- name: Installation link: /installation/ children: - name: Requirements link: /installation/requirements/ - name: Installing on Ubuntu / Debian link: /installation/debian/ - name: Installing on Centos / Redhat link: /installation/rpm/ - name: Installing on Windows link: /installation/windows/ - name: Installing on macOS link: /installation/mac/ - name: Installing using Docker link: /installation/docker/ - name: Building from source link: /project/building_from_source/ - name: Upgrading link: /installation/upgrading/ - name: Administration link: /administration/ children: - name: Configuration link: /installation/configuration/ - name: Security link: /installation/security/ - name: Authentication link: /auth/ children: - link: /auth/overview/ name: Overview - link: /auth/auth-proxy/ name: Auth Proxy - link: /auth/ldap/ name: LDAP - link: /auth/enhanced_ldap/ name: Enhanced LDAP - link: /auth/generic-oauth/ name: Generic OAuth - link: /auth/google/ name: Google - link: /auth/github/ name: GitHub - link: /auth/gitlab/ name: GitLab - link: /auth/saml/ name: SAML - link: /auth/team-sync/ name: Team Sync - name: Permissions link: /permissions/ children: - link: /permissions/overview/ name: Overview - link: /permissions/organization_roles/ name: Organization Roles - link: /permissions/dashboard_folder_permissions/ name: Dashboard and Folder - link: /permissions/datasource_permissions/ name: Datasource - name: Grafana CLI link: /administration/cli/ - name: Image Rendering link: /administration/image_rendering/ - name: Internal metrics link: /administration/metrics/ - name: Provisioning link: /administration/provisioning/ - name: Troubleshooting link: /installation/troubleshooting/ - name: Getting Started link: /guides/ children: - name: Getting Started link: /guides/getting_started/ - name: Basic Concepts link: /guides/basic_concepts/ - name: Glossary link: /guides/glossary/ - name: Screencasts link: /tutorials/screencasts/ - name: Features link: /features/ children: - name: Panels link: /features/panels/ children: - link: /features/panels/graph/ name: Graph - link: /features/panels/logs/ name: Logs - link: /features/panels/singlestat/ name: Singlestat - link: /features/panels/table_panel/ name: Table - link: /features/panels/heatmap/ name: Heatmap - link: /features/panels/alertlist/ name: Alert list - link: /features/panels/dashlist/ name: Dashboard list - link: /features/panels/text/ name: Text - name: Dashboard Features link: /features/dashboard/ children: - link: /reference/templating/ name: Variables - link: /reference/annotations/ name: Annotations - link: /reference/dashboard_folders/ name: Folders - link: /reference/playlist/ name: Playlist - link: /reference/search/ name: Search - link: /reference/share_dashboard/ name: Sharing a Dashboard - link: /reference/share_panel/ name: Sharing a Panel - link: /reference/timerange/ name: Time Range - link: /reference/export_import/ name: Export and Import - link: /reference/scripting/ name: Scripted Dashboards - link: /reference/dashboard_history/ name: Dashboard Version History - link: /reference/dashboard/ name: JSON Model - name: Data Sources link: /features/datasources/ children: - link: /features/datasources/graphite/ name: Graphite - link: /features/datasources/prometheus/ name: Prometheus - link: /features/datasources/influxdb/ name: InfluxDB - link: /features/datasources/elasticsearch/ name: Elasticsearch - link: /features/datasources/stackdriver/ name: Google Stackdriver - link: /features/datasources/cloudwatch/ name: AWS Cloudwatch - link: /features/datasources/azuremonitor/ name: Azure Monitor - link: /features/datasources/loki/ name: Loki - link: /features/datasources/mysql/ name: MySQL - link: /features/datasources/postgres/ name: PostgreSQL - link: /features/datasources/mssql/ name: Microsoft SQL Server - link: /features/datasources/opentsdb/ name: OpenTSDB - link: /features/datasources/mixed/ name: MixedData - link: /features/datasources/testdata/ name: TestData - name: Explore link: /features/explore/ - name: Alerting link: /alerting/ children: - link: /alerting/rules/ name: Engine and Rules - link: /alerting/metrics/ name: Metrics - link: /alerting/notifications/ name: Notifications - name: Keyboard Shortcuts link: /features/shortcuts/ - name: What's New In Grafana link: /whatsnew/ children: - name: Version 6.5 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-5/ - name: Version 6.4 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-4/ - name: Version 6.3 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-3/ - name: Version 6.2 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-2/ - name: Version 6.1 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-1/ - name: Version 6.0 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v6-0/ - name: Version 5.4 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v5-4/ - name: Version 5.3 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v5-3/ - name: Version 5.2 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v5-2/ - name: Version 5.1 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v5-1/ - name: Version 5.0 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v5/ - name: Version 4.6 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-6/ - name: Version 4.5 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-5/ - name: Version 4.4 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-4/ - name: Version 4.3 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-3/ - name: Version 4.2 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-2/ - name: Version 4.1 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4-1/ - name: Version 4.0 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v4/ - name: Version 3.1 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v3-1/ - name: Version 3.0 link: /guides/whats-new-in-v3/ - name: Tutorials link: /tutorials/ children: - name: Running Grafana behind a reverse proxy link: /installation/behind_proxy/ - name: 'API Tutorial: How To Create API Tokens And Dashboards For A Specific Organization' link: /tutorials/api_org_token_howto/ - name: Grafana with IIS Reverse Proxy on Windows link: /tutorials/iis/ - name: How To integrate Hubot and Grafana link: /tutorials/hubot_howto/ - name: Setup Grafana for High availability link: /tutorials/ha_setup/ - name: Plugins link: /plugins/ children: - name: Installing Plugins link: /plugins/installation/ - name: Developing Plugins link: /plugins/developing/ children: - link: /plugins/developing/development/ name: Developer Guide - link: /plugins/developing/code-styleguide/ name: Plugin Code Styleguide - link: /plugins/developing/plugin-review-guidelines/ name: Plugin Review Guidelines - link: /plugins/developing/auth-for-datasources/ name: Authentication for Datasource Plugins - link: /plugins/developing/defaults-and-editor-mode/ name: Plugin Defaults and Editor Mode - link: /plugins/developing/apps/ name: Developing App Plugins - link: /plugins/developing/panels/ name: Developing Panel Plugins - link: /plugins/developing/backend-plugins-guide/ name: Developing Backend Plugins - link: /plugins/developing/datasources/ name: Developing Datasource Plugins - link: /plugins/developing/snapshot-mode/ name: Snapshot Mode - link: /plugins/developing/plugin.json/ name: plugin.json Schema - name: HTTP API link: /http_api/ children: - name: Admin link: /http_api/admin/ - name: Alerting link: /http_api/alerting/ - name: Alerting Notification Channels link: /http_api/alerting_notification_channels/ - name: Annotations link: /http_api/annotations/ - name: Authentication HTTP API link: /http_api/auth/ - name: Dashboard link: /http_api/dashboard/ - name: Dashboard Permissions link: /http_api/dashboard_permissions/ - name: Dashboard Versions link: /http_api/dashboard_versions/ - name: Data source link: /http_api/data_source/ - name: Datasource Permissions link: /http_api/datasource_permissions/ - name: External Group Sync link: /http_api/external_group_sync/ - name: Folder link: /http_api/folder/ - name: Folder Permissions link: /http_api/folder_permissions/ - name: Folder/dashboard search link: /http_api/folder_dashboard_search/ - name: Organization link: /http_api/org/ - name: Other link: /http_api/other/ - name: Playlist link: /http_api/playlist/ - name: Preferences link: /http_api/preferences/ - name: Snapshot link: /http_api/snapshot/ - name: Teams link: /http_api/team/ - name: Users link: /http_api/user/ - name: Contribute link: /contribute/ children: - name: Contributor License Agreement (CLA) link: /contribute/cla/ - name: Grafana Enterprise link: /enterprise/ - name: Docs Archive link: /archive/