs not allowed on proxied Prometheus datasource") } if proxy.ctx.Req.Method == "POST" { return errors.New("non allow-listed POSTs not allowed on proxied Prometheus datasource") } } return nil } func (proxy *DataSourceProxy) logRequest() { if !proxy.cfg.DataProxyLogging { return } var body string if proxy.ctx.Req.Body != nil { buffer, err := io.ReadAll(proxy.ctx.Req.Body) if err == nil { proxy.ctx.Req.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(buffer)) body = string(buffer) } } ctxLogger := logger.FromContext(proxy.ctx.Req.Context()) ctxLogger.Info("Proxying incoming request", "userid", proxy.ctx.UserID, "orgid", proxy.ctx.OrgID, "username", proxy.ctx.Login, "datasource", proxy.ds.Type, "uri", proxy.ctx.Req.RequestURI, "method", proxy.ctx.Req.Method, "body", body) } func checkWhiteList(c *contextmodel.ReqContext, host string) bool { if host != "" && len(setting.DataProxyWhiteList) > 0 { if _, exists := setting.DataProxyWhiteList[host]; !exists { c.JsonApiErr(403, "Data proxy hostname and ip are not included in whitelist", nil) return false } } return true }