/// import _ from 'lodash'; import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn'; import {QueryCtrl} from 'app/plugins/sdk'; export class OpenTsQueryCtrl extends QueryCtrl { static templateUrl = 'partials/query.editor.html'; aggregators: any; fillPolicies: any; filterTypes: any; tsdbVersion: any; aggregator: any; downsampleInterval: any; downsampleAggregator: any; downsampleFillPolicy: any; errors: any; suggestMetrics: any; suggestTagKeys: any; suggestTagValues: any; addTagMode: boolean; addFilterMode: boolean; /** @ngInject **/ constructor($scope, $injector) { super($scope, $injector); this.errors = this.validateTarget(); this.aggregators = ['avg', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'dev', 'zimsum', 'mimmin', 'mimmax']; this.fillPolicies = ['none', 'nan', 'null', 'zero']; this.filterTypes = ['wildcard','iliteral_or','not_iliteral_or','not_literal_or','iwildcard','literal_or','regexp']; this.tsdbVersion = this.datasource.tsdbVersion; if (!this.target.aggregator) { this.target.aggregator = 'sum'; } if (!this.target.downsampleAggregator) { this.target.downsampleAggregator = 'avg'; } if (!this.target.downsampleFillPolicy) { this.target.downsampleFillPolicy = 'none'; } this.datasource.getAggregators().then((aggs) => { this.aggregators = aggs; }); // needs to be defined here as it is called from typeahead this.suggestMetrics = (query, callback) => { this.datasource.metricFindQuery('metrics(' + query + ')') .then(this.getTextValues) .then(callback); }; this.suggestTagKeys = (query, callback) => { this.datasource.suggestTagKeys(this.target.metric).then(callback); }; this.suggestTagValues = (query, callback) => { this.datasource.metricFindQuery('suggest_tagv(' + query + ')') .then(this.getTextValues) .then(callback); }; } targetBlur() { this.errors = this.validateTarget(); this.refresh(); } getTextValues(metricFindResult) { return _.map(metricFindResult, function(value) { return value.text; }); } addTag() { if (this.target.filters && this.target.filters.length > 0) { this.errors.tags = "Please remove filters to use tags, tags and filters are mutually exclusive."; } if (!this.addTagMode) { this.addTagMode = true; return; } if (!this.target.tags) { this.target.tags = {}; } this.errors = this.validateTarget(); if (!this.errors.tags) { this.target.tags[this.target.currentTagKey] = this.target.currentTagValue; this.target.currentTagKey = ''; this.target.currentTagValue = ''; this.targetBlur(); } this.addTagMode = false; } removeTag(key) { delete this.target.tags[key]; this.targetBlur(); } editTag(key, value) { this.removeTag(key); this.target.currentTagKey = key; this.target.currentTagValue = value; this.addTag(); } closeAddTagMode() { this.addTagMode = false; return; } addFilter() { if (this.target.tags && _.size(this.target.tags) > 0) { this.errors.filters = "Please remove tags to use filters, tags and filters are mutually exclusive."; } if (!this.addFilterMode) { this.addFilterMode = true; return; } if (!this.target.filters) { this.target.filters = []; } if (!this.target.currentFilterType) { this.target.currentFilterType = 'literal_or'; } if (!this.target.currentFilterGroupBy) { this.target.currentFilterGroupBy = false; } this.errors = this.validateTarget(); if (!this.errors.filters) { var currentFilter = { type: this.target.currentFilterType, tagk: this.target.currentFilterKey, filter: this.target.currentFilterValue, groupBy: this.target.currentFilterGroupBy }; this.target.filters.push(currentFilter); this.target.currentFilterType = 'literal_or'; this.target.currentFilterKey = ''; this.target.currentFilterValue = ''; this.target.currentFilterGroupBy = false; this.targetBlur(); } this.addFilterMode = false; } removeFilter(index) { this.target.filters.splice(index, 1); this.targetBlur(); } editFilter(fil, index) { this.removeFilter(index); this.target.currentFilterKey = fil.tagk; this.target.currentFilterValue = fil.filter; this.target.currentFilterType = fil.type; this.target.currentFilterGroupBy = fil.groupBy; this.addFilter(); } closeAddFilterMode() { this.addFilterMode = false; return; } validateTarget() { var errs: any = {}; if (this.target.shouldDownsample) { try { if (this.target.downsampleInterval) { kbn.describe_interval(this.target.downsampleInterval); } else { errs.downsampleInterval = "You must supply a downsample interval (e.g. '1m' or '1h')."; } } catch (err) { errs.downsampleInterval = err.message; } } if (this.target.tags && _.has(this.target.tags, this.target.currentTagKey)) { errs.tags = "Duplicate tag key '" + this.target.currentTagKey + "'."; } return errs; } }