import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { configureStore } from '../../store/configureStore'; import { PlaylistPage } from './PlaylistPage'; const fnMock = jest.fn(); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime') as unknown as object), getBackendSrv: () => ({ get: fnMock, }), })); jest.mock('app/core/services/context_srv', () => ({ contextSrv: { isEditor: true, }, })); function getTestContext() { const store = configureStore(); return render( ); } describe('PlaylistPage', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); describe('when mounted without a playlist', () => { it('page should load', () => { fnMock.mockResolvedValue([]); const { getByText } = getTestContext(); expect(getByText(/loading/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('then show empty list', async () => { const { getByText } = getTestContext(); await waitFor(() => getByText('There are no playlists created yet')); }); describe('and signed in user is not a viewer', () => { it('then create playlist button should not be disabled', async () => { contextSrv.isEditor = true; const { getByRole } = getTestContext(); const createPlaylistButton = await waitFor(() => getByRole('link', { name: /create playlist/i })); expect(createPlaylistButton).not.toHaveStyle('pointer-events: none'); }); }); describe('and signed in user is a viewer', () => { it('then create playlist button should be disabled', async () => { contextSrv.isEditor = false; const { getByRole } = getTestContext(); const createPlaylistButton = await waitFor(() => getByRole('link', { name: /create playlist/i })); expect(createPlaylistButton).toHaveStyle('pointer-events: none'); }); }); }); describe('when mounted with a playlist', () => { it('page should load', () => { fnMock.mockResolvedValue([ { id: 0, name: 'A test playlist', interval: '10m', items: [ { title: 'First item', type: 'dashboard_by_uid', value: '1' }, { title: 'Middle item', type: 'dashboard_by_uid', value: '2' }, { title: 'Last item', type: 'dashboard_by_tag', value: 'Last item' }, ], uid: 'playlist-0', }, ]); const { getByText } = getTestContext(); expect(getByText(/loading/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); describe('and signed in user is not a viewer', () => { it('then playlist title and all playlist buttons should appear on the page', async () => { contextSrv.isEditor = true; const { getByRole, getByText } = getTestContext(); await waitFor(() => getByText('A test playlist')); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /New playlist/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('button', { name: /Start playlist/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /Edit playlist/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('button', { name: /Delete playlist/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('and signed in user is a viewer', () => { it('then playlist title and only start playlist button should appear on the page', async () => { contextSrv.isEditor = false; const { getByRole, getByText, queryByRole } = getTestContext(); await waitFor(() => getByText('A test playlist')); expect(queryByRole('link', { name: /New playlist/i })).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('button', { name: /Start playlist/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByRole('link', { name: /Edit playlist/i })).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(queryByRole('button', { name: /Delete playlist/i })).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); }); });