import { dateTime, ExploreUrlState, LogsSortOrder } from '@grafana/data'; import { serializeStateToUrlParam } from '@grafana/data/src/utils/url'; import { RefreshPicker } from '@grafana/ui'; import store from 'app/core/store'; import { DEFAULT_RANGE } from 'app/features/explore/state/utils'; import { DatasourceSrvMock, MockDataSourceApi } from '../../../test/mocks/datasource_srv'; import { buildQueryTransaction, hasNonEmptyQuery, refreshIntervalToSortOrder, updateHistory, getExploreUrl, GetExploreUrlArguments, getTimeRange, generateEmptyQuery, } from './explore'; const DEFAULT_EXPLORE_STATE: ExploreUrlState = { datasource: '', queries: [], range: DEFAULT_RANGE, }; const defaultDs = new MockDataSourceApi('default datasource', { data: ['default data'] }); const datasourceSrv = new DatasourceSrvMock(defaultDs, { 'generate empty query': new MockDataSourceApi('generateEmptyQuery'), ds1: { name: 'testDs', type: 'loki', } as MockDataSourceApi, }); const getDataSourceSrvMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(datasourceSrv); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), getDataSourceSrv: () => getDataSourceSrvMock(), })); describe('state functions', () => { describe('serializeStateToUrlParam', () => { it('returns url parameter value for a state object', () => { const state = { ...DEFAULT_EXPLORE_STATE, datasource: 'foo', queries: [ { expr: 'metric{test="a/b"}', refId: 'A', }, { expr: 'super{foo="x/z"}', refId: 'B', }, ], range: { from: 'now-5h', to: 'now', }, }; expect(serializeStateToUrlParam(state)).toBe( '{"datasource":"foo","queries":[{"expr":"metric{test=\\"a/b\\"}","refId":"A"},' + '{"expr":"super{foo=\\"x/z\\"}","refId":"B"}],"range":{"from":"now-5h","to":"now"}}' ); }); }); }); describe('getExploreUrl', () => { const args = { panel: { getSavedId: () => 1, targets: [ { refId: 'A', expr: 'query1', legendFormat: 'legendFormat1' }, { refId: 'B', expr: 'query2', datasource: { type: '__expr__', uid: '__expr__' } }, ], }, datasourceSrv: { get() { return { getRef: jest.fn(), }; }, getDataSourceById: jest.fn(), }, timeSrv: { timeRange: () => ({ raw: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' } }), }, } as unknown as GetExploreUrlArguments; it('should omit legendFormat in explore url', () => { expect(getExploreUrl(args).then((data) => expect(data).not.toMatch(/legendFormat1/g))); }); it('should omit expression target in explore url', () => { expect(getExploreUrl(args).then((data) => expect(data).not.toMatch(/__expr__/g))); }); }); describe('updateHistory()', () => { const datasourceId = 'myDatasource'; const key = `grafana.explore.history.${datasourceId}`; beforeEach(() => { store.delete(key); expect(store.exists(key)).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should save history item to localStorage', () => { const expected = [ { query: { refId: '1', expr: 'metric' }, }, ]; expect(updateHistory([], datasourceId, [{ refId: '1', expr: 'metric' }])).toMatchObject(expected); expect(store.exists(key)).toBeTruthy(); expect(store.getObject(key)).toMatchObject(expected); }); }); describe('hasNonEmptyQuery', () => { test('should return true if one query is non-empty', () => { expect(hasNonEmptyQuery([{ refId: '1', key: '2', context: 'explore', expr: 'foo' }])).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should return false if query is empty', () => { expect(hasNonEmptyQuery([{ refId: '1', key: '2', context: 'panel', datasource: { uid: 'some-ds' } }])).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should return false if no queries exist', () => { expect(hasNonEmptyQuery([])).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('getTimeRange', () => { describe('should flip from and to when from is after to', () => { const rawRange = { from: 'now', to: 'now-6h', }; const range = getTimeRange('utc', rawRange, 0); expect(range.from.isBefore(; }); }); describe('refreshIntervalToSortOrder', () => { describe('when called with live option', () => { it('then it should return ascending', () => { const result = refreshIntervalToSortOrder(RefreshPicker.liveOption.value); expect(result).toBe(LogsSortOrder.Ascending); }); }); describe('when called with off option', () => { it('then it should return descending', () => { const result = refreshIntervalToSortOrder(RefreshPicker.offOption.value); expect(result).toBe(LogsSortOrder.Descending); }); }); describe('when called with 5s option', () => { it('then it should return descending', () => { const result = refreshIntervalToSortOrder('5s'); expect(result).toBe(LogsSortOrder.Descending); }); }); describe('when called with undefined', () => { it('then it should return descending', () => { const result = refreshIntervalToSortOrder(undefined); expect(result).toBe(LogsSortOrder.Descending); }); }); }); describe('when buildQueryTransaction', () => { it('it should calculate interval based on time range', () => { const queries = [{ refId: 'A' }]; const queryOptions = { maxDataPoints: 1000, minInterval: '15s' }; const range = { from: dateTime().subtract(1, 'd'), to: dateTime(), raw: { from: '1h', to: '1h' } }; const transaction = buildQueryTransaction('left', queries, queryOptions, range, false); expect(transaction.request.intervalMs).toEqual(60000); }); it('it should calculate interval taking minInterval into account', () => { const queries = [{ refId: 'A' }]; const queryOptions = { maxDataPoints: 1000, minInterval: '15s' }; const range = { from: dateTime().subtract(1, 'm'), to: dateTime(), raw: { from: '1h', to: '1h' } }; const transaction = buildQueryTransaction('left', queries, queryOptions, range, false); expect(transaction.request.intervalMs).toEqual(15000); }); it('it should calculate interval taking maxDataPoints into account', () => { const queries = [{ refId: 'A' }]; const queryOptions = { maxDataPoints: 10, minInterval: '15s' }; const range = { from: dateTime().subtract(1, 'd'), to: dateTime(), raw: { from: '1h', to: '1h' } }; const transaction = buildQueryTransaction('left', queries, queryOptions, range, false); expect(transaction.request.interval).toEqual('2h'); }); }); describe('generateEmptyQuery', () => { it('should generate query with dataSourceOverride and without queries', async () => { const query = await generateEmptyQuery([], 1, { type: 'loki', uid: 'ds1' }); expect(query.datasource?.uid).toBe('ds1'); expect(query.datasource?.type).toBe('loki'); expect(query.refId).toBe('A'); }); it('should generate query without dataSourceOverride and with queries', async () => { const query = await generateEmptyQuery( [ { datasource: { type: 'loki', uid: 'ds1' }, refId: 'A', }, ], 1 ); expect(query.datasource?.uid).toBe('ds1'); expect(query.datasource?.type).toBe('loki'); expect(query.refId).toBe('B'); }); it('should generate a query with a unique refId', async () => { const query = await generateEmptyQuery([{ refId: 'A' }], 2); expect(query.refId).not.toBe('A'); }); });