import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { DataFrame } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { Stack } from '@grafana/experimental'; import { config, RefreshEvent } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Button, ClipboardButton, JSONFormatter, LoadingPlaceholder } from '@grafana/ui'; import { backendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; import { supportsDataQuery } from 'app/features/dashboard/components/PanelEditor/utils'; import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { getPanelInspectorStyles } from './styles'; interface DsQuery { isLoading: boolean; response: {}; } interface ExecutedQueryInfo { refId: string; query: string; frames: number; rows: number; } interface Props { data: DataFrame[]; onRefreshQuery: () => void; panel?: PanelModel; } interface State { allNodesExpanded: boolean | null; isMocking: boolean; mockedResponse: string; dsQuery: DsQuery; executedQueries: ExecutedQueryInfo[]; } export class QueryInspector extends PureComponent { private formattedJson: any; private subs = new Subscription(); constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { executedQueries: [], allNodesExpanded: null, isMocking: false, mockedResponse: '', dsQuery: { isLoading: false, response: {}, }, }; } componentDidMount() { const { panel } = this.props; this.subs.add( backendSrv.getInspectorStream().subscribe({ next: (response) => this.onDataSourceResponse(response), }) ); if (panel) { this.subs.add(, this.onPanelRefresh)); this.updateQueryList(); } } componentDidUpdate(oldProps: Props) { if ( !== { this.updateQueryList(); } } /** * Find the list of executed queries */ updateQueryList() { const { data } = this.props; const executedQueries: ExecutedQueryInfo[] = []; if (data?.length) { let last: ExecutedQueryInfo | undefined = undefined; data.forEach((frame, idx) => { const query = frame.meta?.executedQueryString; if (query) { const refId = frame.refId || '?'; if (last?.refId === refId) { last.frames++; last.rows += frame.length; } else { last = { refId, frames: 0, rows: frame.length, query, }; executedQueries.push(last); } } }); } this.setState({ executedQueries }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.subs.unsubscribe(); } onPanelRefresh = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, dsQuery: { isLoading: true, response: {}, }, })); }; onDataSourceResponse(response: any) { // ignore silent requests if (response.config?.hideFromInspector) { return; } response = { ...response }; // clone - dont modify the response if (response.headers) { delete response.headers; } if (response.config) { response.request = response.config; delete response.config; delete response.request.transformRequest; delete response.request.transformResponse; delete response.request.paramSerializer; delete response.request.jsonpCallbackParam; delete response.request.headers; delete response.request.requestId; delete response.request.inspect; delete response.request.retry; delete response.request.timeout; } if ( { response.response =; delete response.config; delete; delete response.status; delete response.statusText; delete response.ok; delete response.url; delete response.redirected; delete response.type; delete response.$$config; } this.setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, dsQuery: { isLoading: false, response: response, }, })); } setFormattedJson = (formattedJson: any) => { this.formattedJson = formattedJson; }; getTextForClipboard = () => { return JSON.stringify(this.formattedJson, null, 2); }; onToggleExpand = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, allNodesExpanded: !this.state.allNodesExpanded, })); }; onToggleMocking = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, isMocking: !this.state.isMocking, })); }; getNrOfOpenNodes = () => { if (this.state.allNodesExpanded === null) { return 3; // 3 is default, ie when state is null } else if (this.state.allNodesExpanded) { return 20; } return 1; }; setMockedResponse = (evt: any) => { const mockedResponse =; this.setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, mockedResponse, })); }; renderExecutedQueries(executedQueries: ExecutedQueryInfo[]) { if (!executedQueries.length) { return null; } const styles = { refId: css` font-weight: ${config.theme.typography.weight.semibold}; color: ${config.theme.colors.textBlue}; margin-right: 8px; `, }; return (
{ => { return (
{info.refId}: {info.frames > 1 && {info.frames} frames, } {info.rows} rows
); })}
); } render() { const { allNodesExpanded, executedQueries } = this.state; const { panel, onRefreshQuery } = this.props; const { response, isLoading } = this.state.dsQuery; const openNodes = this.getNrOfOpenNodes(); const styles = getPanelInspectorStyles(); const haveData = Object.keys(response).length > 0; if (panel && !supportsDataQuery(panel.plugin)) { return null; } return (

Query inspector

Query inspector allows you to view raw request and response. To collect this data Grafana needs to issue a new query. Click refresh button below to trigger a new query.

{haveData && allNodesExpanded && ( )} {haveData && !allNodesExpanded && ( )} {haveData && ( Copy to clipboard )}
{isLoading && } {!isLoading && haveData && ( )} {!isLoading && !haveData && (

No request and response collected yet. Hit refresh button

); } }