import angular from 'angular'; import _ from 'lodash'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import { importPluginModule } from './plugin_loader'; import { UnknownPanelCtrl } from 'app/plugins/panel/unknown/module'; import { DashboardRowCtrl } from './row_ctrl'; /** @ngInject **/ function pluginDirectiveLoader($compile, datasourceSrv, $rootScope, $q, $http, $templateCache) { function getTemplate(component) { if (component.template) { return $q.when(component.template); } var cached = $templateCache.get(component.templateUrl); if (cached) { return $q.when(cached); } return $http.get(component.templateUrl).then(res => { return; }); } function relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(templateUrl, baseUrl) { if (!templateUrl) { return undefined; } if (templateUrl.indexOf('public') === 0) { return templateUrl; } return baseUrl + '/' + templateUrl; } function getPluginComponentDirective(options) { // handle relative template urls for plugin templates options.Component.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(options.Component.templateUrl, options.baseUrl); return function() { return { templateUrl: options.Component.templateUrl, template: options.Component.template, restrict: 'E', controller: options.Component, controllerAs: 'ctrl', bindToController: true, scope: options.bindings, link: (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) => { if ( {, elem, attrs, ctrl); } if (ctrl.init) { ctrl.init(); } }, }; }; } function loadPanelComponentInfo(scope, attrs) { if (scope.panel.type === 'row') { return $q.when({ name: 'dashboard-row', bindings: { dashboard: '=', panel: '=' }, attrs: { dashboard: 'ctrl.dashboard', panel: 'panel' }, Component: DashboardRowCtrl, }); } var componentInfo: any = { name: 'panel-plugin-' + scope.panel.type, bindings: { dashboard: '=', panel: '=', row: '=' }, attrs: { dashboard: 'dashboard', panel: 'panel', class: 'panel-height-helper', }, }; let panelInfo = config.panels[scope.panel.type]; var panelCtrlPromise = Promise.resolve(UnknownPanelCtrl); if (panelInfo) { panelCtrlPromise = importPluginModule(panelInfo.module).then(function(panelModule) { return panelModule.PanelCtrl; }); } return panelCtrlPromise.then(function(PanelCtrl: any) { componentInfo.Component = PanelCtrl; if (!PanelCtrl || PanelCtrl.registered) { return componentInfo; } if (PanelCtrl.templatePromise) { return PanelCtrl.templatePromise.then(res => { return componentInfo; }); } if (panelInfo) { PanelCtrl.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(PanelCtrl.templateUrl, panelInfo.baseUrl); } PanelCtrl.templatePromise = getTemplate(PanelCtrl).then(template => { PanelCtrl.templateUrl = null; PanelCtrl.template = `${template}`; return componentInfo; }); return PanelCtrl.templatePromise; }); } function getModule(scope, attrs) { switch (attrs.type) { // QueryCtrl case 'query-ctrl': { let datasource = || scope.ctrl.panel.datasource; return datasourceSrv.get(datasource).then(ds => { scope.datasource = ds; return importPluginModule(ds.meta.module).then(dsModule => { return { baseUrl: ds.meta.baseUrl, name: 'query-ctrl-' +, bindings: { target: '=', panelCtrl: '=', datasource: '=' }, attrs: { target: 'target', 'panel-ctrl': 'ctrl.panelCtrl', datasource: 'datasource', }, Component: dsModule.QueryCtrl, }; }); }); } // QueryOptionsCtrl case 'query-options-ctrl': { return datasourceSrv.get(scope.ctrl.panel.datasource).then(ds => { return importPluginModule(ds.meta.module).then((dsModule): any => { if (!dsModule.QueryOptionsCtrl) { return { notFound: true }; } return { baseUrl: ds.meta.baseUrl, name: 'query-options-ctrl-' +, bindings: { panelCtrl: '=' }, attrs: { 'panel-ctrl': 'ctrl.panelCtrl' }, Component: dsModule.QueryOptionsCtrl, }; }); }); } // Annotations case 'annotations-query-ctrl': { return importPluginModule(scope.ctrl.currentDatasource.meta.module).then(function(dsModule) { return { baseUrl: scope.ctrl.currentDatasource.meta.baseUrl, name: 'annotations-query-ctrl-' +, bindings: { annotation: '=', datasource: '=' }, attrs: { annotation: 'ctrl.currentAnnotation', datasource: 'ctrl.currentDatasource', }, Component: dsModule.AnnotationsQueryCtrl, }; }); } // Datasource ConfigCtrl case 'datasource-config-ctrl': { var dsMeta = scope.ctrl.datasourceMeta; return importPluginModule(dsMeta.module).then(function(dsModule): any { if (!dsModule.ConfigCtrl) { return { notFound: true }; } return { baseUrl: dsMeta.baseUrl, name: 'ds-config-' +, bindings: { meta: '=', current: '=' }, attrs: { meta: 'ctrl.datasourceMeta', current: 'ctrl.current' }, Component: dsModule.ConfigCtrl, }; }); } // AppConfigCtrl case 'app-config-ctrl': { let model = scope.ctrl.model; return importPluginModule(model.module).then(function(appModule) { return { baseUrl: model.baseUrl, name: 'app-config-' +, bindings: { appModel: '=', appEditCtrl: '=' }, attrs: { 'app-model': 'ctrl.model', 'app-edit-ctrl': 'ctrl' }, Component: appModule.ConfigCtrl, }; }); } // App Page case 'app-page': { let appModel = scope.ctrl.appModel; return importPluginModule(appModel.module).then(function(appModule) { return { baseUrl: appModel.baseUrl, name: 'app-page-' + + '-' +, bindings: { appModel: '=' }, attrs: { 'app-model': 'ctrl.appModel' }, Component: appModule[], }; }); } // Panel case 'panel': { return loadPanelComponentInfo(scope, attrs); } default: { return $q.reject({ message: 'Could not find component type: ' + attrs.type, }); } } } function appendAndCompile(scope, elem, componentInfo) { var child = angular.element(document.createElement(; _.each(componentInfo.attrs, (value, key) => { child.attr(key, value); }); $compile(child)(scope); elem.empty(); // let a binding digest cycle complete before adding to dom setTimeout(function() { elem.append(child); scope.$applyAsync(function() { scope.$broadcast('component-did-mount'); scope.$broadcast('refresh'); }); }); } function registerPluginComponent(scope, elem, attrs, componentInfo) { if (componentInfo.notFound) { elem.empty(); return; } if (!componentInfo.Component) { throw { message: 'Failed to find exported plugin component for ' +, }; } if (!componentInfo.Component.registered) { var directiveName = attrs.$normalize(; var directiveFn = getPluginComponentDirective(componentInfo); coreModule.directive(directiveName, directiveFn); componentInfo.Component.registered = true; } appendAndCompile(scope, elem, componentInfo); } return { restrict: 'E', link: function(scope, elem, attrs) { getModule(scope, attrs) .then(function(componentInfo) { registerPluginComponent(scope, elem, attrs, componentInfo); }) .catch(err => { $rootScope.appEvent('alert-error', ['Plugin Error', err.message || err]); console.log('Plugin component error', err); }); }, }; } coreModule.directive('pluginComponent', pluginDirectiveLoader);