import React from 'react'; import { DataSourceRef, getDefaultTimeRange, LoadingState } from '@grafana/data'; import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { reduxTester } from '../../../../test/core/redux/reduxTester'; import { silenceConsoleOutput } from '../../../../test/core/utils/silenceConsoleOutput'; import { notifyApp } from '../../../core/reducers/appNotification'; import { getTimeSrv, setTimeSrv, TimeSrv } from '../../dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { variableAdapters } from '../adapters'; import { ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE } from '../constants'; import { LegacyVariableQueryEditor } from '../editor/LegacyVariableQueryEditor'; import { addVariableEditorError, changeVariableEditorExtended, initialVariableEditorState, removeVariableEditorError, variableEditorMounted, } from '../editor/reducer'; import { updateOptions } from '../state/actions'; import { getPreloadedState, getRootReducer, RootReducerType } from '../state/helpers'; import { toKeyedAction } from '../state/keyedVariablesReducer'; import { addVariable, changeVariableProp, setCurrentVariableValue, variableStateCompleted, variableStateFailed, variableStateFetching, } from '../state/sharedReducer'; import { variablesInitTransaction } from '../state/transactionReducer'; import { QueryVariableModel, VariableHide, VariableQueryEditorProps, VariableRefresh, VariableSort } from '../types'; import { toKeyedVariableIdentifier, toVariablePayload } from '../utils'; import { setVariableQueryRunner, VariableQueryRunner } from './VariableQueryRunner'; import { changeQueryVariableDataSource, changeQueryVariableQuery, flattenQuery, hasSelfReferencingQuery, initQueryVariableEditor, updateQueryVariableOptions, } from './actions'; import { createQueryVariableAdapter } from './adapter'; import { updateVariableOptions } from './reducer'; const mocks: Record = { datasource: { metricFindQuery: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]), }, dataSourceSrv: { get: (ref: DataSourceRef) => Promise.resolve(mocks[ref.uid!]), getList: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), }, pluginLoader: { importDataSourcePlugin: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: {} }), }, VariableQueryEditor(props: VariableQueryEditorProps) { return
this is a variable query editor
; }, }; setDataSourceSrv(mocks.dataSourceSrv as any); jest.mock('../../plugins/plugin_loader', () => ({ importDataSourcePlugin: () => mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin(), })); jest.mock('../../templating/template_srv', () => ({ replace: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(''), })); describe('query actions', () => { let originalTimeSrv: TimeSrv; beforeEach(() => { originalTimeSrv = getTimeSrv(); setTimeSrv({ timeRange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(getDefaultTimeRange()), } as unknown as TimeSrv); setVariableQueryRunner(new VariableQueryRunner()); }); afterEach(() => { setTimeSrv(originalTimeSrv); }); variableAdapters.setInit(() => [createQueryVariableAdapter()]); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched but there is no ongoing transaction', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: false }); const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; mockDatasourceMetrics(variable, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateQueryVariableOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); tester.thenNoActionsWhereDispatched(); }); }); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched for variable without both tags and includeAll', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: false }); const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; mockDatasourceMetrics(variable, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateQueryVariableOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); const option = createOption('A'); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))) ); }); }); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched for variable with includeAll but without tags', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; mockDatasourceMetrics(variable, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateQueryVariableOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); const option = createOption(ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))) ); }); }); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched for variable open in editor', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; mockDatasourceMetrics(variable, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variableEditorMounted({ name:, id: }))) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateQueryVariableOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); const option = createOption(ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', removeVariableEditorError({ errorProp: 'update' })), toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))) ); }); }); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched for variable with searchFilter', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; mockDatasourceMetrics(variable, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateQueryVariableOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), 'search'), true); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))) ); }); }); describe('when updateQueryVariableOptions is dispatched and fails for variable open in editor', () => { silenceConsoleOutput(); it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const error = new Error('failed to fetch metrics'); mocks[variable.datasource!.uid!].metricFindQuery = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(error)); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(updateOptions(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); tester.thenDispatchedActionsPredicateShouldEqual((dispatchedActions) => { const expectedNumberOfActions = 3; expect(dispatchedActions[0]).toEqual(toKeyedAction('key', variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(variable)))); expect(dispatchedActions[1]).toEqual( toKeyedAction('key', variableStateFailed(toVariablePayload(variable, { error }))) ); expect(dispatchedActions[2].type).toEqual(notifyApp.type); expect(dispatchedActions[2].payload.title).toEqual('Templating [0]'); expect(dispatchedActions[2].payload.text).toEqual('Error updating options: failed to fetch metrics'); expect(dispatchedActions[2].payload.severity).toEqual('error'); return dispatchedActions.length === expectedNumberOfActions; }); }); }); describe('when initQueryVariableEditor is dispatched', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const testMetricSource = { name: 'test', value: 'test', meta: {} }; const editor = mocks.VariableQueryEditor; mocks.dataSourceSrv.getList = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([testMetricSource]); mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: { VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(initQueryVariableEditor(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); }); describe('when initQueryVariableEditor is dispatched and metricsource without value is available', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const testMetricSource = { name: 'test', value: null as unknown as string, meta: {} }; const editor = mocks.VariableQueryEditor; mocks.dataSourceSrv.getList = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([testMetricSource]); mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: { VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(initQueryVariableEditor(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); }); describe('when initQueryVariableEditor is dispatched and no metric sources was found', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ includeAll: true }); const editor = mocks.VariableQueryEditor; mocks.dataSourceSrv.getList = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]); mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: { VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(initQueryVariableEditor(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)), true); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableDataSource is dispatched', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'other' } }); const editor = mocks.VariableQueryEditor; mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: { VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableDataSource(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), { uid: 'datasource' }), true ); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); describe('and data source type changed', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'other' } }); const editor = mocks.VariableQueryEditor; const previousDataSource: any = { type: 'previous' }; const templatingState = { editor: { ...initialVariableEditorState, extended: { dataSource: previousDataSource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }, }; const preloadedState = getPreloadedState('key', templatingState); mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: { VariableQueryEditor: editor }, }); const tester = await reduxTester({ preloadedState }) .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableDataSource(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), { uid: 'datasource' }), true ); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'query', propValue: '' }))), toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableDataSource is dispatched and editor is not configured', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'other' } }); const editor = LegacyVariableQueryEditor; mocks.pluginLoader.importDataSourcePlugin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ components: {}, }); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableDataSource(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), { uid: 'datasource' }), true ); tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSource: mocks.datasource, VariableQueryEditor: editor }) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableQuery is dispatched', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'datasource' }, includeAll: true }); const query = '$datasource'; const definition = 'depends on datasource variable'; mockDatasourceMetrics({ ...variable, query }, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableQuery(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), query, definition), true ); const option = createOption(ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', removeVariableEditorError({ errorProp: 'query' })), toKeyedAction('key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'query', propValue: query }))), toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'definition', propValue: definition })) ), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(variable))), toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(variable))) ); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableQuery is dispatched for variable without tags', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'datasource' }, includeAll: true }); const query = '$datasource'; const definition = 'depends on datasource variable'; mockDatasourceMetrics({ ...variable, query }, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableQuery(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), query, definition), true ); const option = createOption(ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', removeVariableEditorError({ errorProp: 'query' })), toKeyedAction('key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'query', propValue: query }))), toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'definition', propValue: definition })) ), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(variable))), toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(variable))) ); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableQuery is dispatched for variable without tags and all', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const optionsMetrics = [createMetric('A'), createMetric('B')]; const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'datasource' }, includeAll: false }); const query = '$datasource'; const definition = 'depends on datasource variable'; mockDatasourceMetrics({ ...variable, query }, optionsMetrics); const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableQuery(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), query, definition), true ); const option = createOption('A'); const update = { results: optionsMetrics, templatedRegex: '' }; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', removeVariableEditorError({ errorProp: 'query' })), toKeyedAction('key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'query', propValue: query }))), toKeyedAction( 'key', changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'definition', propValue: definition })) ), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(variable))), toKeyedAction('key', updateVariableOptions(toVariablePayload(variable, update))), toKeyedAction('key', setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(variable, { option }))), toKeyedAction('key', variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(variable))) ); }); }); describe('when changeQueryVariableQuery is dispatched with invalid query', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const variable = createVariable({ datasource: { uid: 'datasource' }, includeAll: false }); const query = `$${}`; const definition = 'depends on datasource