import { dateTime, DataQuery } from '@grafana/data'; import store from 'app/core/store'; import { RichHistoryQuery } from '../../types'; import RichHistoryStorage, { RichHistoryStorageWarning } from '../history/RichHistoryStorage'; import { addToRichHistory, updateStarredInRichHistory, updateCommentInRichHistory, mapNumbertoTimeInSlider, createDateStringFromTs, createQueryHeading, deleteAllFromRichHistory, deleteQueryInRichHistory, SortOrder, } from './richHistory'; const richHistoryStorageMock: RichHistoryStorage = {} as RichHistoryStorage; jest.mock('../history/richHistoryStorageProvider', () => { return { getRichHistoryStorage: () => richHistoryStorageMock, }; }); const richHistoryLocalStorageMock = { getRichHistory: jest.fn() }; jest.mock('../history/RichHistoryLocalStorage', () => { return function () { return richHistoryLocalStorageMock; }; }); const richHistoryRemoteStorageMock = { migrate: jest.fn() }; jest.mock('../history/RichHistoryRemoteStorage', () => { return function () { return richHistoryRemoteStorageMock; }; }); interface MockQuery extends DataQuery { expr: string; maxLines?: number | null; } const storedHistory: Array> = [ { id: '1', createdAt: 1, comment: '', datasourceUid: 'datasource uid', datasourceName: 'datasource history name', queries: [ { expr: 'query1', maxLines: null, refId: '1' }, { expr: 'query2', refId: '2' }, ], starred: true, }, ]; const mock: any = { testComment: '', testDatasourceUid: 'datasourceUid', testDatasourceName: 'datasourceName', testQueries: [ { expr: 'query3', refId: 'B' }, { expr: 'query4', refId: 'C' }, ], testSessionName: '', testStarred: false, }; const key = 'grafana.explore.richHistory'; describe('richHistory', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); jest.setSystemTime(new Date(1970, 0, 1)); richHistoryStorageMock.addToRichHistory = jest.fn((r) => { return Promise.resolve({ richHistoryQuery: { ...r, id: 'GENERATED ID', createdAt: } }); }); richHistoryStorageMock.deleteAll = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}); richHistoryStorageMock.deleteRichHistory = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}); richHistoryStorageMock.getRichHistory = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}); richHistoryStorageMock.updateComment = jest.fn((id, comment) => { return { ...mock, comment, }; }); richHistoryStorageMock.updateStarred = jest.fn((id, starred) => { return { ...mock, starred, }; }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); describe('addToRichHistory', () => { beforeEach(() => { deleteAllFromRichHistory(); expect(store.exists(key)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should append query to query history', async () => { = jest.fn(() => 2); const { limitExceeded, richHistoryStorageFull } = await addToRichHistory( mock.testDatasourceUid, mock.testDatasourceName, mock.testQueries, mock.testStarred, mock.testComment, true, true ); expect(limitExceeded).toBeFalsy(); expect(richHistoryStorageFull).toBeFalsy(); expect(richHistoryStorageMock.addToRichHistory).toBeCalledWith({ datasourceUid: mock.testDatasourceUid, datasourceName: mock.testDatasourceName, starred: mock.testStarred, comment: mock.testComment, queries: mock.testQueries, }); }); it('it should return a flag indicating that the limit has been exceed', async () => { = jest.fn(() => 2); richHistoryStorageMock.addToRichHistory = jest.fn((query) => { return Promise.resolve({ richHistoryQuery: { ...query, id: 'GENERATED ID', createdAt: }, warning: { type: RichHistoryStorageWarning.LimitExceeded, message: 'Limit exceeded', }, }); }); const { richHistoryStorageFull, limitExceeded } = await addToRichHistory( mock.testDatasourceUid, mock.testDatasourceName, mock.testQueries, mock.testStarred, mock.testComment, true, true ); expect(richHistoryStorageFull).toBeFalsy(); expect(limitExceeded).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('updateStarredInRichHistory', () => { it('should update starred in query in history', async () => { const updatedStarred = await updateStarredInRichHistory('1', !mock.starred); expect(updatedStarred!.starred).toEqual(!mock.starred); }); }); describe('updateCommentInRichHistory', () => { it('should update comment in query in history', async () => { const updatedComment = await updateCommentInRichHistory('1', 'new comment'); expect(updatedComment!.comment).toEqual('new comment'); }); }); describe('deleteQueryInRichHistory', () => { it('should delete query in query in history', async () => { const deletedHistoryId = await deleteQueryInRichHistory('1'); expect(deletedHistoryId).toEqual('1'); }); }); describe('mapNumbertoTimeInSlider', () => { it('should correctly map number to value', () => { const value = mapNumbertoTimeInSlider(25); expect(value).toEqual('25 days ago'); }); }); describe('createDateStringFromTs', () => { it('should correctly create string value from timestamp', () => { const value = createDateStringFromTs(1583932327000); expect(value).toEqual('March 11'); }); }); describe('createQueryHeading', () => { it('should correctly create heading for queries when sort order is ascending ', () => { // Have to offset the timezone of a 1 microsecond epoch, and then reverse the changes storedHistory[0].createdAt = 1 + -1 * dateTime().utcOffset() * 60 * 1000; const heading = createQueryHeading(storedHistory[0], SortOrder.Ascending); expect(heading).toEqual('January 1'); }); it('should correctly create heading for queries when sort order is datasourceAZ ', () => { const heading = createQueryHeading(storedHistory[0], SortOrder.DatasourceAZ); expect(heading).toEqual(storedHistory[0].datasourceName); }); }); });