import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, DataFrameType, Field, FieldType, getDisplayProcessor, getLinksSupplier, GrafanaTheme2, InterpolateFunction, isBooleanUnit, SortedVector, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import { GraphFieldConfig, LineInterpolation } from '@grafana/schema'; import { applyNullInsertThreshold } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/GraphNG/nullInsertThreshold'; import { nullToValue } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/GraphNG/nullToValue'; import { partitionByValuesTransformer } from 'app/features/transformers/partitionByValues/partitionByValues'; /** * Returns null if there are no graphable fields */ export function prepareGraphableFields( series: DataFrame[], theme: GrafanaTheme2, timeRange?: TimeRange ): DataFrame[] | null { if (!series?.length) { return null; } if (series.every((df) => df.meta?.type === DataFrameType.TimeSeriesLong)) { series = prepareTimeSeriesLong(series); } let copy: Field; const frames: DataFrame[] = []; for (let frame of series) { const fields: Field[] = []; let hasTimeField = false; let hasValueField = false; let nulledFrame = applyNullInsertThreshold({ frame, refFieldPseudoMin: timeRange?.from.valueOf(), refFieldPseudoMax: timeRange?.to.valueOf(), }); for (const field of nullToValue(nulledFrame).fields) { switch (field.type) { case FieldType.time: hasTimeField = true; fields.push(field); break; case FieldType.number: hasValueField = true; copy = { ...field, values: new ArrayVector( field.values.toArray().map((v) => { if (!(Number.isFinite(v) || v == null)) { return null; } return v; }) ), }; fields.push(copy); break; // ok case FieldType.string: copy = { ...field, values: new ArrayVector(field.values.toArray()), }; fields.push(copy); break; // ok case FieldType.boolean: hasValueField = true; const custom: GraphFieldConfig = field.config?.custom ?? {}; const config = { ...field.config, max: 1, min: 0, custom, }; // smooth and linear do not make sense if (custom.lineInterpolation !== LineInterpolation.StepBefore) { custom.lineInterpolation = LineInterpolation.StepAfter; } copy = { ...field, config, type: FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector( field.values.toArray().map((v) => { if (v == null) { return v; } return Boolean(v) ? 1 : 0; }) ), }; if (!isBooleanUnit(config.unit)) { config.unit = 'bool'; copy.display = getDisplayProcessor({ field: copy, theme }); } fields.push(copy); break; } } if (hasTimeField && hasValueField) { frames.push({ ...frame, length: nulledFrame.length, fields, }); } } if (frames.length) { return frames; } return null; } export function getTimezones(timezones: string[] | undefined, defaultTimezone: string): string[] { if (!timezones || !timezones.length) { return [defaultTimezone]; } return => (v?.length ? v : defaultTimezone)); } export function regenerateLinksSupplier( alignedDataFrame: DataFrame, frames: DataFrame[], replaceVariables: InterpolateFunction, timeZone: string ): DataFrame { alignedDataFrame.fields.forEach((field) => { if (field.state?.origin?.frameIndex === undefined || frames[field.state?.origin?.frameIndex] === undefined) { return; } /* check if field has sortedVector values if it does, sort all string fields in the original frame by the order array already used for the field otherwise just attach the fields to the temporary frame used to get the links */ const tempFields: Field[] = []; for (const frameField of frames[field.state?.origin?.frameIndex].fields) { if (frameField.type === FieldType.string) { if (field.values instanceof SortedVector) { const copiedField = { ...frameField }; copiedField.values = new SortedVector(frameField.values, field.values.getOrderArray()); tempFields.push(copiedField); } else { tempFields.push(frameField); } } } const tempFrame: DataFrame = { fields: [...alignedDataFrame.fields, ...tempFields], length: alignedDataFrame.fields.length + tempFields.length, }; field.getLinks = getLinksSupplier(tempFrame, field, field.state!.scopedVars!, replaceVariables, timeZone); }); return alignedDataFrame; } export function prepareTimeSeriesLong(series: DataFrame[]): DataFrame[] { // Transform each dataframe of the series // to handle different field names in different frames return series.reduce((acc: DataFrame[], dataFrame: DataFrame) => { // these could be different in each frame const stringFields = dataFrame.fields.filter((field) => field.type === FieldType.string).map((field) =>; // transform one dataFrame at a time and concat into DataFrame[] const transformedSeries = partitionByValuesTransformer.transformer( { fields: stringFields }, { interpolate: (value: string) => value } )([dataFrame]); return acc.concat(transformedSeries); }, []); }