define([ 'angular', 'lodash', 'config', ], function (angular, _, config) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module(''); module.service('panelSrv', function($rootScope, $timeout, datasourceSrv, $q) { this.init = function($scope) { if (!$scope.panel.span) { $scope.panel.span = 12; } $scope.inspector = {}; $scope.editPanel = function() { $scope.toggleFullscreen(true); }; $scope.sharePanel = function() { $scope.appEvent('show-modal', { src: './app/features/dashboard/partials/shareModal.html', scope: $scope.$new() }); }; $scope.editPanelJson = function() { $scope.appEvent('show-json-editor', { object: $scope.panel, updateHandler: $scope.replacePanel }); }; $scope.duplicatePanel = function() { $scope.dashboard.duplicatePanel($scope.panel, $scope.row); }; $scope.updateColumnSpan = function(span) { $scope.updatePanelSpan($scope.panel, span); $timeout(function() { $scope.$broadcast('render'); }); }; $scope.addDataQuery = function() { $scope.panel.targets.push({target: ''}); }; $scope.removeDataQuery = function (query) { $scope.panel.targets = _.without($scope.panel.targets, query); $scope.get_data(); }; $scope.setDatasource = function(datasource) { $scope.panel.datasource = datasource; $scope.datasource = null; $scope.get_data(); }; $scope.toggleEditorHelp = function(index) { if ($scope.editorHelpIndex === index) { $scope.editorHelpIndex = null; return; } $scope.editorHelpIndex = index; }; $scope.isNewPanel = function() { return $scope.panel.title === config.new_panel_title; }; $scope.toggleFullscreen = function(edit) { if (edit && $scope.dashboardMeta.canEdit === false) { $scope.appEvent('alert-warning', [ 'Dashboard not editable', 'Use Save As.. feature to create an editable copy of this dashboard.' ]); return; } $scope.dashboardViewState.update({ fullscreen: true, edit: edit, panelId: $ }); }; $scope.otherPanelInFullscreenMode = function() { return $scope.dashboardViewState.fullscreen && !$scope.fullscreen; }; $scope.getCurrentDatasource = function() { if ($scope.datasource) { return $q.when($scope.datasource); } return datasourceSrv.get($scope.panel.datasource); }; $scope.get_data = function() { if ($scope.otherPanelInFullscreenMode()) { return; } if ($scope.panel.snapshotData) { if ($scope.loadSnapshot) { $scope.loadSnapshot($scope.panel.snapshotData); } return; } delete $scope.panelMeta.error; $scope.panelMeta.loading = true; $scope.getCurrentDatasource().then(function(datasource) { $scope.datasource = datasource; return $scope.refreshData($scope.datasource) || $q.when({}); }).then(function() { $scope.panelMeta.loading = false; }, function(err) { console.log('Panel data error:', err); $scope.panelMeta.loading = false; $scope.panelMeta.error = err.message || "Timeseries data request error"; $scope.inspector.error = err; }); }; if ($scope.refreshData) { $scope.$on("refresh", $scope.get_data); } // Post init phase $scope.fullscreen = false; $scope.editor = { index: 1 }; $scope.dashboardViewState.registerPanel($scope); $scope.datasources = datasourceSrv.getMetricSources(); if (!$scope.skipDataOnInit) { $timeout(function() { $scope.get_data(); }, 30); } }; }); });