import { css, cx } from '@emotion/css'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { GrafanaTheme2 } from '@grafana/data'; import { config } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { ErrorBoundaryAlert, useStyles2, useTheme2 } from '@grafana/ui'; import { SplitPaneWrapper } from 'app/core/components/SplitPaneWrapper/SplitPaneWrapper'; import { useGrafana } from 'app/core/context/GrafanaContext'; import { useNavModel } from 'app/core/hooks/useNavModel'; import { Trans } from 'app/core/internationalization'; import { GrafanaRouteComponentProps } from 'app/core/navigation/types'; import { useSelector } from 'app/types'; import { ExploreQueryParams } from 'app/types/explore'; import { CorrelationEditorModeBar } from './CorrelationEditorModeBar'; import { ExploreActions } from './ExploreActions'; import { ExploreDrawer } from './ExploreDrawer'; import { ExplorePaneContainer } from './ExplorePaneContainer'; import { QueriesDrawerContextProvider, useQueriesDrawerContext } from './QueriesDrawer/QueriesDrawerContext'; import RichHistoryContainer from './RichHistory/RichHistoryContainer'; import { useExplorePageTitle } from './hooks/useExplorePageTitle'; import { useKeyboardShortcuts } from './hooks/useKeyboardShortcuts'; import { useSplitSizeUpdater } from './hooks/useSplitSizeUpdater'; import { useStateSync } from './hooks/useStateSync'; import { useTimeSrvFix } from './hooks/useTimeSrvFix'; import { isSplit, selectCorrelationDetails, selectPanesEntries } from './state/selectors'; const MIN_PANE_WIDTH = 200; export default function ExplorePage(props: GrafanaRouteComponentProps<{}, ExploreQueryParams>) { return ( ); } function ExplorePageContent(props: GrafanaRouteComponentProps<{}, ExploreQueryParams>) { const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const theme = useTheme2(); useTimeSrvFix(); useStateSync(props.queryParams); // We want to set the title according to the URL and not to the state because the URL itself may lag // (due to how useStateSync above works) by a few milliseconds. // When a URL is pushed to the history, the browser also saves the title of the page and // if we were to update the URL on state change, the title would not match the URL. // Ultimately the URL is the single source of truth from which state is derived, the page title is not different useExplorePageTitle(props.queryParams); const { chrome } = useGrafana(); const navModel = useNavModel('explore'); const { updateSplitSize, widthCalc } = useSplitSizeUpdater(MIN_PANE_WIDTH); const panes = useSelector(selectPanesEntries); const hasSplit = useSelector(isSplit); const correlationDetails = useSelector(selectCorrelationDetails); const { drawerOpened, setDrawerOpened, queryLibraryAvailable } = useQueriesDrawerContext(); const showCorrelationEditorBar = config.featureToggles.correlations && (correlationDetails?.editorMode || false); useEffect(() => { //This is needed for breadcrumbs and topnav. //We should probably abstract this out at some point chrome.update({ sectionNav: navModel, }); }, [chrome, navModel]); useKeyboardShortcuts(); return (

{showCorrelationEditorBar && } size && updateSplitSize(size)} > {[exploreId]) => { return ( ); })} {drawerOpened && ( { setDrawerOpened(false); }} /> )}
); } const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => { return { pageScrollbarWrapper: css({ width: '100%', flexGrow: 1, minHeight: 0, height: '100%', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', }), correlationsEditorIndicator: css({ borderLeft: `4px solid ${theme.colors.primary.main}`, borderRight: `4px solid ${theme.colors.primary.main}`, borderBottom: `4px solid ${theme.colors.primary.main}`, overflow: 'scroll', }), }; };