variable'; const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction('key', addVariable(toVariablePayload(variable, { global: false, index: 0, model: variable }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction('key', variablesInitTransaction({ uid: 'key' }))) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( changeQueryVariableQuery(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), query, definition), true ); const errorText = 'Query cannot contain a reference to itself. Variable: $' +; tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction('key', addVariableEditorError({ errorProp: 'query', errorText })) ); }); }); describe('hasSelfReferencingQuery', () => { it('when called with a string', () => { const query = '$query'; const name = 'query'; expect(hasSelfReferencingQuery(name, query)).toBe(true); }); it('when called with an array', () => { const query = ['$query']; const name = 'query'; expect(hasSelfReferencingQuery(name, query)).toBe(true); }); it('when called with a simple object', () => { const query = { a: '$query' }; const name = 'query'; expect(hasSelfReferencingQuery(name, query)).toBe(true); }); it('when called with a complex object', () => { const query = { level2: { level3: { query: 'query3', refId: 'C', num: 2, bool: true, arr: [ { query: 'query4', refId: 'D', num: 4, bool: true }, { query: 'query5', refId: 'E', num: 5, bool: true, arr: [{ query: '$query', refId: 'F', num: 6, bool: true }], }, ], }, query: 'query2', refId: 'B', num: 1, bool: false, }, query: 'query1', refId: 'A', num: 0, bool: true, arr: [ { query: 'query7', refId: 'G', num: 7, bool: true }, { query: 'query8', refId: 'H', num: 8, bool: true, arr: [{ query: 'query9', refId: 'I', num: 9, bool: true }], }, ], }; const name = 'query'; expect(hasSelfReferencingQuery(name, query)).toBe(true); }); it('when called with a number', () => { const query = 1; const name = 'query'; expect(hasSelfReferencingQuery(name, query)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('flattenQuery', () => { it('when called with a complex object', () => { const query = { level2: { level3: { query: '${query3}', refId: 'C', num: 2, bool: true, arr: [ { query: '${query4}', refId: 'D', num: 4, bool: true }, { query: '${query5}', refId: 'E', num: 5, bool: true, arr: [{ query: '${query6}', refId: 'F', num: 6, bool: true }], }, ], }, query: '${query2}', refId: 'B', num: 1, bool: false, }, query: '${query1}', refId: 'A', num: 0, bool: true, arr: [ { query: '${query7}', refId: 'G', num: 7, bool: true }, { query: '${query8}', refId: 'H', num: 8, bool: true, arr: [{ query: '${query9}', refId: 'I', num: 9, bool: true }], }, ], }; expect(flattenQuery(query)).toEqual({ query: '${query1}', refId: 'A', num: 0, bool: true, level2_query: '${query2}', level2_refId: 'B', level2_num: 1, level2_bool: false, level2_level3_query: '${query3}', level2_level3_refId: 'C', level2_level3_num: 2, level2_level3_bool: true, level2_level3_arr_0_query: '${query4}', level2_level3_arr_0_refId: 'D', level2_level3_arr_0_num: 4, level2_level3_arr_0_bool: true, level2_level3_arr_1_query: '${query5}', level2_level3_arr_1_refId: 'E', level2_level3_arr_1_num: 5, level2_level3_arr_1_bool: true, level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_query: '${query6}', level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_refId: 'F', level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_num: 6, level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_bool: true, arr_0_query: '${query7}', arr_0_refId: 'G', arr_0_num: 7, arr_0_bool: true, arr_1_query: '${query8}', arr_1_refId: 'H', arr_1_num: 8, arr_1_bool: true, arr_1_arr_0_query: '${query9}', arr_1_arr_0_refId: 'I', arr_1_arr_0_num: 9, arr_1_arr_0_bool: true, }); }); }); it('returns correct result when called with an object with null values inside', () => { const query = { level2: { level3: { query: '${query3}', refId: 'C', num: 2, bool: true, null: null, arr: [ { query: '${query4}', refId: 'D', num: 4, bool: true }, { query: '${query5}', refId: 'E', num: 5, bool: true, arr: [{ query: '${query6}', refId: 'F', num: 6, bool: true }], }, ], }, query: '${query2}', refId: 'B', num: 1, bool: false, }, query: '${query1}', refId: 'A', num: 0, bool: true, arr: [ { query: '${query7}', refId: 'G', num: 7, bool: true }, { query: '${query8}', refId: 'H', num: 8, bool: true, arr: [{ query: '${query9}', refId: 'I', num: 9, bool: true, null: null }], }, ], }; expect(flattenQuery(query)).toEqual({ query: '${query1}', refId: 'A', num: 0, bool: true, level2_query: '${query2}', level2_refId: 'B', level2_num: 1, level2_bool: false, level2_level3_query: '${query3}', level2_level3_refId: 'C', level2_level3_num: 2, level2_level3_bool: true, level2_level3_null: null, level2_level3_arr_0_query: '${query4}', level2_level3_arr_0_refId: 'D', level2_level3_arr_0_num: 4, level2_level3_arr_0_bool: true, level2_level3_arr_1_query: '${query5}', level2_level3_arr_1_refId: 'E', level2_level3_arr_1_num: 5, level2_level3_arr_1_bool: true, level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_query: '${query6}', level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_refId: 'F', level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_num: 6, level2_level3_arr_1_arr_0_bool: true, arr_0_query: '${query7}', arr_0_refId: 'G', arr_0_num: 7, arr_0_bool: true, arr_1_query: '${query8}', arr_1_refId: 'H', arr_1_num: 8, arr_1_bool: true, arr_1_arr_0_query: '${query9}', arr_1_arr_0_refId: 'I', arr_1_arr_0_num: 9, arr_1_arr_0_bool: true, arr_1_arr_0_null: null, }); }); it('returns correct result when called with null', () => { const query = null; expect(flattenQuery(query)).toEqual({ query: null }); }); }); function mockDatasourceMetrics(variable: QueryVariableModel, optionsMetrics: any[]) { const metrics: Record = { [variable.query]: optionsMetrics, }; const { metricFindQuery } = mocks[variable.datasource?.uid!]; metricFindQuery.mockReset(); metricFindQuery.mockImplementation((query: string) => Promise.resolve(metrics[query] ?? [])); } function createVariable(extend?: Partial): QueryVariableModel { return { type: 'query', id: '0', rootStateKey: 'key', global: false, current: createOption(''), options: [], query: 'options-query', name: 'Constant', label: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, skipUrlSync: false, index: 0, datasource: { uid: 'datasource' }, definition: '', sort: VariableSort.alphabeticalAsc, refresh: VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad, regex: '', multi: true, includeAll: true, state: LoadingState.NotStarted, error: null, description: null, ...(extend ?? {}), }; } function createOption(text: string, value?: string) { const metric = createMetric(text); return { ...metric, value: value ?? metric.text, selected: false, }; } function createMetric(value: string) { return { text: value, }; }