import { Store } from 'redux'; import { dateTime, FieldType, LoadingState, PanelData, PanelMenuItem, PluginExtensionPanelContext, PluginExtensionTypes, toDataFrame, } from '@grafana/data'; import { AngularComponent, getPluginExtensions } from '@grafana/runtime'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import * as actions from 'app/features/explore/state/main'; import { setStore } from 'app/store/store'; import { PanelModel } from '../state'; import { createDashboardModelFixture } from '../state/__fixtures__/dashboardFixtures'; import { getPanelMenu } from './getPanelMenu'; jest.mock('app/core/services/context_srv', () => ({ contextSrv: { hasAccessToExplore: () => true, }, })); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), setPluginExtensionGetter: jest.fn(), getPluginExtensions: jest.fn(), })); describe('getPanelMenu()', () => { beforeEach(() => { (getPluginExtensions as jest.Mock).mockRestore(); (getPluginExtensions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ extensions: [] }); }); it('should return the correct panel menu items', () => { const panel = new PanelModel({}); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); expect(menuItems).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ { "iconClassName": "eye", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "v", "text": "View", }, { "iconClassName": "edit", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "e", "text": "Edit", }, { "iconClassName": "share-alt", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "p s", "text": "Share", }, { "iconClassName": "compass", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "x", "text": "Explore", }, { "iconClassName": "info-circle", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "i", "subMenu": [ { "onClick": [Function], "text": "Panel JSON", }, ], "text": "Inspect", "type": "submenu", }, { "iconClassName": "cube", "onClick": [Function], "subMenu": [ { "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "p d", "text": "Duplicate", }, { "onClick": [Function], "text": "Copy", }, { "onClick": [Function], "text": "Create library panel", }, ], "text": "More...", "type": "submenu", }, { "text": "", "type": "divider", }, { "iconClassName": "trash-alt", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "p r", "text": "Remove", }, ] `); }); describe('when extending panel menu from plugins', () => { it('should contain menu item from link extension', () => { (getPluginExtensions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ extensions: [ { pluginId: '...', type:, title: 'Declare incident', description: 'Declaring an incident in the app', path: '/a/grafana-basic-app/declare-incident', }, ], }); const panel = new PanelModel({}); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); const extensionsSubMenu = menuItems.find((i) => i.text === 'Extensions')?.subMenu; expect(extensionsSubMenu).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ text: 'Declare incident', href: '/a/grafana-basic-app/declare-incident', }), ]) ); }); it('should truncate menu item title to 25 chars', () => { (getPluginExtensions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ extensions: [ { pluginId: '...', type:, title: 'Declare incident when pressing this amazing menu item', description: 'Declaring an incident in the app', path: '/a/grafana-basic-app/declare-incident', }, ], }); const panel = new PanelModel({}); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); const extensionsSubMenu = menuItems.find((i) => i.text === 'Extensions')?.subMenu; expect(extensionsSubMenu).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ text: 'Declare incident when...', href: '/a/grafana-basic-app/declare-incident', }), ]) ); }); it('should pass onClick from plugin extension link to menu item', () => { const expectedOnClick = jest.fn(); (getPluginExtensions as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ extensions: [ { pluginId: '...', type:, title: 'Declare incident when pressing this amazing menu item', description: 'Declaring an incident in the app', onClick: expectedOnClick, }, ], }); const panel = new PanelModel({}); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); const extensionsSubMenu = menuItems.find((i) => i.text === 'Extensions')?.subMenu; const menuItem = extensionsSubMenu?.find((i) => (i.text = 'Declare incident when...')); menuItem?.onClick?.({} as React.MouseEvent); expect(expectedOnClick).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); it('should pass context with correct values when configuring extension', () => { const data: PanelData = { series: [ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'time', type: FieldType.time }, { name: 'score', type: FieldType.number }, ], }), ], timeRange: { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime(), raw: { from: 'now', to: 'now-1h', }, }, state: LoadingState.Done, }; const panel = new PanelModel({ type: 'timeseries', id: 1, title: 'My panel', targets: [ { refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'testdata', }, }, ], scopedVars: { a: { text: 'a', value: 'a', }, }, queryRunner: { getLastResult: jest.fn(() => data), }, }); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({ timezone: 'utc', time: { from: 'now-5m', to: 'now', }, tags: ['database', 'panel'], uid: '123', title: 'My dashboard', }); getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); const context: PluginExtensionPanelContext = { pluginId: 'timeseries', id: 1, title: 'My panel', timeZone: 'utc', timeRange: { from: 'now-5m', to: 'now', }, targets: [ { refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'testdata', }, }, ], dashboard: { tags: ['database', 'panel'], uid: '123', title: 'My dashboard', }, scopedVars: { a: { text: 'a', value: 'a', }, }, data, }; expect(getPluginExtensions).toBeCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ context })); }); }); describe('when panel is in view mode', () => { it('should return the correct panel menu items', () => { const getExtendedMenu = () => [{ text: 'Toggle legend', shortcut: 'p l', click: jest.fn() }]; const ctrl = { getExtendedMenu }; const scope = { $$childHead: { ctrl } }; const angularComponent = { getScope: () => scope } as AngularComponent; const panel = new PanelModel({ isViewing: true }); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel, angularComponent); expect(menuItems).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ { "iconClassName": "eye", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "v", "text": "View", }, { "iconClassName": "edit", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "e", "text": "Edit", }, { "iconClassName": "share-alt", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "p s", "text": "Share", }, { "iconClassName": "compass", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "x", "text": "Explore", }, { "iconClassName": "info-circle", "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "i", "subMenu": [ { "onClick": [Function], "text": "Panel JSON", }, ], "text": "Inspect", "type": "submenu", }, { "iconClassName": "cube", "onClick": [Function], "subMenu": [ { "href": undefined, "onClick": [Function], "shortcut": "p l", "text": "Toggle legend", }, ], "text": "More...", "type": "submenu", }, ] `); }); }); describe('onNavigateToExplore', () => { const testSubUrl = '/testSubUrl'; const testUrl = '/testUrl'; const windowOpen = jest.fn(); let event: any; let explore: PanelMenuItem; let navigateSpy: jest.SpyInstance; beforeAll(() => { const panel = new PanelModel({}); const dashboard = createDashboardModelFixture({}); const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel); explore = menuItems.find((item) => item.text === 'Explore') as PanelMenuItem; navigateSpy = jest.spyOn(actions, 'navigateToExplore'); = windowOpen; event = { ctrlKey: true, preventDefault: jest.fn(), }; setStore({ dispatch: jest.fn() } as unknown as Store); }); it('should navigate to url without subUrl', () => { explore.onClick!(event); const openInNewWindow = navigateSpy.mock.calls[0][1].openInNewWindow; openInNewWindow(testUrl); expect(windowOpen).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(testUrl); }); it('should navigate to url with subUrl', () => { config.appSubUrl = testSubUrl; explore.onClick!(event); const openInNewWindow = navigateSpy.mock.calls[0][1].openInNewWindow; openInNewWindow(testUrl); expect(windowOpen).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(`${testSubUrl}${testUrl}`); }); }); });